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Project Catwalk is a guild dedicated to Gaia's fashion community, and those interested in designing avatar outfits. 

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Aerial Goddess

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:05 am

Challenge #14: Elementals
This is it, Designers. This is the final challenge to determine who will make it into the long-
awaited top 3, and the Judges' expectations have never been higher. So to ensure that
this last obstacle is challenging, yet fair, we are once again randomly assigning individual
motifs — This time based on the classical elements of universal matter. It is strongly urged
that you read up on your assigned element a little bit before starting your design, so that
you can incorporate as many references into your entry as possible. Due Date: Jun 15th

clowniing — Rhiannon (Fire): 90%
S:7 • C:10 • M:10 • D:9
Comments: This is how you formulate an argument. Bravo, Clown!! Reading this lengthy (but effective) post,
convinced me to change Clown's Creativity from 8 to 10, and their Motif from 9 to 10. The description was just so
stellar that it raised their score by 3 points, which is more than enough to make or break a competitor at this stage
of the game. Like, the phoenix theme is unbelievably brilliant, but also a bit subtle ... it NEEDED that boost from the
description to be appreciated. I also love the colours, the frames, and the overall pose of Rhiannon here. It's portrays
a woman who's both strong and gentle. Just like a mother, right?! However, I do feel that some editing could have
been done with the colour balance. Personally, I would have much preferred a gradient approach to the colours, as
natural fire incorporates gradual hues anyway. Instead, the palette is colour blocked, which comes across as kinda
jarring. As well, I would have liked it if Clown had included just a couple of blue-black elements for Rhiannon's hair.

Detrimentum — Helena (Wind): 78%
S:8 • C:8 • M:7 • D:8
Comments: I will say that stylistically speaking, this is my favourite entry of the week. And as someone
whose element actually is air, and finds a lot of commonality with what it represents, I have to admit that Detri
captured a lot of what I love about it. Surprisingly, I don't hate the background, as I find the softness of the colours
to compliment Helena's garment really well. I am also loving the accessories that were used here. The gold circlet
is especially stunning. One thing I might have changed would be the arm position, as it looks very static, and
therefore doesn't communicate 'movement' the way Detri had intended. Also, the description isn't BAD, but it
doesn't touch on the why nearly enough for me. It reads like an essay, when I'm looking for a conversation.

HELLPRIEST — Seren (Water): 80%
S:5 • C:9 • M:9 • D:9
Comments: Oh, my dear Hell ... I don't even know where to start here, because I'm so disappointed. I appreciate
Hell addressing their critiques from last week, and I think they found a clever way to go about doing it (though it's a bit
lengthy). And to their benefit, I got a LOT out of the description this time around. Honestly, I feel like they did their
research, I can tell they contemplated many ideas, and I can hear the passion behind their words — Hell is doing a
pretty damn good job defending their art in this particular case. But I just don't really care for the image. Like, they
sold me on almost every other category ... except Style. I'm sorry, but the poppy colour does absolutely nothing for
me, and it's hard to look past. Hell mentions that they didn't want to be predictable, but I have to admit that I didn't
want to see surprises on this challenge. I wanted clever, yet straight-forward, matchy-matchy outfits presented to us.

mythological irony — Sumati (Earth): 80%
S:6 • C:9 • M:8 • D:9
Comments: Myth said they didn't want to be obvious, but again, I would have liked a more transparent approach
to this particular task. In some cases, it's fun and creative to take the more ambiguous path to design, but in others, I
feel like clarity is the most important aspect to convey. I love the research Myth put into this outfit, and I appreciate
that she adopted a 'feminine' motif throughout. Plus, I actually did pick up on several of the references she made, but
there was nothing to really knock me off my feet. I would have preferred to see a strong and cohesive palette, where
the greens and browns were at least in the same family. And while the background cutter is a smart idea, I'm not
convinced that this was the best one for the job, as it introduces other colours, and throws off the balance. Lastly, her
description would have gotten a 10 if she'd opened up with us a bit more. She explained half of the why factor.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 11:48 am

                    Challenge #14: Elementals
                    This is it, Designers. This is the final challenge to determine who will make it into the long-
                    awaited top 3, and the Judges' expectations have never been higher. So to ensure that
                    this last obstacle is challenging, yet fair, we are once again randomly assigning individual
                    motifs — This time based on the classical elements of universal matter. It is strongly urged
                    that you read up on your assigned element a little bit before starting your design, so that
                    you can incorporate as many references into your entry as possible. Due Date: Jun 15th

                    clowniing — Rhiannon (Fire): 87.5%
                    Style:9 • Creativity:9 • Motif:8 • Description:9
                    Comments: Second favorite look of the week. It screams fire, immediately got the sense of rebirth and phoenix rising, and the description only solidified the whole thing. Clown has really flourished over this competition and I am so glad they didn't hold anything back for this final challenge. I wish Rhiannon was in less white to really keep focus on the egg, and the background comes off a little messy, distracting from the story. But this is fire, and this is beatiful.

                    Detrimentum — Helena (Wind): 62.5%
                    Style:6 • Creativity:6 • Motif:6 • Description:7
                    Comments: I liked this more at first glance, but the more I looked at it and analyzed it, it just isn't a very strong. Especially for this point of the competition. Earlier on this might have gotten higher scores. But now? It is perfectly fine. I want to see more than fine. We've seen far better looks from Detri, even better looks for a wind theme. There's a darkness to the look I wish wasn't there, and for the description talking about an over dress keeping Helena's modesty, I would have liked the underdress to be a bit more sheer. I like that there is movement in the arms but I still don't really feel like Helena is running. This just could have been a lot better.

                    HELLPRIEST — Seren (Water): 65%
                    Style:4 • Creativity:7 • Motif:5 • Description:10
                    Comments: Gonna be so real, I do not like this. But the description was solid and did a great benefit to this look which is really I think a description should do. I like the creativity, just wish it had been a little different. Maybe it's because we've seen several looks with heavy Chinese and Japanese influence this cycle, it felt a little more expected. I wish if Hell was going to put Seren under water Hell had gone for a more high fashion look, or maybe just a color scheme that doesn't include blue? But the composition of this is technically good. You can tell that Hell put in the work finding items with movement. The pose makes so much sense after reading the description and I love it. The mask and the leaves just really detract for me. I know what the goal of the leaves are, but they just read leaves, not movement of fish. Part of that might also be because we've seen that leaf item a lot.

                    mythological irony — Sumati (Earth): 80%
                    Style:9 • Creativity:8 • Motif:7 • Description:8
                    Comments: This is the most pleasing aesthetically for me this week. I thought the description was very strong, and while this wasn't the direction I expected for earth, I don't struggle to see the influence. Myth drew from all kinds of symbolism and representations of earth and I think the look may have benefitted from a little bit more narrow focus. The gold touches play off her eyes in a great way, and I love the layering that went into the background and frame. I think they were smart anchors for the look. I think there are maybe too many rocks/that color? And the gold circlet - while I like it - is a bit brighter than everything else and kind of draws focus. I know that is nitpicky, but that's where we're at.

bad wolf bae

Vice Captain

Fashionable Master

PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:34 pm

Challenge #14: Elementals
This is it, Designers. This is the final challenge to determine who will make it into the long-
awaited top 3, and the Judges' expectations have never been higher. So to ensure that
this last obstacle is challenging, yet fair, we are once again randomly assigning individual
motifs — This time based on the classical elements of universal matter. It is strongly urged
that you read up on your assigned element a little bit before starting your design, so that
you can incorporate as many references into your entry as possible. Due Date: Jun 15th

clowniing — Rhiannon (Fire) (Total Score: 36 pts. // 90%)
Style:9 • Creativity:9 • Motif:10 • Description:8
Comments: Mama phoenix bird rising from the ashes. This is research done right. Dare I say, the best look of the week. The description ran a tad longer than I would've liked, but I liked what I read. The outfit itself is gorgeous. Totally something that I would want for myself. I just love that this reads fire without being overwhelmed with red, yellow and orange. This entry just gives me the peak example of "phoenix rising from the ashes". Shooting myself in the foot here, but clown ate this up. I love the black and white to represent charcoal and ash, both associated with fire, which is smart. I'm also just impressed by how clown portrayed their elements' qualities and strategically encapsulate those qualities and create this beautiful of a representation of what fire represents and what it means, in a symbolic sense. Though I will say, the orange skirt does slightly stick out like a sore thumb. I get the intention, but it would've been nice to see a better blend of the white and orange in the outfit, for that nice gradation that the colors of fire tend to have. Outside that, this is majestic.

HELLPRIEST — Seren (Water) (Total Score: 25 pts. // 62.5%)
Style:4 • Creativity:7 • Motif:7 • Description:7
Comments: Oh my... I'm 50/50 on this entry. I read the description (it did read a tad long for my liking), and I see what the vision is, the problem is I don't necessarily think it went to a direction that HELL wanted it go to. Let's go to the positives, I like that they went with the 'Goshiki' color scheme, as the blue of that color scheme read koi fish on sapphire waters. I like that it isn't blue on blue on blue, which would've been an obvious route to go to, and could've been fatal on HELL's part, considering we've seen HELL put Seren on blue many times before. I like that they took a page off of Dickjoke's book (I'm aware that part's a reference to ANTM's water challenge), and had Seren submerged in water, which makes so much sense with their given element, water. Now, onto the negatives, Seren's look feel and reads heavy. For HELL trying to encapsulate 'flow' to match their element's association, it reads the opposite of what they're going for. The bottom has so much going on, that it's weighing down Seren, and it doesn't help they're underwater, in a sense that it looks like Seren's drowning from how heavy her garment is. I know that that's kinda the intention, with their ANTM water challenge inspo, but it doesn't read well. Accessory-wise, some choices don't make sense with the element. The kitsune mask, with a moon hairpin? For a water garment? I don't see the vision of it. It's tough seeing HELL be at their worst at the worst time, but this entry doesn't give me the HELL that I knew and love throughout the cycle.

Detrimentum — Helena (Wind) (Total Score: 32 pts. // 80%)
Style:8 • Creativity:7 • Motif:8 • Description:9
Comments: One main thing I associate wind with is movement, and for Detri to capture that with their entry is really beautiful to see. Helena looks lively and animated, very fitting for the wind element. I definitely see they've done their research, with how they incorporated elements that associate with their assigned element. Helena's outfit looks flowy and easy to move in. This is one of the only times I'm fine with Detri going flouncy and bouncy with the outfit. Props to Detri for using items that we clocked other contestants for using and using it to their favor, because it's working out for them. Though I do have negative notes, still. I am 50/50 on the filter, because while I get the intention of the use of it, it does distort the beautiful colors of Helena's dress and the scenery. The filter also, by itself just reads as smoke to me, which doesn't necessarily fit the scene Helena's in. Also, the gold accessories on the face. It doesn't add anything or take away anything to the look, outside the fact that it looks good on Helena. Overall, this is a passable, A-Okay look. Nothing that I haven't seen before, but not bad in any way whatsoever. It has its charm, but it's nothing that gives me life.

mythological irony — Sumati (Earth) (Total Score: 33 pts. // 82.5%)
Style:8 • Creativity:8 • Motif:10 • Description:7
Comments: Wow! This looks a lot like the paintings I see at art exhibits, in the best way possible. I often see artwork, when they wanna portray earth, I see along the lines of what myth has done here. This has a cultural feel to it that I really enjoy. Sumati's giving me earth goddess without being on-the-nose goddess. I also appreciate that this isn't too on-the-nose earth either. Maybe it's just me that got the vision, but this gives earth to me 100%. Something about this entry just feels like something we see at our local festivals in the Philippines. This entry just that indigenous element to it that I like. Out of all the entries, this feels the least intricate outfit, comparatively, but the simplicity of it added more to that cultural feel I've mentioned. I wished myth sees the cultural vision, because they had the chance to tap into it more in their description, and this would've been rated higher. Overall, I'm just intrigued by this entry. It's enchanting.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:45 pm

Challenge #14: Elementals
This is it, Designers. This is the final challenge to determine who will make it into the long-
awaited top 3, and the Judges' expectations have never been higher. So to ensure that
this last obstacle is challenging, yet fair, we are once again randomly assigning individual
motifs — This time based on the classical elements of universal matter. It is strongly urged
that you read up on your assigned element a little bit before starting your design, so that
you can incorporate as many references into your entry as possible. Due Date: Jun 15th

clowniing — Rhiannon (Fire): 95%
Style:9 • Creativity:10 • Motif:10 • Description:9
Comments: initial thoughts: this ******** rules. it's not a concept that i would have considered at first and the way it's done, where all the fiery oranges are softened by whites and rhiannon's gorgeous features stand out, it comes together as a cohesive and warm picture of love rather than fiery, while still nailing the prompt in a way i'm really fascinated by. truly great work from clowniing here. (description runs a lil long tho 😭)

Detrimentum — Helena (Wind): 67.5%
Style:8 • Creativity:5 • Motif:5 • Description:7
Comments: it's just very like... it's pretty? like it's a very well constructed avatar in the technical sense? like i like the avatar??? but it's so... blah. it's literally just like whatever. i get wind from it in the absolute baseboards sense of 'this is a girl standing in a windy field' but other than that it just doesn't take it to the level it needs to be for me. i wish i liked this more. also i feel like you might have benefitted from a hat here. maybe it's just me and i'm looking for maximalism though idk.

HELLPRIEST — Seren (Water): 50%
Style:3 • Creativity:6 • Motif:3 • Description:8
Comments: initial thoughts: oooh i don't like it... you can say in as many paragraphs as you want the reasons why you used goshiki as a color scheme and that's all fine and good but when your avatar has genuinely nothing to do with the concept that you've been given is where it becomes a problem. like yeah i get where you're coming from but that is literally only supported by the description and not at all by the outfit given. there's a random fox mask and some leaves and it feels very jarring even though you told us the concept you're going for. i honestly would have preferred a generic mermaid fantasy to this... it's a very disappointing showing from someone who's turned out really great looks before ):

mythological irony — Sumati (Earth): 55%
Style:8 • Creativity:6 • Motif:4 • Description:6
Comments: initial thoughts: i'm honestly a little conflicted on this. while yes it does work for sumati really well and i get your thought process the fact that the flowers are covering half the face and don't really match the rest of the image really bothers me. i'm dinging this because i think there was a better armmod to use and a lot of the fascination in the look is in the background, which is a bit disappointing, and i have a hard time finding a concept for this that isn't just 'hardworking woman' - which is a fine concept, but this is down to the wire, and the connections just aren't happening for me. also the description left me a bit underwhelmed, it feels very clinical and not really like 'here's why i did this and why i'm proud of it.' needs some punching up imo

The Clot Thickens

Vice Captain

Romantic Vampire

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