I know it isn't really the 17th but hey I tried yesterday only to be greeted with the "were sorry the website is not fully functional and we are working on it." I was told later that the site issues were fixed before the end of the day but I only do Gaia in the morning. Anyway, I had a medical procedure last Thursday where I had a couple stents put into my iliac arteries for both legs so I am having issues sitting, standing, walking even resting too long. By now the pain should be gone but I think I have multiple issues not least of which is a nagging pain in my lower spine that just does not want to go away (possibly the arthritis I was diagnosed with 9 years ago). One annoying thing was multiple people asked me if I had the procedure before. I didn't know it was that common but nope it took me this many years to have to have this done for the first time.