Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:10 pm
Welcome to the Obstacle Course Gallery for Double Dare in the Game Lab
Here, you can find the Segments of the Double Dare Obstacle Course here.
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:05 am
OOC Game Lab *Double Dare Obstacle Course Segments* Page 1 ====================== One-Ton Human Hamster Wheel: An over sized hamster wheel was wedged onto a platform which had a column of six lights. The faster the contestants turned the wheel, the faster the lights lit up (slime filled up a cylinder in the 2018 version), and once all six were illuminated/the slime went to number six, a boxing glove on a lever containing the flag would drop into reach.
Bathtub: This was an over sized, goofy-looking bathtub often filled with plastic balls or foam blocks, much like a replacement for "The Tank" occasionally. The contestant had to wade through the tub and then grab the flag off the shower head at the other end.
Bats in the Belfry: Three bells with fake bats are hung and there's a flag hidden in one of them. All the contestant had to do is pull the ropes down to find it.
Big Bowl: Here, the player had to roll a giant bowling ball down a track to knock down three bowling pins, revealing the flag underneath.
The Big Cheese: Initially, this was a huge slice of Swiss cheese filled with some sort of yellow gak inside the holes, and inside one of them was the flag or contestants had to dive through one of the holes, getting EXTREMELY messy, and then grabbing the flag at the end of the slide.
Big Gulp: Similar to the Sundae Slide in several ways. The contestant needed to climb up a "bent tongue" staircase which had no handrails, by the way and through a mouth at the top, before sliding down a spiral slide into a vat of gak. The flag hung on a pole above it.