[Rewards for all participants.]

8x Snag Coins
1x Snag Emblem Piece
2x Apricorn Pokeballs of Choice
1x Nugget, Pearl, Tiny Mushroom, or Star Dust

[Rapid Fire Rewards]

Applicable Members: TerashiLeonGoken, RCCaughtem, Darksol88, Blizzard120, Requiem of Whyspers, DragonFang099, Cecile Silverstone

4x Snag Coins
1x Snag Emblem Piece
4x Gengar Tokens
2x Berries of Choice

[Most Valuable Snagem]


Reward: 1x Rare Candy

[Evo, Happiness, and Purification Points]

8 Evo Points
1 Happiness Point
6 Purification Points

And now a word from Chairman Rose!


Greetings trainers! Now that the Wild Area challenge has come to a conclusion I would like to announce a special reward for each team's MVPs! Starting with Team Kanto the MVPs are as follows...

[Sometime later.]

Next, Team Snagem. Your MVPs are...Leon Hanabi, Aden of Agate, and Wren Briony. Next is-

[Further time later.]

Each MVP will be allowed to withdraw any one Pokemon they wish, regardless of evolutionary stage, in preparation for the next stage in the tournament! Congratulations!