xxxxR O S A L I N D E xxxC E C I L YxxxA B R A M S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Rosa, Cici

              AGE 11

              BIRTHDAY 18 April 2051

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 9 1⁄4 inch Chestnut wood with a Crup Hair core, bendy and swishy with a slightly bent shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM 3-10: picrew
              Suzzanne O.: 11-13 [x]
              Sydnei W.: 14-17 [x]
              Fo Porter: 18+ [x]

              LANGUAGES English, BSL, attempting to learn Elvish

        xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            HOUSE Hufflepuff

            YEAR First

            BEST LESSONS

            WORST LESSONS

            HONORS Honors Received

            SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Activities

            CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Clay conservator

            DREAM JOB The person who paints street signs

        xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            ◊ RESOURCEFUL Very little gets in the way of Rosa and what she's attempting to achieve. When her synethesia began to appear and her numbers appeared drastically different to those around her, she took to making a wheel to show and use her way of thinking. It has also helped with her and Wen's pranks on their older brother.
            ◊ ATTENTIVE Rosa makes sure to try and pay attention to the small things and little details. Everything doesn’t have to really match but its the thought that counts!
            ◊ HELPFUL She loves meeting and helping others, especially volunteering with her mum or uncles. If there's something she can do to help or elevate a friend, she'll do it almost no questions asked. She even carries a small bag around to help her dad and brother in case they become overwhelmed and a sewing kit for emergencies.
            ◊ TRUSTING Rosa honestly wants to believe the best in everyone she meets which automatically means she trusts nearly everything they say or tell her. This can-and has-led to some bad situations but seeing as they're not the majority, she usually discounts them in the grand scheme of things.
            ◊ WITTY As it happens when one is raised in a diverse eclectic household, Rosa has a sense of humor few understand or agree with. That does little to deter her and in fact spurs her on even more to find more ludicrous ways to tell or a story or euphemism (whether this is at the other's expense is yet to be determined).
            ◊ SELF CONSCIOUS Rosa has very rarely liked being the center of attention as she tends to keep to the side mostly to let others shine. She doesn't see herself as particularly good at anything to stand out so she'll keep things to herself or just never show them to others for fear of being judged. Where there are paintings or clay figurines being seen there are many many others that never saw the light outside a trash can and if she knows an answer to something, no she doesn't.

                Playing outside
                Helping at the theater
                Cooking with her grandparents

                Having nothing to do
                Brain teasers
                Being cold
                Being called stupid

                Making clay figurines
                Making graphs of her number forms
                Pranking with Wendel

                Detailed oriented

                Short attention span
                Lack of self confidence

                Never finding her "thing"

        xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            CHILDHOOD Rosalinde is the secondborn child of Dris and Puck Abrams. As a toddler, she spent her time following behind various family members, specifically her parents and her older brother whom she thinks hung the moon. (Literally, he hung a moon in her room once and he’s been golden ever since). That is, until she became a big sister and middle child to one Wendel Abrams a few years after. While there was a bit of jealousy that brewed within her, she soon learned having a partner in crime was a great thing. Especially when it came to pranking their family members but especially their dad and older brother. When Rosa was in kindergarten, she started noticing that her numbers did something that apparently others didn't. Hers didn't jump off the page so to speak, they just twisted themselves a bit in what she thought made sense but not to her teacher. When she attempted to tell her teacher that the numbers only made sense in specific ways, she was labeled a problem child and usually sent to the counselor. The teacher then reached out her parents indicating that she was falling behind the learning curve of the other students, particularly in math and suggested tutoring and perhaps even testing. Her father, having gone through this beforehand, asked if any of the numbers made a specific color or sound, to which Rosa explained sort of but that their shapes made no sense. She wrote out the numbers the way she saw them in forms and loops of specific color combinations. A few tests later and it was confirmed that she had a form of synesthesia different from her dad and brother mostly known as number form. The numbers she heard or saw would take on shapes and sometimes colors that would only make sense to her. After some time, she was able to create wheel to use while at school that could help her translate what she saw for her teachers to grade. Some teachers found it helpful while others assumed she was faking and occasionally berate her in class to the amusement of her classmates. She rarely told her parents when this would happen since they made a humongous stink about her first teacher that had even other kids looking at her differently and she just wanted to get school over with already. As it stands, luck was on Rosa's side as in her eleventh year her Hogwarts letter arrived and soon a whole new adventure awaited her!

            SCHOOL YEARS
                ◊ FIRST YEAR Information
                ◊ SECOND YEAR Information
                ◊ THIRD YEAR Information
                ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
                ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

            POST GRADUATION Information

        xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                Parents - Driskol and Magdalena Abrams
                Siblings - Lewis and Wendel Abrams
                Grandparents - Wyatt and Milo Abrams; Hera and Nora Giese-Dunbar
                Aunts/Uncles - Nani and Laili Heulwen, Chanda Giese-Dunbar, Quinn Abrams
                Cousins - Wakefield, Abrams, Ellis, and Giese-Dunbar families

                Best Friend - Wendel Abrams
                Lewis Abrams

            ENEMIES Thunder
            PETS A Lionhead Rabbit named Fili

        xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        UPDATED 5/8/2024 xxx
        UPDATES MADExxx
        (recent update)xxxxxx
        (recent update)

        PENDED BY 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 05/23/2024xxx
        ACCEPTED BY ✯ Alice ✯ 06/08/24xxx
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