Young people and fire. What could go wrong? Well in R'ser's experience, a lot of things. Thankfully the most common was not being able to make a fire at all. Nan rumbled from his resting place, imitating a human laugh. They have already begun flaming, surely this can't be that worrying. R'ser turned a raised eyebrow to the blue. Honestly, he seemed to forget the result of every lesson immediately after it happened.

"I trust dragons with fire a lot more than people," R'ser replied dryly as he waited for the class to fall in. He stood in the training ground, surrounded by dry dirt. A table was covered with kindling, flint, everything they needed to start a fire, and a large pile of suitable wood was located off to the side. They weren't quite at the stage of being sent into the wilderness to find their own supplies just yet. Luckily it would still be summer when that time came, so hopefully he wouldn't be dealing with wet, cold, unhappy weyrlings.