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        --------------------《The Pieces of Me》-----------------------------------

        Hello! My name is Neve Frostine

        Some people like to call me Princess, Ice Queen.

        I am Nineteen years old, and I am Female

        I am Five foot, Eight inches tall

        I identify as Heterosexual

        I am a Spellcaster

        --------------------《This is who I am!》-----------------------------------

            Neve was babied by her brothers and mother until her untimely death. From that point onwards, her brothers treated her differently because of her resemblance to her mother. Neve grew up quickly due to circumstance and has quickly learnt that life is harsh regardless of how well off someone is. She learnt that everything is preordained and everything works to a plan that she has no control of. Because of this, Neve has grown cold, cynical and observant. Neve also inherited her father’s skill to read people for their intentions due to having to deal with people in political matters. Although she is how she is, she has a tendency to wear a smile on her face at all times, being a massive flaw and advantage for her. If her face does however change and her smile vanishes, she is about to ensure that you don’t live to see another day.

        Powers and Abilities

            Glass Manipulation
            - Neve inherited her great grandmother’s ability but has mutated thanks to the generations that have been between them turning great grandmothers abilities into Glass Manipulation. Neve has been trained since she was young to master this ability and is a master of her ability able to create barriers and weapons that are sturdy enough to clash with solid metals although glass is still glass. Neve’s glass has a slightly purple hue to it.
            Reflection Magic
            - Thanks to her mother’s teaching before she passed, Neve is well versed in reflection magic thanks to her manipulation of glass. With her Reflection magic, she is able to reflect magic that is cast at her by using the same magic though it won't be as strong as the attack she's reflecting. This form of magic can only work if there is something that can give a reflection. The larger the source, the more it can reflect.
            Portal Magic
            - Neve is able to use her Glass to create portals of short distance that she can travel through, open, communicate through and see through. Though she is still learning it, at the moment she is only capable of keeping two portals open at a time. The portals require her glass to be used for both sides of the portals to work

            Neve has a black ribbon that she uses in her hair

        The History
            Noelle Frostine was lucky to have three children with his beautiful wife, even by their nation’s standard however, although she was beautiful, she was always sickly thanks to the climate. She wasn’t used to the sheer cold of Lumikki and she wasn’t the best when it came to keeping herself healthy, she would always prioritize her children, a trait that even Noelle found amicable due to his own negligence of his kids. When their oldest son reached the age of 10, Noelle’s wife passed away due to illness which left a massive void in Noelle’s heart that not even his children could help mend. He became distant with his kids, his mind only focusing on the people of the nation and their survival in these harsh lands that they had called home. He avoided his sons and daughter out of fear that he would lose them too, he couldn’t bare losing his wife and his kids so he did what he thought was right.

            Noelle waited till each of his children were in their teens before he began watching how their mentality had developed since their mothers passing. It was prevalent that his sons weren’t affected as much. They grieved but they moved on with their lives, they had to, who else was going to take care of them. Nyall at age 17 had become the father figure for Niahyn who was still impressionable for a 15 year old. The only one who seemed to change was Neve who was considerably mature for her young age of 13. Though there was a four year difference between Nyall and Neve, their father could see that she had the mentality and maturity that far exceeded her brothers.

            As they grew up, Nyall and Niahyn become more free and rebellious, wanting to go and fraternize and womanize with as many as they could where Neve was being groomed to be the next head of the family. Noelle and Neve would attend banquets together so that she could form relationships to help her get an understanding of the people and what her responsibilities were and she also learnt that she was betrothed to the head of the Lyallson family. Neve inevitably had to grow up and be an adult before she was even 18 years old while her brothers were out living their best lives.

            Now at the age of 19, she has been sent out of her nation to determine what would be the best course of action for her people to return in a year to see what her choice would be. When she returns she is to be the new head of the nation and married to her fiancé that she has yet to meet.

        ---------------《The One pulling my strings》------------------------------
