This is a solo RP between Matania (Nayci), and Tanzi (Nayci)


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. “I’m sorry, what did you just say to me?”

Tanzi’s face did little to hide the utter confusion and concern that flowed through her head as she stared at Matania’s stone clad face.

“I have done all I can for you. You’re good to leave this place at dawn. I’ve set aside rations for your journey over by the caves. Mataius will join you in the morning as an escort,” the hippo-suti mare replied curtly, her jaw set in a fine line, set to turn tail and leave the nymph from their training grounds.

You have got to be kidding! We’re friends, remember?! And friends stick together!”

A tiny hoof stomped loudly in reply, indignant, stubborn even. It only proved to get under Matania’s skin more, the feathers of her wings vibrating in irritation. As Matania drew back to her full height, fluffing out her lithe body to try and intimidate Tanzi ever further, the mini continued to stand her ground. For in Tanzi’s mind, she just couldn’t understand where this came from or why Matania continued to keep her at a leg’s distance. They had been together what? At least a few years at this point? It made no sense. And because it continued to make no sense Tanzi continued to push Matania’s buttons.

“All this time you’ve kept me at a distance and I don’t understand why,” she dragged her hoof across the ground, beginning to dig a small hole, I’ve been nothing but supportive since you saved me, and I’m forever grateful for you doing so. Yet you continue to be an ice queen, close me out at every turn you can, and turn away to go into your own bubble. And here we are now with you digging your claws in. What’s happened to you that’s made you shut out anyone you meet. It’s honestly not just me either. You’ve shut out every single soquili we’ve met along the journey. Anyone who’s offered to be an ally, a friend. What are you so afraid of!?”

Tanzi’s voice cracked then, unshed tears threatening to fall down her cheeks.

A long pause, Matania’s glare hardened for a moment as she stared down at the little nymph who dared to continue forward against her. Yet Tanzi’s gaze, despite being watery, didn’t falter, didn’t stop staring right back into the glowing pink. If Tanzi didn’t know any better, as Matania’s look almost started to falter, to waver in to what looked to be…fear? The concern Tanzi had for her friend, even if that friend wouldn’t admit to being friends out loud, grew.

“Who hurt you?”

“You wouldn’t understand,” was the only thing Matania could offer, but Tanzi wasn’t deterred.

“Try me. Trust me. Please…”

“….,” it was almost with hesitance that Matania turned her back to Tanzi, the latter almost starting to feel the inkling of fear that she pushed the taller mare to far.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.“Follow me…”

Into the woods they went, around their cave entrance, and between two large willow trees. Tanzi, for all the time they’ve been here, it was one of the few places she hadn’t tread yet.

“Where are we going?”

“…You’ll see.”

After the willow trees came a small glade, a crystal clear pond sat with small waterfall cascading into the water below it. Lush greenery and moss lined its shoreline. Sunlight just peaking between the leaves of the trees that protected it. It was truly a beautiful site. Matania paused her footing and looked back at Tanzi for a brief moment, considering what to say next. Meanwhile, the nymph continued to make her way forward past the older mare to gain an even better look at her surroundings. As her gaze took in the site further, she began to notice small rocks lined in patterns and rows.

“What is this place?” Tanzi whispered softly.

“A memorial,” came the quiet reply.

Whirling around, Tanzi stared at Matania in shock, “for what?”

An even-eyed stare met the mini, “For every soquili and familiar I’ve killed.”

“I’m…I’m sorry what?”

“I’m a murderer, Tanzi,” Matania’s answer almost choked her, “every single rock, every single boulder you see is someone who has died because of me.”

Tanzi’s brow furrowed in confusion, “did you intentionally cause all these deaths?”

“So says my home herd, my family. It’s why I was exiled from my home.”

Tanzi’s head spun and she shook her head trying to clear the whirling thoughts, “but did you set out to kill all these individuals?”

“My –”

“Not what your herd said! What was YOUR intent.”

“It was, and will forever be my intent to protect those who cannot protect themselves.”

“Then you are not a murderer.”

A wry grin drew across Matania’s face, “your logic may be a bit flawed little one.”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Tanzi answered in kind, “regardless, I’ve seen you protect me, protect others. Spirits, you have even been training me in self-defense. That doesn’t scream murderer to me at all.”

Matania quietly huffed, “you have too much faith in me.”

“I don’t think so.”

The two of them sat there in silence for a few moments, the water hitting the rocks nearby being the only sound they could hear.

“What happened, Matania?”

Matania hesitated once more briefly, walking over to the water to gaze in and stare at her reflection. Tanzi followed suit, coming up beside her friend and looking up at her, ears alert and at full attention. Matania needed her, needed her as a listening ear. Her friend was in immense pain clear as day, and it wasn’t right for her to deal with it on her own any longer.

“I….am not ready to go into full details,” Matania began, “but, I will share with you the basics.”

All Tanzi could do was nod.

“You know already that I come from the far north of here. You know now that I can never go back,” Matania chose her next words carefully, “you remember my brother speaking of the demon, Tiamat, yes?”

“I would never forget that conversation.”

“Of course you wouldn’t,” the hippo-suti exhaled a small laugh, “Tiamat is the reason I am here, the reason for my exile.”

“But if she’s the reason those –” Matania placed a wing down in front of Tanzi’s face to silence her.

“My team, my squad, was assigned as reconnaissance for Tiamat’s whereabouts. Where her legions were located, when they may strike, among other things. We were….I was fed false information, or at least not entirely accurate information. We were ambushed. The majority of our armies decimated, and my brother,” Matania sighed, “my brother’s mate killed by Tiamat herself.”

Turning to look Tanzi straight in the eyes, Matania continued “Those closest to me are always killed, Tanzi. I keep you at arms length to protect you from myself…”

“And that’s why you’ve never spoken to me about any of this before? Why you kept this a secret from me? Why you’ve protected this area of our home?”

“Yes. It was something you never needed to know.”

Taking the information in, Tanzi began processing it all. It was a lot to be sure, but nothing deal breaking in the slightest. If anything it made Tanzi all the more determined to stick by Matania’s side. To give her strength when Matania needed it most. It’s what friends are for, what they do, and why they stay.

“You are NOT a murderer, my friend,” Tanzi determined, “Not even close. Tiamat is.”

Tanzi turned to look at one of the closest rocks to her, etched on it’s surface, clearly with Matania’s claws, a name, “you’ve made this place a sanctuary for the dead and the living. I think that’s beautiful.” She grabbed a nearby flower with her mouth and set it on the rock, “you are a protector, a friend, and have a massive heart. I can’t even begin to understand your loss, but I can empathize. And I will always be here to lend an ear for you.”

“I still think you have too much faith in me.”

“Call me an optimist,” Tanzi gave a toothy grin, “I’m your ride or die.”

“You clearly haven’t learned anything.”

“Oh, I’ve learned plenty along the way while being with you ma’am. You’re really stuck with me now. There’s no way I’m going to leave you to deal with Tiamat all by yourself.”

“I have my brother.”

“He doesn’t count.”

“He’s bigger than you.”

“I may come in a small package but I can still pack a punch!”

Matania allowed herself to chuckle, earning a large grin from Tanzi in process, “alright, you win this time.”

“I win all the time.”

A ‘you’re serious?’ unimpressed look from Matania caused Tanzi to fall into a fit of giggles. With a shake of her head in good natured fun, Matania turned to begin her walk back to the main area proper.

“Whatever you say little Mouse.”

“Did you just give me a nickname?”

“Take it for what you will.”

“I like it!”

Tanzi almost rammed into Matania by accident when she paused mid-step.



“Thanks…For everything.”

“…You’re welcome~”

Words: 1518