Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 4:50 pm
The jungles from which he hailed were hot and muggy... completely unlike this. The enormous stallion silently studied the white powder upon the ground from the mouth of a cave he'd claimed before lifting a large hoof. The snow offered little resistance as he carefully pawed at it, though his mandibles flared slightly with disgust at the chill. These sudden cold temperatures were unpleasant. Though it would be easy to track prey in such circumstances, masking his own trail would be impossible. Rumbling with displeasure, the mutant stepped out into the winter wonderland. He lowered his head to sniff the cold stuff, even going so far as to taste it. Water, he realized. Frozen water. Thoroughly unpleasant.
Yautja knew that most prey would likely have taken shelter as a result of the weather, and his best option would be to forage underneath the snow for what grass still remained. He certainly didn't look like an omnivore at first glance, but he was no obligate carnivore like some of the creatures he'd encountered in this land.
Exhaling roughly through his nostrils, he purposefully strode forth to find something to eat. He doubted very much that he would find anything worth hunting today, though the thought of tracking down another of the pelted Serpents was an extraordinarily appealing one.
WC: 218