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The Chimereid Archipelago (also sometimes referred to as the Chimereid Islands) is a long, magical island chain found on the continent Mythikos, in the world of Arcanum.

The largest of the islands is where the setting primarily takes place, and not every island is opened for RP. In fact, there are many islands that are yet unexplored by the native Centaur populations, though they might be revealed in later stories. It isn't uncommon for islands to appear and disappear--it is a magical world, after all-- but the main Chimereid Islands and a couple of its sister islands have almost always been heavily populated and stable.

Due to magic, the exact size of the islands is variable. While from a distance the look so large, those who inhabit find the islands vastless. Many herds populate the islands without over-populating it. While some might move from beach to beach, or shore to shore, in other cases the jungles can sometimes seem like they go on forever. In other cases, the vast plains can have individuals get lost in them if they don't know where to go. In some cases, the island seems to form around an individuals intent--if you're heading to the beach, you might well find it. If you have no desire for such thing, you could wander the plains for days without reaching the end. That said, the islands can be as fickle as they can be pleasant; sometimes, no matter how hard you try to reach a destination, you wind up equally lost!

Thankfully, the spirits (and magic) tend not to be cruel and allow for endless adventure. While magic is limited to species, there is magic in abundance around the world. A good way to think of the Chimereid Archipelago is any type of environment you might find of Earth, but with magic as well. Floating stones, glowing crystal caves, water that's naturally dyed, etc. If you can imagine it, you might well find it on these islands! There are snowy tundra right next to scalding deserts, tunnels brimming with life, and plains full of tall gasses hat you can never escape. It is both beautiful and dangerous--but those born on the Islands seem to have a good handle on the unexpected.

  • OOCly, it is up to each individual write on how magical a setting they want. Some herds might live more or less like horses, with vast territory, and nothing magical ever happening; in other cases, they might prefer to live near the lagoons where the floating stones and rainbow waterfall are a backdrop to their daily life.

  • While we are a magical setting, please don't make your character all powerful, all knowing, and with easy outs. There will always be someone more powerful, more frightening, or more capable than your character--if not another character than an NPC. We may introduce drama or antagonists and they're not necessarily meant to be easily shrugged off. Try to keep things fun for your fellow players and shop goers!

Thus far, there are two main islands, open for exploration and adventure!

The Continent of Mythikos

Chimera Island This is also known as the main island. It's the largest of all the islands of Mythikos and where much of the role play will take place. It has a little bit of everything, and is known for its verdant plains, rolling hills, and lush woodlands.

    Local Landmarks found on Chimera Island
  • Rainbow Pools & Hot Springs -- There is an assortment of watering holes, refreshing pools, ponds, and lakes, as well as some hot springs all clustered in one area. The water of these pools changes regularly, and is rarely the same hue for long. Many inhabitants view the springs as a gathering point, either to swap tales of their travel, or to meet up with other herds and tribes.

  • Endless Plains -- The plains of the Chimera Island stretch far and wide. While they are technically surrounded by mountains, forests, desert, and tundra, getting from one side or the other can be near impossible. During the autumn months when grasses are at their tallest, mazes can appear to frustrate and confuse individuals passing through. Many inhabitants know not to stray too far into the Endless Plains, or to hire a local guide if they need to pass through. The Grass Labyrinth is one such maze that has been around as long as the island has been created -- many inhabitants don't dare enter because getting out can be impossible.

Phoenix Island This is the second largest island and named after the continent itself. This island is lush and verdant, primarily made up of jungles surrounding by large and lofty mountains. It is said the highest peaks of the mountains are unreachable by any mortal and those who try wind up lost forever or dead. It is rumored to be the home of the gods--and they might well be right.

    Local Landmarks found on Phoenix Island
  • Mythik Mountains -- These mountains are the largest and highest peaks on all the islands. Their colors tend to change slowly over time. The very highest of the mountains gets lost among the clouds and is home to the gods. It is impossible to scale and home of the gods. (Unless you have a demi-god, god, or spirit character, you cannot access this particular mountain--though the rest of the Mythik Mountain Range are fair game!)

  • Arachne Caves -- Don't like spiders, then don't come to these caves! These caves can be found just beyond the foothills of the Mythik Mountain range. While not every cave is home to spiders and creepy crawlies, some of them are! These caves are shrouded in mystery and many creatures tend to avoid them.

  • Blue Lagoon -- This lagoon is one of the larger lagoons found on the islands. It has pristine waters, is surrounded by tropical trees and beautiful flowers, and is perfect for a bit of rest and relaxation.


To get between the two islands is simple. There are various bridges created, as well as boats/rafts. Swimming can even be done for those who have the strength and stamina to cross. Magic also has a way of helping. Those who are eager to get to one island or the other usually find a way--usually through some sort of cave or thick foliage. One moment you're on one island, the next the other. Nobody really questions it because hey, at least the islands are obliging.

There are other islands that make up the Chimereid Archipelago, but they have been hidden behind a veil of magic. The current residents don't remember much about the islands outside of some legends, and a knowledge that they do exist. As the gods clearly do not wish to reveal them in this age, they are local myths and stories, and are often used to scare foals into behaving! "Want to get spirited away to the Zephyr Island!? Then quit pulling your sister's tail!" Thick clouds and fog hide them from view, heavy waves, and tumultuous storms keep everyone out!

Ifrit Island Not much is known about this island except its name.

Siren Islands Not much is known about these islands except the name.

Chariot Island Not much is known about this island except its name.

Starfall Island Not much is known about this island except its name.

Zephyr Island Not much is known about this island except its name.

Rumors and legends claim the Archipelago shift with time. The Islands are ever changing, and more might well be discovered whenever the gods--or at least the Ancient Ones--decide to lift their magic.