Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 7:02 pm
By the time Rook spotted the familiar pale hide of the stallion she had met that morning, she was feeling more invigored and refreshed. The bright glow of her eyes, and that of her little nested skull companion, glowed brightly against the growing darkness. She could better see the stallion now that she was in her element -- while the bright light of day had washed him out, now that the sun was tucked away for the day, her eyes could better focus, and pull in details she had earlier missed.
She was grateful for her vision, for it helped in picking out the stars that sprinkled the heavens above.
"Well met once again, Daywalker Shen," she greeted warmly. She gave a dip of her head in greeting, and the glowing eyes of the skull glowed all the brighter. They were both watching.
"The stars are already quite talkative," she spoke, deciding that it would do them both good to dive right in. "Look up, and see the stars, that burn brightly and keep vigilance over the skies. While there are some secrets they keep," she looked over in the direction of some thicker clouds, which hide the stars in their slow passing, "I think it's safe to say the spirits feel quite confident in what they have to say."
So it was, Rook, paused, tilting her head to the side as if she were listening to someone. The eyes on the skull burned all the brighter, before she began to slowly circle Shen. Her focus, of course, was not the stallion--but the skies above.
"Do you see that constellation there? In my herd, we call it the Night Mountain, for its shape resembles some of the tallest peaks in our land. It's clear, very bright -- and its tallest peak is directed at you. Auspicious. This is usually a sign of good fortune, security, and confidence -- that everything is, and shall be, and is, okay. You are safe. Your future need not be so troubled." She gazed up at the constellation, admiring it, and hoping Shen might look and admire it too.
A few more paces, and she paused again, tilting he head, even as the eyes on the skull flashed once more. "Mmmm, yes. In this quarter of the sky, the stars are partially covered by clouds--cirrus clouds, causing much of them to dim. No notable constellations can be seen. Your spirit is weary, but this weariness too, shall pass. You've been travelling so long, with such focus, you've forgotten how to properly rest and enjoy your surroundings. The bones need rest as much as the spirit, after all." It was not a criticism, not at all. Still, she gave a gentle smile and continued, "But with rest, like the clouds in the sky, the weariness will pass. Your brightness will be revigorated if your future travels are lighter. When you next roam... put down the burden you carry and hold onto. It is okay to lighten the load--it is okay to let go." She hoped it didn't sound too forward. She was but a messenger for the spirits, for the stars. It was up to Shen to do the work... but she could relay what she heard and what she saw.
For the last part of her message, Rook circled around so she was standing before him, looking up to read the skies directly above him. Where before she had been looking out at the sky surrounding him, now she looked up at the area of sky he was standing directly under. "Directly above you is another constellation -- one we call the Wanderer. When it shows up so brightly in the sky, so clear--it is a sign that it is in good fortune to move along. It means change is in your future, and that you should not be still or stagnate. Remaining on the path you walk now, with the Wanderer so bright, is not recommended." She gave a small flick of her tail, a soft paw of the ground. "Whatever you've been doing in the past... this signifies that the spirits wish you to do something different. Something new.
"Overall, the stars seem to be saying the same thing... which is good. It means their message is in harmony with you. There's nothing discordant about it." Rook was amused. Of course the stallion would get such a strong reading... and yet, every time she tried to do a reading herself, the message was vague, and always stressed that she must linger and wait.
"I hope... it isn't upsetting. You've your own story to craft, your own path to walk--the spirits and stars cannot always force you to do what they recommend, just as you may take from this reading what you may. I hope this at least gives you something to think about, if nothing else."
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:42 am
Rook's glowing eyes and those of her companion shone as a beacon as Shen approached. He smiled and opened his mouth to return her greeting, but Rook eagerly took off into her reading, and Shen was not keen to stop her. She seemed in her element as she moved around, explaining the position of the stars and clouds above enthusiastically and succinctly. Her stargazing appeared to come so naturally to her, he could not imagine that she was born without favor, as she had said that morning.
Shen watched as Rook tilted her head, seemingly listening to soft whispers from the skull perched atop her head. He did not take his gaze from her as she began to walk around him, but followed her directions when she told him to look up.
The Night Mountain was a sign of good fortune, security, and confidence. Safety. He looked at the stars she pointed out that created the shape of a mountain range. His future need not be so troubled? Hesitant to admit it, he had found himself troubled and lacking confidence. He knew that wasn't truly who he was. He was light-hearted and curious, but lately he had been so distracted and...lost. And this was not a safe way to be. He was lucky that it was only this kind mare that he stumbled upon today. As distracted as he was, he would not have been prepared had he come upon a more sinister soul.
She spoke of his weariness, and he silently admitted to that as well. He hoped that Rook did not see his bemused smile as she explained that his soul needed rest, that he had forgotten himself and his joy. All this time he had been searching for answers, and apparently the stars had been watching. If she truly was delivering messages from the stars, it seemed they knew him well. She was speaking as if she, or they, had known him his entire life, and knew his innermost emotions. She couldn't possibly have gathered all of this from their conversation this morning. Amused, he gazed up at the stars, bracing himself for their next observation.
This last message was very clear, her words blunt and straight forward. The Wanderer was an appropriate name for the constellation that would give him his most jarring message. Had he not been a wanderer for most of his life? "Remaining on the path you walk now...is not recommended." There was no hidden meaning here, no riddle to decipher. He glanced down at Rook, standing straight in front of him, two sets of glowing eyes gazing upward, then returned his own gaze to the Wanderer above. He heaved an involuntary, shuddering sigh, and felt a chill run down his spine, his hair standing on end. He kept his gaze on the heavens as she spoke of the clarity and harmony of the message and felt as if a heavy blanket was slowly being pulled off of his body. He closed his eyes and a tear ran down his cheek as he looked back down at Rook.
"It is not upsetting at all." He smiled to show that the tear on his face was not in sadness. "Quite the contrary, you have..." he paused, forming his thoughts. She hadn't truly told him anything he had not thought before. She had uncovered his very emotions and feelings, acknowledged them, and released him from their weight. "You have freed me."
He had truly done all he could to find his brother. If Huojin had wanted to be found, Shen would have done so years ago. His brother had always spoken of leaving, so he surely wasn't lost or in danger. In truth, Huojin was probably somewhere lovely and far away and was living the life he always dreamed of. After their upbringing, it was what he deserved. What both of them deserved.
"I...I have been holding myself back from truly living my life. Which is probably what Huojin is doing." He left another long pause in the air. "Our mother made us feel so undeserving, I think perhaps I wasn't allowing myself that freedom." His shifted his weight, feeling more of the blanket slide off of him as he uncovered layers of truth.
"I think maybe it's time for that to change."
He smiled at Rook, his eyes now glowing with their own light. "I think they were wrong when they said you were born without favor."
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:19 pm
There was a moment's trepidation as she waited for Shen's thoughts. He had been surprisingly open to her talents, far more receptive then some she had met, even back in the northlands. That he gazed up at the stars, at the heavens, pleased Rook -- sometimes people scoffed at her words, or refused to look up and face the spirits truth. The spirits had surely meant for them to meet.
Likewise, Rook did not judge the tear, or any emotion Shen might feel to share. His words were kind, and her eyes glowed brightly with pleasure at this words. She dipped her head, ever so glad that she could be of service to the stranger. "I am glad to know I may have helped," and that was well the truth! For too long she had been restless, waiting without purpose... but tonight, the spirits had reminded her why she did what she did. "I truly hope the stars light your path, wherever you roam. And should you ever find yourself lost, remember, there are a thousand lights to guide you, no matter where you go. While we can't change our past, I shall hope the spirits grant you nothing but good fortune and peace; may your troubles be few, and your laughter plentiful."
At his comment, Rook genuinely looked surprised, before she dipped her head a bit self-consciously. Still, her smile was unwavering. "You are very kind to say as much," she took the compliment, glad that her dark coat and the surrounding night hid any color she felt warming her ears and cheeks. "But we cannot all be so blessed--and even without the favor of the night sky, I know I am a lucky mare. I'm glad to have been able to help... so thank you, Daywalker Shen... Not everyone is so open to starspeak."
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 6:20 am
He smiled at the way she called him "Daywalker Shen," almost as if it was his title. He looked up at the stars one more time as she spoke of their guidance, that they would always be there. Surely they would change as his position beneath them moved, but they would always be watching him.
"It is good to know they will be there. I shall have to return here for you to read them for me. Perhaps they will tell you more the next time we meet." He paused. "That is, if you would like to meet again." A warmth now spread across his skin, opposed to the chill he felt earlier. Her preferred this sensation.
The mare truly had freed him. His mind rushed with all the possibilities he now had, all the places he could go and truly enjoy this time instead of searching for Huojin. He said a last, silent farewell to his brother. He truly hoped they would meet again someday, but he held happiness in his heart with the belief that Huojin was free and living the life he deserved.
He locked eyes with her glowing gaze once again, the warmth continuing to spread across his body. "I truly can't thank you enough, Rook. Your guidance has been invaluable. I feel," he paused, recalling the feeling of the blanket sliding off his body. "Unburdened - a sensation I had almost forgotten." He paused again, remembering their conversation that morning. She said the spirits had told her to wait here. "I do hope that the spirits reveal their intention to you soon as well. And if they continue to hold you in this place, I hope that maybe I can find you here again someday." He bowed his head, finding it difficult to tear his gaze from hers.
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 2:50 pm
"I would be more than happy to meet again," she hastily assured, her eyes glowing brighter in pleasure. "I truly feel the stars lead us to one another, and shall hope it's in our fortune to cross paths again." The fact that the stallion seemed to have genuinely taken her reading to heart made Rook happier than she'd been in some time. Her skills weren't nearly in such demand as they had been up on the Northlands, but even then, they were often overshadowed by those who had been genuine star blessed, like her sister.
Thankfully, no matter what her position had been in her old herd, she had served another dutifully here in the Kawani, and given him what seemed like a new lease on life. She could only hope he truly embraced this newfound freedom he spoke of. "As for my place here in the Kawani, the stars are still being coy, but as their humble servant, I shall do as they bade. I have no doubt, should you find yourself back this way, I won't be far. As long as there are stars in the sky, I'll always be happy to impart their truth."
She didn't expect the message from the stars to change for her -- at least not any time soon-- and even if they did, she was confident the spirits would guide them where they needed to be one way or another. With luck, that would mean into one another... but if not, she was glad for the encounter. Even while she helped Shen with his troubles, she was reminded of her own place upon the Kawani. "Until we meet again--safe travels, and may the stars grant you nothing but favor and good fortune." It was a common thing to say when leaving another... and she did mean it. Hopefully, the golden horned daywalker would find nothing but blessings and happiness.