"Hm. It must be nice." She shrugged her shoulders, though she did not elaborate on what she meant. Nice to be a great and powerful being? Or nice that he just wanted to help his family? Or possibly that he had family who would do anything for him?
Taly certainly knew what it was like to have a member of the family who was considered a significant and powerful facet of her clan. Her mother. While she certainly appreciated her for all she had done, their bond was not deep, or special. Perhaps if Talyssa had decided to join the clan herself, things might have been different.
She looked at the other woman carefully before replying."Well then, if you believe we are all at risk of drawing their attention at any moment regardless of what we do, perhaps we should make it worth it."
Turning to a table desk she stood beside, she knocked on the top of it a few times, in several different places, ear cocked to the side as she listened. Eyes narrowing, she slid a hand down, fingers playing with the groove along its front, and felt beneath.
Ah, there. She hit a small latch, and a secret drawer popped open.
She looked pleased with herself at that moment. Even if the drawer did not contain the book that Sparrow sought, there was a chance it could hold other treasures.