

NICKNAMES Professor or Mr. Goldfinch, though there was a time in the 70s when everyone called him AWG for one reason or another.


FACECLAIM d**k Van Dyke

AGE 102

BIRTHDAY 16 Februaury 1959



WAND 12 inch, Pine, Unicorn Core


xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Ravenclaw

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ E
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
Herbology ~ E
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ O
Alchemy ~ O
Care of Magical Creatures ~ E
Divination ~ O
Ghoul & Ghost Studies ~ O
Healing ~ O
Mind Magic ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ O
Sᴛᴜᴅʏ ᴏғ Aɴᴄɪᴇɴᴛ Rᴜɴᴇs ~ E
Wᴀɴᴅʟᴇss Mᴀɢɪᴄ ~ A
Wᴀɴᴅʟᴏʀᴇ Sᴛᴜᴅɪᴇs ~ O
Wɪᴢᴀʀᴅ Lᴀᴡ ~ O

Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ E
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ E
Alchemy ~ O
Divination ~ O
Ghoul & Ghost Studies ~ O
Healing ~ O
Mind Magic ~ O
Muggle Studies ~ O
Sᴛᴜᴅʏ ᴏғ Aɴᴄɪᴇɴᴛ Rᴜɴᴇs ~ E
Wᴀɴᴅʟᴏʀᴇ Sᴛᴜᴅɪᴇs ~ O
Wɪᴢᴀʀᴅ Lᴀᴡ ~ O

DREAM JOB Playwright

CURRENT OCCUPATION Professor of Ghoul and Ghost Studies


PLAYFUL Algernon has a way of turning every experience into something enjoyable. He never takes himself too seriously and always puts off an aura of enthusiasm. People are naturally drawn to him. He’s always up for a good joke or tease, though he’s careful not to hurt feelings in the process.
WISE After over 100 years of life wisdom tends to be something that comes pretty naturally. He’s had plenty of life experience and is always willing to share advice for those who ask, though he’ll never tell you outright what you should do. He looks at all aspects of a problem and takes the time to work out the best solution for all those involved.
CURIOUS No matter how long you live there will always be new things to experience and there’s nothing Algernon loves more than new experiences. If there is something he doesn’t know or something new to see he will do everything he can to learn about it. He’s constantly coming up with and playing with new ideas.
RESPONSIBLE This is another trait that, hopefully, comes with age. Algernon is always someone who can be trusted. He treats everyone kindly and equally and honors his commitments. He always takes responsibility for his actions, and if the situation calls for it, others actions as well.
NURTURING Alegernon cares for almost everyone he meets. He wants to make sure that everyone goes through their lives feeling respected and supported. He remembers the names of every single student he’s ever had and keeps up with them the best that he can. He takes every opportunity to do nice things for people and wants them to know he will have their back.
CONFIDENT Algernon is what he is. He’s never felt the need to hide parts of himself and others’ opinions rarely matter to him. He has a healthy amount of pride in himself and projects an air of positivity.

■ Jazz
■ Learning
■ Walks
■ Meeting new people
■ Playing the piano
■ Laughter

■ Insects
■ Excessive tardiness
■ Bullies
■ Not knowing things
■ Radishes

■ Good listener
■ He knows a little bit about everything

■ Disorganized
■ Overly self-reliant

■ The ocean


EARLY CHILDHOOD Algernon Goldfinch was born in Windsor to a large pureblood family. He was the oldest of six children and grew up surrounded by siblings, cousins, and a variety of distant relatives. At that time much of his family still clung to certain pureblood ideals, which was something Algernon never quite understood.

From a young age, Algernon exhibited an insatiable curiosity and natural aptitude for magic. He also displayed a remarkable aptitude for music, often entertaining his family and friends with spells set to melodies he composed himself.

As he grew Algernon also developed a habit of sharing every fact he’d ever learned with anyone who’d listened. Everyone joked that he was destined to teach. He happily held to that joke. No one was the least bit surprised when his Hogwarts letter arrived

SCHOOL YEARS He arrived at Hogwarts and was sorted into Ravenclaw. He became part of a small, though growing, portion of his family not sorted into Slytherin. Which, considering this was also the year the First Wizarding War began, ended up being a very good thing for him. At least in his own eyes.

Hogwarts was kept safe and was affected relatively little all things considered. Through school Algernon immersed himself in every aspect of magic and became a top student. There was an occasion or two where he found himself in a bit of trouble for a prank that didn’t go exactly as planned or a snide comment to a teacher when he thought he knew better, but overall he wasn’t the cause of much complaint. Especially not compared to a certain group of Gryffindor’s the year below him but he never paid much attention to that House.

In school, Algernon also found that he had a knack for quidditch, which was something he’d never considered prior to attending Hogwarts but he became a Chaser for Ravenclaw and helped win his fair share of games. He even went on to be team captain in his sixth and seventh years.

From his fifth year on he was a Ravenclaw Prefect and in his seventh year became Head Boy.

POST-GRADUATION When he graduated the world seemed to be in a state of turmoil. Algernon did what he could during the war from a distance but chose not to get too involved. This would go on to be one of the few regrets of his long life.

With the defeat of the Dark Lord, things returned to, more or less, a sense of normalcy. Only now, a few family members had found themselves permanent residents of Azkaban. Soon he began to travel, wanting to experience all that the world had to offer him. He spent time studying other cultures, exploring the natural world, and learning anything he possibly could. He was young and had family money, he saw no reason to stop. However, that changed during one of his returns to England.

He had come home for a few weeks to visit friends and the group went to London to see a show that his friend Walter was a part of. It was there he met the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen; Marian Kortright. She was an actress in the ensemble and he couldn’t take his eyes off her the entire show. Luckily for him, Walter was willing to introduce the pair. Algernon immediately fell head over heels for Marian. To his surprise, after a few days, he realized it was mutual. She was gorgeous, funny, brave, and brilliant. The one slight issue was the fact that she was a muggle. Algernon himself couldn’t care less but his family wasn’t exactly thrilled at the idea of a muggle “ruining” their precious lineage. He fought the issue for a while but soon decided she was far more important to him than his family and that he didn’t really want to be involved with people who spent their lives judging others.

So, in May of 1984 the two were married in a small ceremony in the English countryside. The two couldn’t have been happier, though seeing as he’d been cut off, money suddenly became an issue and one Algernon hadn’t faced before. However, Marian was not the type to let anything stand in their way. She got work as secretary and would sometimes sell flowers at markets. Algernon got a job at the Ministry working in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Marian continued acting and even managed to get Algernon to join her when he could make the time for a show. They found that their passions meshed quite well.

It wasn’t long before Marian found herself pregnant and the two welcomed their first children. Twins Mark and Maria. Through the years they had five more children. Robert, Kathryn, Lily, Charlie, and Amelia.

Their home was constantly bustling with seven children which was all the more complicated by the outbreak of the Second Wizarding War which was made known at the end of the twins’ first year at Hogwarts. There wasn’t much Algernon really felt like he could do besides try his best to keep his family safe. However, in May of 1998 Algernon returned to Hogwarts and participated in the final battle of the war.

After the war ended and all seven of the children had started Hogwarts Marian returned to the stage full-time. Algernon worked in several Ministry departments through the years, always wanting new experiences.

As time moved on the kids began to get married and continued their lives. Through the years Algernon and Marian ended up with 34 grandchildren, 100 great-grandchildren, and just recently the first great-great-grandchild.

At the age of 84, Marian passed away. Her passing was of course difficult, but they had had over 60 years together and had lived a beautiful life. However, after her death, Algernon found himself getting very bored. He decided to try something that had always been in the back of his mind; teaching.

So, as a man well into his 80s, Algernon returned to Hogwarts once more, this time as a teacher. Through the years Algernon actually taught multiple subjects, filling in any position that needed it.

Algernon has been teaching Ghoul and Ghost Studies for the past several years and loved it. Despite his age, Algernon remained as enthusiastic about teaching as ever, finding new ways to engage his students


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