Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 5:02 pm
So that no one gets missed. Once quoted that your RP qualifies, post here for what item or items you want along with which soquili you are having it added to. Once your quoted and your items added, head on over to Generao Certing. You can choose ANY item for any benchmark. This also means you can choose multiples of an item as long as you qualifed for that many items. XXXXXXXXXXXPEACOCK FEATHERS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SCARAB XXXXXXXXXXXX KANZASHI Items by Elfstar89 Omit any benchmarks you don't qualify for. Use {IMG} format to post uncerts.Items can be placed/spliced any place that Elf can make it work. [b] Link to Approval of Number of Items:[/b] [b] Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?:[/b] [img]UNCERT URL[/img] [b] Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?:[/b] [img]UNCERT URL[/img] [b] Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?[/b] [img]UNCERT URL[/img]
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:50 pm
Eos Galvus Did you intend to have all three items on Kestrel visible at the same time? Were other ponies intended for some items? Or did you want an uncert with each item individually, or in pairs, etc? -- elfstar89 Link to Approval of Number of Items: Boop! Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Scarab, on Kes' leg? Uncert (And since I'm using my imghur for her uncert, cert for ownership.). Benchmark 2: : Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Kanzashi, wherever looks nice! url=https://imgur.com/Gw7dIRD]Uncert (And since I'm using my imghur for her uncert, cert for ownership.). Benchmark 3: : Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on? Peacock feather, wherever they loook nice? url=https://imgur.com/Gw7dIRD]Uncert (And since I'm using my imghur for her uncert, cert for ownership.). Eos Galvus Please take to the General Certing Thread! Ponies and placement finalized over Discord.
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 2:33 pm
Calixita Please update your post to include uncerts!
-- Calixita
Added! Sorry, thank you!
- Julie Link to Approval of Number of Items: 3 Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Kanzashi on Prima Rosa, in her hair (specifics can be wherever it looks best! Just preferably not all the way down at the end of her braid.) Uncert here! Benchmark 2: : Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Peacock Feather on Pyxis as a pin or clip in her hair/feathers, wherever it looks best! Uncert here! Benchmark 3: : Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on? Scarab, on Pacha, at the top of her tail where it connects to her back, sort of like a tail...crown. Unless that looks stupid, in which case feel free to CC it! Uncert here! Juliette06 Please take to the General Certing Thread!
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 6:58 am
Link to Approval of Number of Items: 3 Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Scarab on Iset's choker / necklace in the middle so it all looks like a single accessory. Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Kanzashi placed on Pluvialia under her right ear, attached to the curved braid. Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on? Peacock feather on the top of Maruder's mane, above the eye, hooked behind his left ear (closest to you). If it doesn't work, anywhere near the top of his mane. Rein_Carnation Please take to the General Certing Thread!
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 10:52 pm
Link to Approval of Number of Items: Approved for 3 Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Peacock feather, on Zoraida, behind her ear? [Cert for ownership] Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Scarab on Kebechet, either incorporated into her necklace somehow, or like an upper arm band for her un-accessorized front leg. [Cert for ownership] Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on? Kanzashi for Oenomel, perhaps behind her ear as a hairpin [Cert for ownership]Avid_RPer18 Please take to the General Certing Thread!
Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 10:18 pm
Link to Approval of Number of Items: Approved for 3 Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Peacock Feather - Attached to his ear, where the lower chain connects to the botton of his ear. Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Peacock Feather - Please flip the item! Attached to her braid where it meets the side of her head. Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on? Kanzashi - Shrunken down a little bit and attached to the closest ear on the lower outer edge, please.
Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2024 6:46 pm
Link to Approval of Number of Items: Approval for 2 Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Peacock Feather - Perhaps as a hair accessory Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Scarab - CC in placement Kesmi Please take to the General Certing Thread!
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 10:53 am
Here's your proof Elf Link to Approval of Number of Items: Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?:Peacock feather on Bandit's collar Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Scarab, CC placement. Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?Kanzashi, CC placement on Porcelain Pinch Please take to the General Certing Thread!
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 12:17 pm
Link to Approval of Number of Items: Approved for 3 Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Peacock Feather on Hein, placement CC. Whatever looks nice. Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Scarab on Wiyot on his raised leg of possible. Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Kanzashi on Rozemary Greens near her visible ear at eye hight. Morning_stars Please take to the General Certing Thread!
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 1:02 pm
Link to Approval of Number of Items: Approved for 3 Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Peacock feathers; worn as an earring Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Scarab; worn as a pectoral Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on? Kanzashi; where the jawline meets the hair (flipped facing the other direction)
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 2:15 pm
Link to Approval of Number of Items: Here Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Flowers, CC Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Peacock feathers, CC Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on? Pink Flowers,CC
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 3:29 pm
Link to Approval of Number of Items: Here Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Flowers for Myakka, on the necklace. Preferably over the circle part. Im only giving the item cert version since it will be part of the item. Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Flowers for Petunia, cc placement. Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on? Peacock on Pavo Lycaon, by her tail possibly something like this. If possible I'd love all three uncerts. If not, leave out prego belly smile .
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:39 pm
Link to Approval of Number of Items: Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Scarab! Either on the front, front leg or the back, back leg Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on?: Kanzashi, worn in the hair somewhere below bun Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? What soquili you want it on? Peacock feather in mid mane (above the braid, below the top stuff)
Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 8:03 pm
Link to Approval of Number of Items: here Benchmark 1: Which item would you like and where? Kanzashi, on her head/ behind ear. What soquili you want it on?: Benchmark 2: Which item would you like and where? Kanzashi, on her head/ behind ear. What soquili you want it on?: Benchmark 3: Which item would you like and where? Peacock feather, in the hair by the ear. What soquili you want it on?