xxxxA F O NxxxN O E LxxxJ O S S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Afon or Affie

              AGE 16

              BIRTHDAY 14 March 2047

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 11½ Ash with a Hebridian Black dragon heartstring core, rigid with a knobby texture

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Still figuring it out

              FACECLAIM 13-17: Kaidryn Cain [x]
              18+: Booboo Stewart [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Welsh, basic Latin

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Slytherin

            YEAR/CLASS OF Sixth

            BEST LESSONS

            WORST LESSONS

            HONORS WHO THE ******** MADE ME PREFECT

            SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Quidditch reserves
            Dueling Club
            Astronomy Club
            Art Club

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Junior bartender

            DREAM JOB Hasn't really given it much thought

            xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                OWL SCORES
                    Astronomy ~ X
                    Charms ~ X
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                    Herbology ~ X
                    History of Magic ~ X
                    Potions ~ X
                    Transfiguration ~ X
                    Elective ~ X

                NEWT SCORES
                    Astronomy ~ X
                    Charms ~ X
                    Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                    Herbology ~ X
                    History of Magic ~ X
                    Potions ~ X
                    Transfiguration ~ X
                    Elective ~ X

xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      ◊ INTUITIVE Afon wouldn’t call it “all knowing” or something like that, but he’s had these little feelings as long as he could remember. And these feelings have never led him astray; from knowing which dumpster is the best to dive, which store officer is most likely to chase, and even knowing if it was going to rain on a perfectly sunny day. It’s not foolproof but it’s handy.
      ◊ DISPUTATIOUS If something’s off, he’s going to mention it whether it’s right to or not. Especially if it’s not. He can’t stand for things to happen or people to do or say certain stuff and not face consequences. And if these consequences came in the form of a foot to a backside or dead flies in your teapot, then it is what it is.
      ◊ CONFIDANT He can’t stand being wishy washy on any subject matter. If he’s put his mind to something he’ll stick with it even if it turns out to be the wrong thing. At least he’ll have learned something.
      ◊ PRIVATE Afon could be smiling in your face with a joke on his tongue and be feeling miserable and he’d never let anyone know. His personal feelings were just that, personal. It wouldn’t be fair to burden them on someone else.
      ◊ IRASCIBLE It takes allot to get him going but once he’s gone he might as well be in outer space. ‘Fiery’ doesn’t completely explain the depths his anger could go. ‘Volcanic’ or ‘nuclear’ come in as a solid close second. The only hope of calming him down is usually just getting out of his way.
      ◊ APPRECIATIVE For all his argumentative and angered ways, Afon is genuinely appreciative of what he has or gets to experience. Honestly, its the appreciation he has for that he holds dear that usually throws him on the side of being a tad defensive. Sort of like a hoarding dragon.

          Art, sculptures specifically
          The color blue
          Lyric…most of the time
          Horrible jokes. Like the worst the better.

          People who perceive themselves to be in power
          Rice, cooked or uncooked
          People messing with his brother
          The smell of incense

          Going to art museums
          Star gazing
          Bothering Lyric

          Pretty good intuition

          Easy to anger
          Hard to shut up

          Losing Lyric
          The Church

xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      CHILDHOOD Afon was born into a cult which masqueraded itself as a conservative whole family Christian Catholic faith. He never directly knew who his parents were as all children were taken from them after weaning and essentially placed with a rotation of minders. Afon, despite his name meaning heavenly, was often seen as a problem child since day one. According to the midwife he’d been born wrong under a cursed moon alignment and backwards (the fact he nearly had his cord wrapped around his neck was surely his fault. surely). He was given his name in the hopes that it would cancel out his traumatic birth but apparently it was to no avail. Afon can’t really tell you what it was-at first-he did to catch their ire, but as the years passed and he noticed that everything he did was painted with a poisonous brush that he just gave up and gave in. Of all the beatings and punishments he was given, the worst came after each time he did something unexplainable. He kept a candle from falling by levitation? He was left to kneel in uncooked rice until his confessions were believed. Once in an argument with another child he told them to shut up and their voice had gone for three days. Lashed and locked inside confessionale as a priest attempted an exorcism. For close to ten years he took it all, his only solace in life being his little brother Lyric whom they all regarded as his “handler” of sorts. Whatever, they left them alone and that’s all that mattered. Until one day he noticed his brother could make the flowers in their garden dance and once mended a torn sweater in nearly an instant, sans needle. Afon knew what could happen, what would happen, if he left it, and so he planned an escape. At a perfect time as well. Their cult home was raided due to unpaid taxes and squatting (apparently the dilapidated church they had dedicated all their teachings in actually belonged to a parish who had no idea people were still living there). In the chaos of authorities and children’s services, Afon grabbed Lyric and their few things and made a run for it. For a while it was good, fun even, to not have someone constantly discipling and yelling at them for minute things. The food sucked for obvious reasons but he figured eating slightly off food twice a day was better than eating nothing. Unfortunately they got caught, Afon in particular attempting to nick cough syrup and alerting nearly the entire pharmacy, and they were taken in before being deposited at Wool’s. Hilariously enough, he was only there a fair few months before someone came by calling him a wizard. He doesn’t know how to feel knowing now that all his previous doings were normal and natural so he just doesn’t think about it.

          ◊ FIRST YEAR Afon came to Hogwarts and nearly jumped ship seeing a giant castle but once past the shock of that (and a talking hat good grief) he had to say, the place wasn’t half bad. After being sorted into Slytherin he found his place relatively easy. If he kept a quick grin and threw around a dumb joke here or there, no one noticed their bags were a few items lighter or their wallets missing bills or coins (finding out about galleons nearly sent him spiraling he’d hummed Ducktales for three hours straight to his brother’s dismay). During winter break he put everything together and once he got Lyric on board, managed to slip away from the orphanage. Now that he had a wand, he had a whole new world to disappear into and it was great! They were unlucky however and got caught up in a bad snow storm while hanging around Knockturn Alley. His luck turned around though when someone found them and rather forcefully bodied them up and warmed them in their club. It’d been weird and Afon was far from trusting but the adult-Eula-was apparently used to this. By the time the club officially closed, she (they?) gave them some food to take and a blanket each and just watched them go. Just like that. Huh. Afon didn’t really map out everything well, so about a day before he was due back at Hogwarts, he and Lyric snuck back to Wool’s. He’d get it eventually.
          ◊ SECOND YEAR Summer was a much easier time to run away and even though he didn’t fully agree, he followed his brother’s plan and went back to that club. They waited out for hours until it opened then tried to sneak in, failing spectacularly (the creepy door guy was good). Thankfully though, Eula remembered them and let them in. She seemed surprised and actually happy to see them, giving more food and even showing them around. It was nice. They did this the entire summer and when it came for him to return to school, Afon tried to barter a way for Lyric to stay but to no need, Eula said they were more than happy to keep him. Afon returned to school, tried out for quidditch, and was essentially a normal student for once. It felt weird. During breaks, he went back to the club and somehow…he has a room now? Like he said, weird.
          ◊ THIRD YEAR This year Lyric finally joined him at the school and funnily enough also in Slytherin. He'd been so sure the kid would be in Ravenclaw but he supposed it wasn't terrible that they were together again. He's starting to notice some of his year mates being...friendly with him. Which before would've just meant lunch but now, it was weird. One gave him some knitted ear cuffs?? Just. Odd. Oh, and he joined Quidditch. Definitely worth the concussions.
          ◊ FOURTH YEAR School was still boring, people were still weird (weirder since he joined the quidditch team and a club) Like ok, he wasn't actively trying to pickpocket anymore, but he could! (So ok, it wasn't....terrible to be invited to study, or compliment his last game, and the ear cuffs were really comfy...butlikehellhewasgonnaadmitanyofthat)
          ◊ FIFTH YEAR School was...schooling? Afon pretty much spent the year in a haze of studying for his OWL's, practicing for Quidditch, and patrolling because the Heads have a horrible sense of humor. Obvi.
          ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
          ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

      POST GRADUATION Information

xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
          Parents - Plant digon Crist
          Siblings - Lyric Joss

          Best Friend - Lyric Joss
          Eula Bagley
          Souleymane Afolayan
          Sierra Whitethorne
          Lewis Abrams
          Kasamir Patrovna
          Vesna Proctor

      ENEMIES Plant digon Crist
      PETS None

xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 5/6/2024 xxx
Age, year, school bio, friendsxxxxxx
(recent update)xxxxxx
(recent update)

PENDED BY (do not touch this)xxx
ACCEPTED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 09/09/2023xxx
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