This is where profiles for the coming RP go. Please PM me your profile so it can be approved before being placed here. Note that I can reject a submission or ask you to amend your profile, especially if it seems overpowered. SEED Factor and ESA/Newtype either need good justifications, be from canon characters, or need to be developed over time. Those who abuse such powers in the RP may find themselves losing them.


Name: (Character's Name)
Age: (Age)
Genotype: (Natural, Coordinator, Extended, SEED Factor, Enhanced Spatial Awareness/Newtype)
Faction and any Sub Factions: (Earth Alliance [Atlantic, Eurasian, etc], ZAFT [Normal, Zala Extremists], Terminal, ORB Union, etc)
Position: (Mobile suit pilot, Crew member, etc)
Rank: (Rank in Faction if applicable)
Mobile Weapon: (starting Mobile Weapon, if applicable)
Background & Personality: (A good description of your character. Who are they and how did they become that way?)
Appearance: (Optional)