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Wasteland Wyvern

Dangerous Demigod

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 4:09 am

Username: Wasteland Wyvern

Soquili/Familiar User Image

Edit level: Moderate

- Set of 3 deep gouge like scars over his front most eye (A Hippogryph Claw caused this damage)
- Either the eye being closed under the eye patch or the color dimmed out to signify blinding in the eye. Whichever you think looks better/is easier to do.
- A simple leather and metal eye patch over the damaged eye. Leather to match the color of his existing straps if possible!

Ref Images:
1.) Scars
2.) Blind Eye or Closed Eye
3.) Eye Patch 1 Eye Patch 2 - Something like this but matching his leather bands in color with some CC, just don't make it too stylized. He's a simple guy.

Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist: Any edited colorist is fine with me.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 1:16 pm

Username: oo Ded
Soquili/FamiliarUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Itemless, Wingless, if needed!
Edit level: Moderate - Heavy
Description: Armor / accessories to match her plush and momma
Ref Images: Plush, Wingless Plush, Mock Mother
Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist:Any

Username: oo Ded
Soquili/Familiar User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Itemless if needed
Edit level: Moderate to heavy?
Description: A pair of critters. Either smoky or inky would be loved. Eerie and ethereal. Either black and inky, black and smoky, or smoky and matching the glow around her hoof. They don't have to 100% matching. Ravens or snakes, or one of each! Lots of CC here sorry ilu.
Ref Images: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist: Any

oo Ded

Lonely Phantom


Seasonal Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:44 pm

Username: Blue_Sparkle27
Soquili/Familiar User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Edit level: Unedited
Description: Witch Hat
Witch Hat main Coloration: Dark Brown (#451D00)
A similar Dark Brown if it looks better.
Witch Hat Ribbon Coloration: Orange (#FF6C00)
A similar Orange if it looks better.

Modern Lantern with Glowing Moon & Stars Motif and a Thick Hoop Link.
Modern Lantern, a version with Glow and one without Glow.
Modern Lantern, largest parts, Coloration: Copper
Modern Lantern, medium parts, Coloration: Silver
Modern Lantern, smallest parts, Coloration: Gold
Moon Coloration: The Orange from the Witch Hat.
Stars: Star colored.
Background/Sky: Midnight Blue (#191970)
A different Midnight Blue if it looks better.
Thick Hoop Link Coloration: Silver
Hanging from his mouth by the Thick Hoop Link.
Ref Images:
Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist: Any

Username: Blue_Sparkle27
Soquili/Familiar User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Edit level: Unedited
Description: Fur Shawl: Reference Images.

Tabard with Fur Trim
Connected with the middle connecter of Cloth Connector.
Fur Connector layered on top of the middle connecter of Cloth Connector.
Tabard and Cloth middle connecter of Cloth Connector Coloration: CC from the yellow/gold colors that she has.
Use yellow/gold colors that will look good together.
Fur Trim and Fur Connector Coloration: The colors of her Familiar's fur.
(Miyuki decided to use her newly shed fur to make the Fur Trim and the Fur Connector~!)
Ref Images: Miyuki with Fur Shawl for inspiration.
Miyuki without Fur Shawl for inspiration.
Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist: Any

Username: Blue_Sparkle27
Soquili/Familiar User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Edit level: Unedited
Description: Produce Basket filled with Apples next to him, in-front of his wings. I don't want his wings to block the Produce Basket or Apples.
If it looks good, Apples scattered around the ground under and around him.
Produce Basket Coloration: CC natural Basket colors.
Use colors from his Twin Brother.
Produce Basket amount: One, unless more can comfortably fit next to him and the other Produce Basket.
Apples Coloration: 1/2 Golden Delicious
1/2 Red Delicious
1/3 Golden Delicious
1/3 Red Delicious
1/3 A combination of the two Apples, Golden Red Delicious.
Ref Images: Golden Delicious
Red Delicious
Tsuyoshi Grape Delight 1
Tsuyoshi Grape Delight 2
Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist: Any

Username: Blue_Sparkle27
Soquili/Familiar User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Edit level: Unedited
Description: Produce Basket filled with Apples next to him, in-front of his wings. I don't want his wings to block the Produce Basket or Apples.
If it looks good, Apples scattered around the ground under and around him.
Produce Basket Coloration: CC natural Basket colors.
Use colors from his Twin Brother.
Produce Basket amount: One, unless more can comfortably fit next to him and the other Produce Basket.
Apples Coloration: 1/2 Golden Delicious
1/2 Red Delicious
1/3 Golden Delicious
1/3 Red Delicious
1/3 A combination of the two Apples, Golden Red Delicious.
Ref Images: Golden Delicious
Red Delicious
Yasuhiro Strawberry Delight 1
Yasuhiro Strawberry Delight 2
Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist: Any

Username: Blue_Sparkle27
Soquili/Familiar User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Edit level: Minor
Description: Dream Ball (Poké Ball) in or near the same area as his Lifemate's.
Dream Ball Coloration: If it looks good.
I want the darker pink of the Sun(?) to be the purple at the bottom.
And I want the purple at the bottom to be the darker pink of the Sun(?).
Ref Images: Twilight
Dream Ball (Poké Ball)
Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist: Any
PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:57 am


Username: Revel1984
Soquili/Familiar User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. (also a non item uncert because i apparently forgot to get his items added onto a new cert lol)
Edit level: Unedited
Description: Adding small Cerynei antlers, to match him with his siblings, both whom show Cery traits as well as the Uni traits so he needs to match with some lil antlers instead of a unicorn horn
Ref Images: 4 point rack please
Permissions: Sister - Brother (both owned by myself)
Preferred colourist:No preference <3

Username: Revel1984
Soquili/Familiar User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Edit level: Unedited - Heavy only.
Description: Scars all over and a slightly less smiley mouth expression please
Ref Images: No refs, Full cc on the scars but he got beaten by a pack of Kalona and left for dead so have fun.
Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist:No preference


Friendly Shapeshifter

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Crystal Traveler

13,425 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:30 pm

Username: viatorai
Soquili/Familiar User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Edit level: Unedited - Heavy
CC Color(s) Curly mane (A mix of Curly 2 and Braids for unedited(I have a mockup, pls ask!)) Otherwise edited inspired by refs!
4-Point Branch
Add Fetlocks
Ref Images: [Hair 1] [Hair 2] [Hair 3]
Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist: Any!

Username: viatorai
Soquili/Familiar User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Edit level: Mod - Heavy
Description: Mostly CC, just no more bald pls!
Ref Images: Just ideas for style (Characters all mine), colors CC; [x] [x] [x] [x]
Permissions: N/A
Preferred colourist: Any

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