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"Don't you recognize me?"

Galahad could only stare. It had been the soft twinkling of bells that had first alerted him to her arrival. Though night had long since fallen, the green eyed stallion had been making his rounds before preparing to return to his family. His hours varied on any given day; with Lancelot being more of a nocturnal sort, and Nita as well, the stallion had found himself sleeping odd hours.

He himself was not nocturnal, as many of his wards preferred to practice and train during daylight--but there were some nights that found the stallion up almost all hours.

This was one of those nights--but where everything had seemed at peace, he found that he was caught by surprise. One moment he was alone, the next, there was a twinkling of bells, and out stepped the Angeni of Redemption herself.

How time had changed things.

"Kaiya!" He finally croaked, his surprised expression finally turning into a broad smile. He was quick to trot forward, bridging the distance between them.

The two shared an affectionate nuzzle, before stepping back to better examine one another. The angeni herself gave a small smile, her eyes bright with mirth. "I see the years have treated you well. Some new scars, but also new strength."

Galahad gave a snort and a flick of his tail. "I think the same can be said about you! You haven't aged at all." And that was an understatement. She had always been well older than himself--but her hair had grown, and she herself was substantially larger in appearance. There was both a power and peace about her, and it was quite clear she had gone through some sort of incredible change. There had been Elders among Islagiatt as well was the Elderwillow Camp -- Yei, Bella, and Flame. He was no stranger to the spirits who blessed others... and it appeared as if his old mentor had found herself down a similar path.

The stallion gave a small, reverent dip of his head. "Forgive me--I simply didn't expect to cross paths. While my faith in the spirits never wavered, it has been some time since we last spoke. I hardly know where to begin." He gave a low chuckle and a toss of his mane.

The Angeni smiled apologetically. "It has been some time, hasn't it? I assure you--I never meant to take so long in my return. Forgive me, please, for all-but-abandoning you. The work I had to see to alone took longer than I'd expected--and then, you may have noticed, the spirits had me walk a new path." It was a great blessing to be an Elder Angeni among the Kawani--and she had certainly kept herself busy. Between granting Raiju foals and raising Kahiau on her own; helping Cuah with the development of the Angeni Charms, and then seeking to save Skinwalkers from their fates, the mare had been quite busy. On top of trying to save the souls she passed, time truly had gotten away from the mare.

Galahad was quite curious to know what Kaiya had been up to all those years--but he wouldn't pry. Yet. She had come to spend time in the Elderwillow Camp years before, when he was hardly a grown colt--and now, once again, she had appeared. "Nothing to forgive. I was certain we would meet again, one way or another--and understand you've always been a duty bound mare. Might you be able to stay a spell. Or are you but passing through?"

The angeni's eyes lit with pleasure. "I am in no hurry to take my leave, provided you don't mind me wandering through. I see, after all the years away, you've finally settled yourself at home."

Galahad gave a nod. "Indeed. I will confess to being a bit aimless after we parted ways. Though I put my healing talents to good use, I was a bit lost. Eventually, I returned home, and did indeed find new purpose. I might be a bit older, and a lot greyer, but between your training and experience, and the teachings of my family, I've been able to rear a new generation of heroes to continue the good work and fight the good fight. I might not be saving souls, but I'm helping give new purpose to those who were once as lost as I." And that, the unicorn decided, was a life well lived.

"I might not be traveling as you--but the spirits always have a way of working things out. I've taken a handful under my figurative wing, and will continue to do so, as the spirits might provide." There was never any guarantee that there would be souls out there that needed him -- but if he ran out of pupils, than he'd forge a new path. Life was much like the changing of seasons. Nothing ever stayed the same, and he'd come to accept such change with age and experience.

"I take it you're settled in these lands then?" Kaiya asked with a small tilt of her head.

The stallion gave a snort and a small stomp of his hoof. "Are any of us truly settled? I suppose I am more than I had been when I was younger. I once left this place--but it seems I had a destiny to return. Why?" He asked with a rueful grin. "In need of a seasoned knight to accompany you on your journey?"

The mare gave a small laugh, but then replied, "Yes, actually. I was curious to see if you'd wish to return--or at least know the invitation is extended once more. I'm still attempting to redeem the damned and save the wicked, if such a thing still interests you?"

Galahad, for his part, was genuinely surprised. Hadn't this always been what he'd wanted? Hadn't this what he'd been waiting for? Hadn't he spent so much of his life waiting for the opportunity to return to her side?

For a moment, he hesitated, thinking about what he might gain. To once again off himself as her shield, to help those who needed it most, and to know he was helping those who needed it most. And yet. Wasn't that what he was doing here? He might not have as large a range of territory to seek out those in need--certainly not like Kaiya, who had the entire Kawani, if not the world. But he had room enough to train, and could always adventure out with Nita or his wards as they so desired. He could train them to travel the world, to pick up where his had ended. Admittedly, he wasn't as young as he had been, while far from old, wasn't quite as spry as he used to be. Time had changed him, though not as well as it had her.

As pretty a thought it was, to think of her offer, of those days long come and gone, it wasn't nearly as appealing as it once was. His heart was at peace, and he knew he was needed here--to defend his family, friends, loved ones, and strangers alike; to use his skills to ensure new generations could defend and protect themselves, or even save others.

Now that he was here, and she was offering him the chance to get out into the world--he knew exactly what he was to say. "I'm honored--truly. And for a long time, I thought traveling the world once more is where I was meant to be. But my work is here now, and I've new responsibilities I won't abandon." He gave a small, rueful grin. "I might be slowing down in my age... But I'm still doing the spirit's work, just as you taught. Perhaps one day we'll reunite again, but I'm afraid, the timing simply isn't right."

He was a unicorn, and a knight. He didn't want her to think he was turning his back on the world--but he also had responsibilities. He had left the Elderwillow Camp for much of his life--and now, it seemed, he was making up for the loss. "I've a few promising youths in training, and I've been helping keep watch over neighboring territories from whatever might try to disturb their peace." With the skinwalker attack on the Elderwillow Camp, Galahad didn't feel he could leave. Even in times of relative peace, there was still darkness out there--and it didn't always take the shape of a skinwalker.

"I apologize if you've come all this way to... be let down."

"Nonsense!" Kaiya spoke swiftly, pale eyes softening. "I came to meet up with an old friend, and make amends for our long time apart. You've grown up well--and I would very much like to better get to know you, and perhaps meet some of your up-and-coming wards. No matter whether we fight together once more, or simply remain kindred spirits and friends--I am blessed to have you in my life." She gave a dip of her head.

Ever a gallant gentleman, the stallion gave a low chuckle and a flick of his tail. "Well then, m'lady--might you care to accompany me back to the herdlands? We've much to discuss--and I doubt we'll fit it all within one night."
