Hi, a few issues with the bio: it seems to imply that Ji-Hoon was born and raised in Korea; "It wasn’t horrible but Ji-Hoon constantly wanted to go home. He missed Korea, and thought Wales was too wet and smelled bad." To attend Hogwarts, the student must have been born in the UK. Some explanation of how Ji-Hoon's parents met, and why his father was not involved in his life (as well as how Mrs. Park knew the father and how to locate him, and why there were no legal repercussions faced by Min-Ji for attempting to murder her son and being caught in the act by a coworker/friend. Please change the title to ~ Edited once you're done. Thanks! - Weasley



NICKNAMES Ji-Hoonie, Jiji


FACECLAIM Lee Jihoon (i swear i picked his name before i found his face)

AGE 11

BIRTHDAY March 1, 2034



WAND 9in/Hemlock/Skrewt Claw

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR First Year


DREAM JOB Undecided


TRAIT Stoic Ji-Hoon isn’t the best at expressing himself and tends to be rather quiet around everyone. It takes a lot to get really big reactions out of him (that aren’t anger at least). The only time he really opens up is in private and usually only around his two closest friends, Jack and Ha-Yun.
TRAIT Daring Ji-Hoon has a very low sense of self preservation and so he tends to do things that most people wouldn’t do for fear of getting hurt. Like...constantly attempting to run away from home, or mouthing off at random strangers that are much bigger than him (which doesn’t take a lot). This is a good thing and a bad thing because he is not one to back down from a challenge...well as long as he is actively interested in said challenge.
TRAIT Soft Despite his extremely rough exterior, Ji-Hoon is very sensitive. He takes criticism very harshly, especially if it is from someone he actually cares about. He may not outwardly react but he definitely remembers and lets it eat at him. He kind of just wants to feel wanted, despite how he tends to push people away.
TRAIT Cynical Despite his age, Ji-Hoon has already seen many of the darker parts of the world and it’s made him grow up faster than most people his age. So he tends to be more of a pessimist than most of the rest of his family (sans Jin.)So he is slow to trust and even slower to open up.
TRAIT Destructive Less external destruction and more internal. He has fairly low self-worth and tends to let that keep him from actually growing in the ways he would need to at his age, such as with making friends. He doesn’t know how to really lift himself up and so his destructive nature comes out with his constant running away from home.
TRAIT Stubborn It doesn’t take long for Ji-Hoon to make up his mind about something, and once he has it is very unlikely that an external source will cause him to change his mind.

■ Sleeping
■ Dancing(But only w/Ha-Yun)
■ Winter/Snow
■ Grapes
■ Cooking
■ Painting

■ Kyu-Hyun
■ Dealing with people
■ Sweets
■ Speaking English
■ Being awake

■ Stubborn
■ Strong willed

■ Reckless
■ Slow to trust

■ Continuing to be worthless
■ Complete darkness
■ Enclosed spaces


EARLY CHILDHOOD Ji-Hoon is the only son of Jeon Min-Ji and Lee Kyu-Hyun. For the first part of his life, Kyu-Hyun had no idea that Ji-Hoon even existed. So for a while it was just Ji-Hoon and his mother. Min-Ji wasn’t the worst mother in the world. They lived in a small apartment near the dance studio that Min-Ji worked at, alongside her old dance instructor. To start off Min-Ji was a rather loving mother, caring for Ji-Hoon as anyone would but as he grew Min-Ji found it harder and harder to take care of the boy when he would throw fits and basically just do things that children do. So sometimes to get him out of her hair, she would either leave the boy at home by himself or she would stick him inside their shared closet and prop the door closed with a chair.Telling him that once he learned how to behave himself then she would let him out. Ji-Hoon hated those times, the dark scared him and he would start to cry and panic while sitting alone in the closet.

Things like this kept up and steadily got worse as he grew, until it came to a head when he was around 7. When he first showed magic. Once again the boy had been locked inside the closet, and as his fear rose his magic decided to show itself. His magic threw the chair across the room, and almost into his mother. After a few more incidents of this nature, Min-Ji confided in her coworker and former dance teacher about the strange things that had been happening around her son. Eventually, Mrs. Park explained to Min-Ji that the boy might be a wizard, since Kyu-Hyun was as well. Min-Ji was appalled that Mrs. Park and Kyu-Hyun had kept such a secret from her, calling the elder woman the devil.

Not to much later, Min-Ji attempted to take Ji-Hoon’s life and he was only spared by his magic and Mrs. Park coming and offering to help Min-Ji find Kyu-Hyun and get him to look after the boy. When this happened, Ji-Hoon was less than happy. He didn’t want to leave his mother, he loved her and it wasn’t her fault that he was a bad son. He was trying to be better but she couldn’t even look at him without fear and disgust in her eyes.

So Ji-Hoon was pushed off onto his father, who he decided he hated, and this new family that was completely integrated into the magical world. It wasn’t horrible but Ji-Hoon constantly wanted to go home. He missed Korea, and thought Wales was too wet and smelled bad. He wanted his home and his mother back and the only person he really felt any kind of comfort around was his Aunt, Ha-Yun, who he practically clung to when she was at home. This was when his escape attempts started. He didn’t really know WHAT he would do if he actually was successful in running away but that didn’t stop him from trying. The worst attempt he ended up getting attacked by a werewolf and was rescued by his Uncle Seok-Jin who got injured in the process. After this attempt he got rather close with Jack, the son of Kyu-Hyun’s boss. He eventually claimed Jack as his best friend. Jack was a nice presence for Ji-Hoon and kind of helped him relax and start to feel like this place could eventually become his home. Although, that didn’t stop his almost bi-monthly runaway attempts though.

FIRST YEAR (what happened your character's first year of school; this section will be added in after their first year is completed)
SECOND YEAR (what happened your character's second year of school; this section will be added in after their second year is completed)
THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


Father Kyu-Hyun Lee
Mother Min-Ji Jeon
AuntHa-Yun Lee
Uncle Seok-Jin Lee

■ Jack Lovette

■ Felicity Ivers


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■ (recent update)

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