Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:35 pm
Do you like to strut your STYLE? Do you eat, breathe and live for BEAUTY? Do you have what it takes to be a true FASHIONISTA? ──────────────────────────────────────────── 13 New Designers • 11 Challenges • 8 Crew • Only 1 Winner ► IT'S TIME TO FIND OUT WHO WILL EMERGE ◄ ► AS KING OR QUEEN OF THE CATWALK ◄
How the Competition Works · The Head Judge issues regular challenges to competing Designers, who must then dress their Models to theme, for judgment · The Judges grade and discuss each Designer's outfit, collectively contributing to the feedback summary and challenge placement · The winner of the challenge gets their due flowers, along with the option to swap their Model for the loser's Model instead · The bottom Designer of the challenge gets eliminated from the competition moving forward, and cannot participate further · The process of elimination continues through every new challenge that's issued, until there are only 3 Designers left standing · The final evaluation sees the remaining 3 Designers having to advocate their own, personal fashion line, to impress upon the Judges · The final ranking order is based on how well Designers can pitch their fashion line, as well as their track record throughout the cycle
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:36 pm
Project Catwalk Crew
Captain bad wolf bae
Vice Captain Aerial Goddess iiiFlames The Clot Thickens
Crew Dante Dolly DAVlD DUCHOVNY
Guild Mule Mother Catwalk
Competition Roles
Head Judge In charge of overseeing the cycle, composing write-ups and notices, administering challenges, directing the Judge's Panel, summarizing panel critiques & presenting Designer feedback.
Judge Responsible for following the cycle's challenges, judging Designers' entries, cooperating/deliberating with other Judges & supporting the Head Judge.
Mentor In the duty of welcoming members, answering questions about the guild, assisting Designers with challenges & supporting Judges when needed.
Designer Follow current cycle rules & submit entries as per challenge guidelines.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:37 pm
► First, always try and adhere to Gaia's TOS, please! ► Using another Gaian's designs for a challenge is considered plagiarism ► Do not use more than one account to audition for a cycle ► Only the 12 cycle Designers may post in the Current Cycle subforum ► Eliminated Designers can post in the contest sub, but not the main thread ► Excessive arguing/bashing the crew over challenge placement isn't tolerated ► No leaking the Judges' Panel to non-crew members (Mentors exempt) ► Mini contest hosts must follow through with promised games and prizes ► Avoid using the current cycle's theme colours in your text (crew exempt) ► There is zero tolerance for harassment or hate speech — We're a safe space
Any violation of the standards listed above may result in: • Jeopardizing your position in the current cycle • Your audition consideration in future cycles • Demotion from your cycle or guild title • Permanent removal from the guild
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:39 pm
Guild FAQ Q: Is this competition just a big ripoff of Gaia Runway? A: Actually, we're the OG design competition, having been around since 2005 — effectively pre-dating Gaia Runway by 10 years! The earliest record we can find of Project Catwalk is from July 2010, when we moved from the forums into our first guild.
Q: Where can I donate to the guild? What can I donate towards? A: You can contribute to the main competition, Official PC Mini-Contests, or general guild costs via the guild mule: Mother Catwalk. If you have a preference where your donation goes, make sure to send a PM with your trade.
Q: How do I become a Crew Member? A: Crew roles are automatically offered at the end of each cycle to the Designers who finished in the Top 3.
Q: Can PC Crew enter the main competition? A: Yes, but only if they step down from their role as Crew for the duration of the cycle they're competing in. Past PC Moderators may reclaim their Crew title at any point after their cycle ends, and the Judges' Panel made public.
Q: Why do you boot your 'inactive' guild members, and can I re-join if I'm removed? A: In order to keep things clean and up-to-date, we sometimes do a thorough cleaning of the guild, which includes our precious memberlist. It's nothing personal. Our goal is to prune those who may have left Gaia, or have no interest in PC. Anyone with a '0' post count, or who hasn't posted in more than a year gets cut. Wrongful removals are inevitable, as we have a dedicated following of silent spectators. We apologize if you get booted, but you're more than welcome to re-join.
Q: Why are certain text colours off-limits to guild members? A: Cycle theme colours are off-limits within Official PC cycle threads: Auditions, Judges' Panel, and the main competition thread. This is because each active Crew member claims their own cycle colour, and their posts need to be easily identifiable.
Q: Who do I notify if I have questions about a mini contest or a won prize? A: In regards to Official PC mini contests, any active PC Captain is capable of providing aide, or ensuring that a prize is issued. But be patient, as all trades are conducted through the bank mule. The main contact for member-created contests would be the thread-maker.General FAQ Q: How do we dress the Models? A: Models are dressed in Gaia's Avatar Builder. You do not need to own or purchase any of the items you equip onto your Model.
Q: Can I use my own Model(s)? A: That is something that may change from contest to contest, depending on its rules, so read them carefully. In terms of the main competition or any Official PC mini contests, the Models will always be provided for you on the first page.
Q: Where can I view the the current cycle's Models? A: PC cycle Models are always showcased in the Model Pool/Line-Up, on the first page of the main competition thread.
Q: What are the items listed alongside the Model's name? A: Those are her base traits, which cannot be changed or removed from your Model, unless specifically instructed to do so in the challenge. Failure to equip them onto your Model for challenge entries will result in lost points from the Judges' Panel ... if you're caught, that is.
Q: What items can I use in my challenge submissions? A: You may use any equipable item as long as it does not change your base Model traits. Be sure to check the Body Mod Guideline.
Q: Real people change their appearance all the time, so why the strict rules about Model traits? A: The entire point of the competition is to challenge Gaia's artists to adapt their skills and hone their craft, by painting on an unfamiliar canvas; With unchangeable Model features, it forces a Designer to get creative and experiment with different styles and schemes, as they learn the strengths and weaknesses of their muse. Yes, there may be a cosmetic product, a procedure, or a regiment in the real world to alter one's appearance, but in Gaia, that's a slippery slope — Avatar countenance doesn't come with the limits we have in real life, therefore restraint is necessary to ensure we keep virtuous and diligent.
Q: How do Testimonials work? A: Found in the Archives subforum, testimonials are real accounts from PC guild members (Spectators, Designers & Crew), detailing their cycle experience. Any member of the guild is welcome to submit their own testimonial at the end of a cycle, by PM'ing their written accounts to one of the guild Captains.Auditions FAQ Q: Where is the Auditions thread, and/or why can't I post in it? A: Auditions are only open for a short period of time, and that small window occurs just once per cycle, at the very beginning of the main competition. Hopeful Designers may only apply within that time-frame, and once the deadline has passed, the thread is locked, and sent into the Archives.
Q: Why are we able to audition for the main competition with multiple Models? A: Because you can only compete with a Model you've auditioned with, and since some Models are more highly sought after than others, we allow additional Model submissions in order to increase the chances of our best auditioning Designers to make it into the competition.
Q: Do I have to post the equipped list during Auditions? A: Yes. It's a requirement made in lieu of writing an outfit description ... Plus, it allows the Judges to weed out those who can't follow instructions.
Q: Once I post my Audition entry, is it possible to change the Model(s) I initially chose? A: So long as the deadline hasn't yet expired, you're more than welcome to change whatever you want in your attempts to beat out the other candidates. However, you may still want to let a cycle Judge know about any big changes you make to your audition, just to err on the safe side.Competition FAQ Q: How will I know when there's a new challenge? A: New challenges are posted every second Sunday, and can be viewed on the first page of the main competition thread.
Q: Why is my name stricken or bolded under the cycle's Designers list? A: The Designer list is edited to reflect challenge outcomes. 'Bold' denotes the most recent winner, whilst 'Strikes' indicate all eliminated Designers.
Q: What needs to be included in our challenge submissions? A: A photo of the outfit, the Designer's name, the Model's name, an outfit title, a description and the submission status. Check out the examples.
Q: What's a 'Submission Status' and how do I know which one to use? A: A submission status is used to convey where a Designer is with their entry. There are three options, and each marks a different stage in the design process: [1] A 'Reserved' status states the Designer's intention to make an entry; [2] A 'Work in Progress' status is for entries that have been posted, but are subject to change; [3] The 'Complete' status, indicates to the Judges that no further changes are being made to that entry, and that it is ready for critiquing.
Q: How are entries judged? A: There are 4 Judging Criteria, with each category equally contributing 1/4 to a Designer's score. Marks are cut if Model traits are altered, or essential info is omitted.
Q: Is the decision for challenge winner/expatriate based solely on their Panel scores for that week? A: If overall scores reveal a clear top and bottom, that's what we'll go with. But if any of the top/bottom scores are within a few points of one another, the Judges will consider a Designer's track record, their progression and even how devoted they are to PC! So ... 'mostly, but not always' is the answer.
Q: How are Mentors used within the competition? A: Mentors are experts in Style, Motif, Creativity, and/or Description (Judging Criteria). They're a service offered to cycle Designers to assist with challenge entries. And if that weren't enough, while a Mentor is hired, they are able to share a limited amount of the Judges' Panel with their Designer.
Q: What are vouchers, and how do I get them? A: Vouchers are used to hire Mentors, with each Designer getting one complimentary voucher at the start of the competition. The only ways in which to accumulate additional vouchers, is to win a double header, or if you're the non-eliminated Designer in the bottom two.
Q: What if I don't complete the challenge in time? A: If you know you'll be absent for any length of time, let a Judge know in advance, so they can accommodate you, and protect your situation from unjust elimination. Otherwise, if your entry isn't in by 11:59pm EST on the due date, you'll likely be eliminated. Oh, and 'Gaia was having issues' is not a viable excuse!
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:40 pm