

NICKNAMES Charlie, Lottie, or Ms. Charlotte



AGE 15

BIRTHDAY November 18th 2047



WAND Willow, unicorn hair core, 11 ¾", surprisingly swishy

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR Fifth

HOUSE Hufflepuff

DREAM JOB A healer maybe, or an owl trainer.


OPTIMISTIC Charlotte is a positive person and works hard to see the bright side of things. Even when things are bad she has hope that they will get better and that she can persevere. She sees the best possible outcome for every situation that comes her way. She can always be depended on to lift others up.
EMPATHETIC Charlotte can easily see and understand the emotions of those around her. She can see others’ struggles and will make time to be there and listen when they need. She has the ability to relate to those around her with compassion, even if she hasn’t had the same experiences.
ENCOURAGING Charlotte wants those around her to accomplish their goals and dreams. She can be counted on to support others and tries to help them do what is best. Even when things are rough she doesn’t give up and makes sure others do the same.
OPEN-MINDED Charlotte is willing to listen to new ideas and doesn’t make judgments before she has all the information. She can change her opinion if something new is brought to her attention. She isn’t prejudiced and strives to be kind to everyone.
INSECURE Though she doesn’t show it, Charlotte faces a fair amount of insecurity. She can sometimes be afraid that she may never amount to the person she wants to be. She has an image of who she wants to be and she can get discouraged if she feels like she may not be meeting her goals.
HELPFUL Charlotte does everything she can to serve others and make their lives easier. If she is ever asked to do something, she will do it. In fact, she usually does it before she is asked. She puts others' needs before her own, sometimes to her detriment. She wants to make sure everyone else is happy before she works on herself.

■ Mornings
■ Baking
■ Her family
■ Going to new places
■ Organization
■ Gardens

■ Swimming
■ Arguing
■ Loud noises
■ Feeling stuck
■ Coconut

■ Understanding others
■ Honest

■ Impatient
■ Takes on too much

■ Being forgotten


EARLY CHILDHOOD Charlotte was born in London to Leah and Levi James. She doesn’t remember much of her life before her parents' divorce. Most of her earliest memories are at her grandparent's home, with the occasional visit to her father and stepmother. For Charlotte, it seemed more or less normal since she didn’t know any other way.

Her magic manifested at an early age. On more than one occasion something broke when she was upset, but she was also able to make flowers grow when she was happy. Luckily her mother was able to cover up most of these displays when muggles were around.

When her mother started dating Matthew Braybrooke, Charlotte immediately latched onto him. He was always there to help her when she needed it and was far more responsive to her than her father ever was. Even still being so young, she was completely thrilled when Matthew and her mother were married, and she almost immediately started calling him dad. The four of them (Noah included) happily moved to a new home in Cambridgeshire and it wasn’t long until Charlotte got her lifelong wish; a baby sister, Amelia. After what seemed like an eternity to her, she got a second one, Clara.

FIRST YEAR Charlotte arrived at Hogwarts, and to no one's surprise, was sorted into Hufflepuff. It seemed to be a family trend at this point. Charlotte joined the Creature Appreciation Club with her brother. She loved every bit of Hogwarts even if she missed her little sisters sometimes. She also somehow managed to get roped into playing on the quidditch team, luckily just as a reserve.

SECOND YEAR Charlotte started her second year with joining several new clubs. It was a good way for her to start making more friends. She stayed in her position as a reserve on the quidditch team.

THIRD YEAR Charlotte was eager to start her third, especially because it meant she could take electives. She quickly fell in love with many of her classes, especially Care of Magical Creatures. She also became Vice Captain of the Creature Appreciation Club after Nora’s graduation. She also took over for Nora as first string seeker to her equal parts excitement and chagrin.

FOURTH YEAR After spending the summer in France, Charlotte returned to Hogwarts refreshed and ready for another year. She kept herself busy with quidditch, she had a pretty decent season, and the clubs she was involved in. She was taking her time having fun before the responsibilities of her fifth year.
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


UPDATED 5/9/24

■ Age, year, bio updated
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY ♥ Steffy ♥ [5/17/23]
ACCEPTED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 [10/13/2023]