Core Classes

Astronomy : A
    Noreen wasn't against Astronomy, she found it interesting but also exhausting.
    Staring at the sky was great but listening to recalling information on it not so much. Honestly she was probably luck she even managed an Acceptable.

Charms : O
    To say charms wasn't one of Noreen's best subjects would be laughable. It was the one type of magic she had very little issue with.
    It showed for sure and it was no surprise when she received an Outstanding grade. If it had been lower she would have lost it.

Defence Against the Dark Arts : A
    The harder of the main line magic classes Noreen had to take. She did okay for the most part though out her five years. Managed an acceptable grade she was mostly satisfied.

Herbology : A
    Noreen didn't made herbology. It wasn't the worst though she could have done without the bugs. Walking in she knew enough to get an acceptable grade. It was enough for her in the end.

History of Magic : P
    When it came to history Noreen was just alright. At times she wasn't great either but she tried, as well as she normally did (which was to say not much).
    Getting a Poor grade in response to her OWL, Noreen was kind of surprised. She expected better but it wasn't earth shattering in the end.

Potions : EE
    Noreen couldn't say she loved potions but she was horrible at it. To say she was expecting to get a good grade would also be a lie.
    So when she managed to exceed expectations she was shocked and also mildly pleased with herself.

Transfiguration : A
    What can you say, transfiguration was hard. It wasn't that she couldn't visualize what needed to be done. No, that wasn't it.
    It was the struggle of staying concentrated on what she was trying to do. Luckily her practical saved her from failing the class.


Arithmancy : P
    Noreen wanted to be good at Arithmancy but ultimately failed to apply what she learned in class. It wasn't like Divination at all and as such it was a flop. Ending up with a Poor grade wasn't the plan but she fell short.

Art : O
    Art was Noreen's bread and butter of school so to speak. She loved design and it showed in the class. Excelling in class it was no surprise when she received an Outstanding grade.

Care of Magical Creatures : A
    Don't get Noreen wrong, she liked the idea of magical creatures. Learning about them was cool but it didn't always hold her attention.
    The cute cuddly ones didn't hurt things but the odd looking ones not so much. She managed to get herself an acceptable grade which was good enough in all honesty.

Divination : EE
    Divination was where Noreen shined. She enjoyed it far better then Arithmancy and it showed practically.
    It was a much more creative outlet in the Ravenclaw's humble opinion. Managing to exceed expectations was enough for her.

Ghoul and Ghost Studies : A
    Noreen took ghost studies out of interest for her mother's career. She enjoyed it enough but not enough to apply herself. She still managed an acceptable grade which was fine for her.