The sun was setting and the temperature was starting to drop with it. Not that it was very warm to begin with. Winter was on its way. She had already switched out her summer time top to a warmer, if as decorated, one. She knew she should have been preparing for the long stretch of cold weather for a while now. But she kept getting distracted. So she was now scrambling to figure out what she wanted to do.

Looking up at the moon already in the sky, Chandra sighed. She began to slowly walk down the hill and towards the town below. Maybe there was temporary job that she could due over the winter in exchange for room and board. This lone wandering lifestyle was great in the warmer months, she thought, but could be really hard in the harsher ones. She was beginning to wonder if she should find a herd to join. But none of the ones she had encountered has seemed right.

As she approached the town she realized it was the last harvest day before winter. Now was the time that the residents would know how much they had to get through it. So they would know if they could feed another mouth.

The first place she headed was the town inn. That was usually the center of a town’s community and the proprietor would most likely know of any openings. It wasn’t hard to find with a sign of beer and bread. As she entered warmth surrounded her and made her want to take off her clothing. Clearly if she were to stay she would need layers instead of one top. Maybe she could where her summer top under the winter one.

The innkeeper, a handsome stallion with bright red hair and a dark body, was welcoming. A good sign, she mused. There were a handful of ‘taurs scattered around but he appeared to be the only one working. Enticing smells were drifting out of what had to be a kitchen and Chandra’s stomach rumbled. She could afford a meal while she enquired about any jobs.

After she had ordered, she asked the male if he knew of anyone who needed a helping hand. The innkeeper said there wasn’t much and asked about what skills she had. Chandra hadn’t thought about that. embarrassed she admitted that she didn’t have many. She could do basic work that didn’t need any specialized knowledge though.

He asked about her ability to remember multiple things at once with a thoughtful expression. Not knowing where this was going but hopeful, Chandra confirmed that she was very good at quickly memorizing many things in a short period of time. But she added, sometimes they didn’t stick around for long periods. The ‘taur absently told her that she only would need to do it in the short term. Still confused, Chandra waited patiently.

Finally, after an anxious few minutes during which her food came, the innkeeper nodded and told Chandra that his main server was going to move towns to be with her partner. He had planned to ask one of the local youths to help out until he could find a permanent replacement. Chanda could work on a trial basis for a week and then if she was decent, could stay the winter at the inn.

This was better than Chandra had hoped for. Thanking the male, who introduced himself as Brian, she asked when she should start. Brian told her to eat and he would introduce her to the chef and walk her through the job after.

Chandra dug into her meal both happy and relieved. She was determined to make this week a success.