Name: DeoLux
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Hybrid Shiny Luxray
Hometown: Sandgem, Sinnoh Region
color of fur: Shiny gold and black
likes: fresh made Poffins, his team, Zwei, doing what is right
dislikes: Anarchy (chaos to the extreme), people who think they are better than him

Background: A young but mighty Luxray Hybrid, standing around 7'9" and weighing 344lbs, built to the brim with muscles. Even though he is powerful, he is shy. He is one for a good meal, a good workout, and a good lesson. He however is a great chef and knows his way about and through the kitchen. With him being a talented cook, he got a job in the Sinnoh region as a cook at a resturaunt in Sandgem. He also is known to be shy but when angered he is quick to fight, but also quick to calm.

He was a normal human that lived in Sandgem most of his life and he was walking home from work as a programmer for the Sandgem Police Department after a good day at work after a promotion to Captain. He was suddenly knocked out and when he awoke he was not a human anymore, but a luxray hybrid. Shiny and a towering hulk of a muscular form. He was uncertain on his new powers. As such, he broke his chains and broke free with a fervor that he had never felt before. After he broke free, he fled to Sandgem. Where he boarded the next boat out of Sandgem with only the items in his apartment that he could take in a large suitcase.

When he joined Snagem, he discovered that he had more care for them than the other people in Sandgem where he is from. Discovering that he has a good form of athletics and has an extreme appetite that can be cured through freshly made poffins, he discovered that somethings could be solved through means other than physical violence. (Updated 7/8/2021)
His eternal hunger was sated when he finally had his fill in HQ and learned he was tougher and stronger than most in the guild, but also was more ashamed of his form. He is friends with a yamper hybrid and has also considered it to be a emotional support animal. He also has learned that his team will be his friends. While at the same time, he thinks that they will enjoy his cooking as he is deciding to take up being the team cook. (Updated: 1/11/2023)

His outfit is inspired by the biker wear of the US bikers. He has boots made especially for his lower paws, leather style pants with a spiked belt, he also has a white shirt under a unzipped leather jacket with spikes on the top, the short sleeves have the SNAGEM logo on the shoulder. Often wears a pair of shades with his outfit. Wears a pair of dogtags with his name and badge number

His hybrid form has digitigrade legs with his feet being paws with paw pads and toes being feline with sharp claws which he keeps sharpened. Black and golden fur cover his body and head, which itself is a luxray shaped head, with a smooth, clean, and shiny coat that he takes 1.5-2 hours to keep in shape. despite the lower paws being feline, he has normal like hands with smaller paw pads with his fingers having sharp claws that he keeps a file with at all times. He sports a luxray's tail with his pants having been made especially for such. His body was made into a bodybuilder shape after the super-soldier hybrid serum was forced onto him. His teeth are normal humans, except for 4 large fangs where sharp fangs would be. He sports a snout and also some human like blue eyes. His voice is a deep but beautiful baritone if needed. (edited 3/17/2024)

- Rex (Charmander) (16/25 evo points/ 4 Happiness point)
- Major (Machop) (shadow level 1) (0/25 evo points)
- Aval (Steelix) (1 happiness point)
- Lil' Spark (Shinx) (10/25 evo points/ 1 happiness point)
- Commondore (Cyclizar)

Hybrid abilities:
- Guts

- 1x Hoverboard
- 1x Snag Machine
- 1x SNAG (Snagem Network Access Gear, communication device, pokedex, map, etc.)
- 12x Pokeballs
- 2x Cherri berries
- 5x Revives
- 7x Potions
- 35x Snag Coins
- 5x snagem emblem piece
- 1x love pokeball
- 2x fast pokeball
- 1x nugget (gold)
- 3x vivid scents
- 2x Joy Scents
- 2x Star Dust
- 8x exp candy S
- 2x exp candy
- 2x exp candy M
- 1x pearl
- 1x metal coat

(Last Edited 6/24/2024)