As Vengeance kicked off and the commentary team were in full swing, they had a call from the backstage crew that there was a video segment coming up.

JR: "Well, I am led to believe that we have a behind the scenes footage of the aftermath of Money in the Bank."

King: "Is this what I think it is, JR?"

JR: "I'm not sure, King, let's see what they have for us."

The video then cut to Avari Fusion laid out on the ground in the arena, at the last show, Money in the Bank. Medics were surrounding him, with security keeping a thrilled crowd away from the World Heavyweight Champion.

Carefully they got Avari on a stretcher, as his eyes rolled back in his head, his vision blurry as the suspected concussion had gotten to him. As he was lifted up on the stretcher he lifted his arm out, speaking words slowly from his mouth, almost as if they were hard to form.

"Did.. did.. did I win?"

A trainer nearby came to his arm and clutched it, leaning down to him and letting him know that the match was called as a double count out.

Avari's eyes opened as he seemed to come back into the room, turning his neck and looking around where he was. He clutched his neck as he turned it, grimacing and looking bewildered at not knowing exactly where he was.

Against the advice of the medics he rolled off the stretcher, landing hard on his hands and knees on the hard concrete floor. The same trainer and a couple of medics came to his side and implored him to get back on the stretcher, but Avari uncharacteristically pushed them away with a light shove.

He made his way slowly to his feet, as the crowd nearby began to cheer and applaud him. As he turned and looked around, he felt to his waist.. nothing.

"Where's my gold? Where's my Championship?"

The trainer turned and took it from a member of the backstage crew, handing it to Avari, who promptly took it and held it to his stomach. His abs tensed as he did this and he grimaced again, feeling the pain within.

Looking around, he muttered to himself.

"Omen..Omen.. We're not finished yet.

I'm not dead yet.

Avari raised his title in the air to a mass pop from the arena, as the video faded out and back to the commentators.

JR: "Omen is a sick freak, you know that King?"

King: "They're about as sick as each other in my books.. Avari wants more!?"

JR: "Let's hope for his sake he makes it out alive.. Omen seems to be out to destroy him."