The camera fades-in to show Cartwright's Office.

The Boss, Cartwright, is sitting at his desk, surrounded by Omen, The Butler and Staff Member Russo.

Cartwright: "Lads, this is a huge night for Cartwright Strong Style.
Myself and Tiger Hat have matches against Cyrus and Luis Leone respectively, where we will defeat them and leave Power in the dirt once and for all!"

SMR: "Where is Tiger, bro?!"

Cartwright turns to look at Staff Member Russo.

Cartwright: "He has chosen to prepare for his match alone...and does he deserve to be in The Winners Room?!"

The crowd ooos as Staff Member Russo looks concerned, like this isn't how he booked the segment.

Turning to face the camera again, Cartwright remains looking and sounding confident.

Cartwright: "Then the lads, Omen and The Butler, will be dealing with two other problems that WWFG has.
Omen is going to destroy Avari Fusion again, this time inside Hell In A Cell, to take the WWFG World Heavyweight Championship away from those Apex nonces!
All those grown men hanging around with a child, what other reason does the world need to hate Apex?!
Meanwhile, The Butler will put Drako Damone in his place and remind him that this isn't Drako's Den, it's Cartwright's World!"

Omen and The Butler, who have been regular tag team partners, look ready for the challenge.

Butler: "I heard what you had to say Drako and I must say, it peeved me off.
The twit thinks that he is going to walk right through me tonight?
He's not intimidated by me?
With the run that I am on?
I am a much more experienced wrestler since the lumberjack match that we had Drako.
Keep doubting me, it will make my victory all the sweeter.
You, along with the world, will learn to fear me."

Cartwright looks pleased by The Butler's words.

Cartwright: "I have a wonderful feeling that after tonight, when we have completely crushed all of our opposition, everyone will have to admit that they are living in The Cartwright Strong Style Era!
An Era that will last....FOREVER!"

The camera fades-out with Cartwright cackling like a super villain.

JR: "Can you imagine anything worse than living under The Cartwright Strong Style Era?!"

King: "Yes I can, imagine if you were involved in Talent Relations again JR!"