Hello. In Nickelodeon GUTS when I was talking about it, I made a miscount in the Crag Event's Heights:
Aggro Crag = 22 Feet
Mega Crag = 28 Feet
Super Aggro Crag = 30 Feet
Both the Aggro & Mega Crags in the Extreme Arena of the GUTS Set stand 22 to 28 Feet Tall.
One thing to note is that during an episode of Guts, in the Final event, someone jumped off Boulder Canyon and crossed into another Player's Path without paying attention resulting in an Automatic 3rd Place Finish & that was not good.
I don't remember what 3 players were in that episode.
Another thing worth mentioning is that Global Guts had a Finale Episode. After the World Championship ended, there was one more episode being the Special Olympics Episode where ET from the Universal Studios Theme Park makes a Guest Appearance at the end to deliver the Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals along with the Crag Trophy.