Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 10:25 pm
Here you will find the online competitive Pokemon battle rankings of members of Team Snagem. Rankings are established by earning points in Team Snagem sanctioned tournaments involving the latest generation of Pokemon games. The rankings are mostly for fun and bragging rights so don't take them too seriously. Below you'll find a break down of what earns you points and how many.
1 Point for every opposing Pokemon knocked out. 1 Point for every Pokemon you have left at the end of battle. 3 Points for winning a battle. 3 Points for participating in a tournament. 3 Points for coming in third place. 5 Points for coming in second place. 10 Points for winning a tournament. 5 Points for defeating the reigning champion. 0.4 Points (rounded up) for every point higher than your own rank when defeating a person of a higher rank.
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 10:39 pm
[Battle Rankings] 1. Atlantis_Darts [76] 2. Blizzard120 [54] 3. SubonicXP [54] 4. Darksol88 [30] 5. Ant [22] 6. RCCaughtem [15] 7. Dragon [8] 8. Kaya [7]