Here's my Bio for Namine
••••••••••••••••• A p p e a r a n c e
•••••••••••••••••• B a s i c s
Name: Namine
☆ Age: 15
☆ Kingdom: None
☆ Atlantic Ocean
☆ Mermaid
☆ Female
♡ Drawing
♡ Helping Others
♡ Knowledge
♡ Being With People
☠ Closed spaces
☠ Manipulative People
☠ Being Alone For Too Long
☠ Being Taken Advantage Of
•••••••••••••••••• P e r s o n a l
Personality: Quiet, Peaceful, Forgiving, and Generous
History: Namine is one of 3 daughters of the Merwoman Nadia. Namine and her sisters were very close and always dreaming of the day they'd become 15. That was when they'd become of age to go and explore the ocean waters on their own. Namine had been curious of what lied beyond the waters she knew, but never wanted to leave her sisters behind and venture out on her own. In her spare time, she enjoys drawing on the seaweed or in the sand.
Weakness: Follows orders somewhat easily when she's alone, even if she doesn't want to.
Strength: When she's had enough, she fights back despite what was told to her. Really great artist.
Theme Song: Namine's Theme
Approved by: AnimusHelixRebirth