Astronomy ~ O
--Ruth found solace in the chaos of the universe when she was in the orphanage and as her studies progressed at Hogwarts, her interest and competency has never waned. It was no problem for her to study and pass with flying colors.

Charms ~ EE
--She has a bit of self confidence issues when it comes to casting but after some practice she was able to complete the practical (and summon the cat back for because reasons) but she flubbed a bit on the written portion which decreased her grade.

Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
--Surprisingly, Ruth was very good at the basics of defensive and offensive spells. Unsurprisingly, when it came to actually casting the spells...there was some room for improvement. But she practiced and practiced and she's pretty sure she only got the grade out of pity after her knockback jinx knocked the dummy and herself over.

Herbology ~ A
--She's pretty sure the only reason she didn't outright fail this exam was due to her written portion. Otherwise, the fact that she knocked over the plant and then spent the time apologizing to it, the examiner, and the angry plants next to it as she tried (and minimally failed) to replant definitely did it.

History of Magic ~ O
--History was a major part of paranormal research so it was a surprise to no one that Ruth had no issue putting her nose to the grindstone to knock the test out the park. Though her roommates are still finding flashcards and aren't sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing.

Potions ~ A
--She thought she understood potions; cut the ingredients, put them in at the right time, stir, boom. Though in her case, the boom was in fact literal. Her written portion was her saving grace. Well that and an eyebrow regrowth.

Transfiguration ~ EE
--Ruth was normally decent at transfiguration but for her tests she decided to hunker down and study harder to get a better grade. Her practical was great but her essay had points deducted for mislabeling steps which lowered her grade.
Alchemy ~ A
--When she first took the class, she had no idea how much potions would be a necessary evil. And since she wasn't that well off in that class either, it sort of followed to this one. She's just no poor critters were harmed in the making. And of course that she didn't completely fail (but mostly the critters).

Art ~ O
--While Ruth may not think so, her art was objectively good and she was capable of the technical aspects that allowed her to pass with flying colors.

Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ EE
--It saddened her that the class wasn't quite as in depth as she had hoped, Ruth was still glad the class was around to fuel her...peculiarities around the spirit realm. However it seems her awkwardness of directing conversation was still relevant even with ghosts which unfortunately lost her points and her perfect grade.

Healing ~ EE
--Living with her family had given Ruth experience with all sorts of scrapes, bruises, and illness that she immediately signed up for this class the second she could. Helping in the infirmary was a bit nerve-wracking but rewarding so she kept working through it. During the exam, she wrapped a splint too tightly which had the student complain then after apologizing rewrapped it too loosely which had her spiral until nearly the other students entire arm was wrapped and she was on the verge of panic. Thankfully, the examiners gave her grace so she only lost a few points instead of a fail.

Mythology ~ EE
--Ruth enjoyed history and legends of other cultures so this class was perfect for her! She studied well for it but unfortunately for her, two legends were a tad too close in similarity for her to decipher which lost her some points.

Study of Ancient Runes ~ EE
--Runic language was close to her first spoken language so it was a joy to take and experience the class. Of course with all languages, there are translation errors which occurred to her while testing, but it was thankfully not enough to cost her the exam.

Wizard Law ~ A
--Ruth took the class on a whim to expand her knowledge on the wizarding world. However, she vastly underestimated the amount of public speaking and debate that would take place. Her notes and tests could only take her so far so when she nearly ran out of the exam room so was thankful for the pass but was definitely never going through this again.