It was almost odd the sudden change to routine had brought. Instead of wondering which pup he would give his attention to each night there was only one, but what a handful that one proved to be. Whether she knew it or not, his Jelsk was just as demanding and sometimes temperamental as all golds were known for if in her own way. She didn't primp and preen, maybe because whers needed so little care for their hides though she was still young, but she craved constant entertainment and curiosities to save her from the dreaded state known as 'boredom'.

Jelric had thought himself smart to think of small things to help amuse the pups during the first month, bringing a toy or playing a game for the odd hour or two the pups would be awake for. That time was slowly growing and now he had the complete focus of the litter's biggest, physically and intellectually, critic. The man gave maybe one more month before his gold would start losing her patience at being kept within the den that was already crowded enough with her seven growing clutch brothers and sisters and the few adult greens that supervised them under Mezask's attentive watch.

A large yawn escaped him, causing him to pause his tuber chopping. How much sleep did he get last night? Four, no more then 6 candlemarks maybe at most he figured. Now that it was confirmed Jelric was on his way to becoming a proper handler his mornings were now free but he still needed to report to the kitchens for afternoon and early evening duties before his wher woke... whenever that might be. Could be just after sun set, after midnight, or even short bursts through the night broken by naps. His days were filled with thoughts of what to give her next when she became bored with the current thing.

For now, most of the pups free time was playing now they were all confident on thier feet. That and chewing, gummy mouths now filling with the first pricks of teeth. He might get through the month alone just on bringing Jelsk different bones to chew from different animals. I will be months before she sees a whole carcass, but Jelric could already imagine her annoying the others by playing with their food. The man sighed with fatigue, that was a battle to overcome when they got there.

The growing sounds of voices and clattering cutlery told him the sun was setting without even needing to look. He didn't feel anything through their bond, so Jelsk must still be sleeping. The other handler in the kitchens, the quiet Ifera, was still working by getting started on washing the first plates coming back. Her green would and could wait for her, but his young gold wouldn't. Another candlemark and it should be dark enough that he could ask to be excused.

The man worked on until he thought he had a tapping feeling in his mind. Wher bonds were not as strong or vocal as dragons, so he wasn't sure if it was his imagination until a hefty thump. Jelsk had to be awake. Putting down the pot he informed Headwoman who just waved him off, she was too busy to mind him. Take up the fresh bone he had picked out for his pup he jogged across the bowl, taking a quick breather before entering. The young gold looked ready to chew him out again for making her wait, but seeing the bundle in her handlers hands curiosity got the better of her. She could forgive him, if the gift was interesting enough to excuse his absence. It was a bone, long and flat unlike she had seen before. Taking a nibble it tasted familiar, taking time to lick and scrap the meat scraps still clinging to the bone as she pondered it size and shape as she soothed her gums.

Once she was happy her bone was clean of all the good tastes, she left it with Jelric to go play. Her patience at seeing Thask trying to sit where a couple of their green sisters where piling sand into a hill was thinning and she had to pull him out before he got himself buried.

Just another normal night.