The scene would open to Lotus sitting in a chair with his eyes fixated on the ground and a hands occasionally shaking as if he was having issues in control. The sounds of chains clanging around behind him could be heard as he eventually would chuckle as he lifted a finger up and pointed toward nothing. His head wrapped up in a bandage due to the recent attack from the last card, hiding away the wound and blood that once spilled from his head. Distraught, struggling, and yet he was still amused by all that had transpired.

"Time and time again.. I've stated that I've brought no harm. I've done no wrong and to anyone that steps through that door of opportunity? The only thing that'll happen is up for those people to decide. It don't matter who they are or what happens as they won't effect our world of today. I sought out to bring peace to lives that felt they deserved more. I desired the world we hold dear to become a hell of a show we can all enjoy. Instead, I am targeted and finally attacked by the Oni. I tried to reason. I tried to play peacemaker and explain that there was no reason to fear, yet some deranged paranoia took over and now here you are attacking me with a partner of your own. Oh the irony of it all," he spoke out as he laughed. How it troubled him, yet it didn't surprise him in the end. There was no speaking with crazy, and he knew this all too well all due to what he had locked up.

"I saw a problem within myself and I locked it away in hopes of keeping peace through the chaos. I hoped to calm the fires released, but I found myself in the middle of this firestorm. I was finally burned for it and left in ash. The only issue is ... you left me alive, Oni. You left me alive after choking me out and busting me opened. You made a grave mistake. The moment the blood spilled, the blue moon stained," the man spoke as he carefully lifted his head to look up at the screen. A glitch in the camera flashed the lunatic that dawned red and white for a brief moment before returning to the blue Lotus.

"You broke the chains, you two. Congrats. You broke me and it resulted in his release. The Wrath watched over the madness, but now it's gone and back to our world. It came right back through the door. It took me quite awhile to close up the lunatic sometime after my title loss, but... none of it matters now. The world will burn in order to rid of a problem, and now that problem is you two.." he spoke before the screen flashed and the Eclipse was gone. Silence overcame the scene before an echoing laughter rang out. Walking into view, the white and red haired Lunar would make his first appearance in months as he held a few chains in hand, swinging them around as he hummed out a tune.

"Misery is bliss. Pain is pleasure. Up is down. Blue is Red," he spoke out as he would release the chains to have them go flying off screen, crashing into who knows what. "The Queen shall fall, dragging her dear friend with her into the madness of the abyss that is my mind. You brought this upon yourselves. I have no say in the matter now!" he spoke out laughing as he clapped his hands together. The high-pitched Moxcy laugh would ring out as well before things went silent and the smile of the Lunar Eclipse grew with red hues staring straight into the camera. "Are you ready...? You won't be," he stated before placing a finger over his lips and the lights dimming into darkness.

"The blood of the blue moon spilled and stained it red, releasing the Lunar Madness with the Blood Mood Rising again."