Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2024 12:48 pm
This is a solo RP for ToniCourtel's Sotto Voce. Please do not post here unless you are invited.

[Teepee Here]
Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2024 12:49 pm
Sotto Voce gave several of his relatives a fond look or a gentle nuzzle, moving away from the family herd when the majority of them seemed distracted. In spite of his reservations he was quite glad he had attended, as it was nice to see so many of his siblings in one place. There was also a matter of the fact that his mother had a tendency to adopt, so he had a number of pseudo siblings to greet after significant amounts of time -sometimes even years- had passed between visits. Many of them returned to the family herd lands with stories of mates or potential partners, some of them even with mates in tow and discussion of children already half or full grown and out terrorizing the world.
The dappled Angeni-Lona Fayth had been particularly intrigued with how mysterious Kelakohr’s son Arioso had been about his romantic entanglements. Apparently his absent lady was from a fierce herd, and Sotto gathered that they found glory in battle and held warriors in particular esteem. Whether or not she’d visit in the future was a matter Arioso had gracefully danced around, and as there were no foals in tow the conversation had rather stalled there. Kelakohr had little to nothing to say on the matter, quietly supporting his son and viewing his family with a gentle fondness Sotto had always associated with the Unicorn’s nature.
Though the blight on their family that was Aveshar had not been in attendance, stories of his grandchildren moved through the herd and reinforced his general health. He was just as stubborn and taciturn and dismissive as ever, so it was no shock that he was absent. His constant disagreement with Sunisra’s very existence meant he would never wish to be somewhere she was, at least not with peaceful intentions.
For his part Sotto had stayed by Sunisra’s side for most of the gathering, just in case he had chosen to make an appearance. All preparation without cause, in the end, it seemed. Their Shadow had never appeared and the Jewel continued to gleam brightly in the heart of the family, shining with pride about her mate. Renen, Casalure and Riddle seemed to be content in wandering about as youthful free spirits- and Sotto was not going to be the one to put a damper on them.
All in all it had been a successful gathering, and Sotto was glad to be out of the chaos of it for the moment, inhaling and exhaling deeply before he allowed his wings to droop down to the ground in a relaxing stretch. “All in all, no one perished; it was a successful family reunion.”
Sotto Voce Wordcount: 445
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2024 2:39 pm
The woods are peaceful, soothingly alive with the expected sounds of life. The wind whispers through the fading leaves and in response they sigh heavily, more talkative than the fresh leaves of spring or mature ones of summer. Sotto allows his wings to remain trailing, stretching his neck down and resting his muzzle against the thick sweet grass. The grass itself is still tall and bright, not yet struck down by winter's chill. He is not inclined to graze but enjoys the sweet scent and soft texture as he allows tension to release form his neck and down the length of his back. Mane tumbling in soft curls down one side and obscuring his view, Sotto flicks his spaded tail in lazy back and forth motions, repetitive tocks, matching the rhythm of his breath and the wind. For a moment the world is in harmony, quiet and still and crystalline...
And then the distant squeals of foals shatters the quiet, prompting a smile. It sounds like some of the younger generation has won their campaign to play tag in the woods, straying beyond the clear marked boundary of the glades in the interest of pursuing shrubs and shadows for the sake of superior hiding spots. They're not darting this way, perhaps held off by the timely intervention of his sisters, but he can still hear their little hoof beats thundering over the dense earth and chiming against pebbles and stones.
"What does it say about us that I am somewhat surprised at the outcome of the event?" Sotto mused to himself as he let his eyelids drift shut, mostly obscuring the bright gleam of his gaze. "Thankfully I am not disappointed to make such a statement... but the fact that the bar for the whole event is there... that in itself does reflect more than an insignificant amount of dysfunction and difficulty."
But couldn't that be said about any family or herd? Sotto Voce Wordcount: 322
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 7:59 am
Once more taciturn and withdrawn as a younger stallion, Sotto Voce knew that he himself had grown and learned to relax, to emote more appropriately, when amongst his family. It had been beyond evident during this gathering, where he had returned affectionate nuzzles and supported his sisters when they leaned under his wings for quiet support. Partially that transformation had occurred learning by example from healthier siblings, and inversely learning from those that were a complete one-eighty in the opposing direction, feral and unhealthy and antisocial to say the least. Though there were a few such individuals that Sotto would consider friends for his part, he knew that such words were not within their general character or perhaps even their understanding. Perhaps one day they would learn, and until then he would quietly support them where he could.
In the distance there's a crash and a shriek and once again the rain-like thunder of dozens of little hooves, the foals exploding into movement and crashing through the underbrush as someone is caught and someone else found to be it. They go running and cheering and gamboling away, leaving him in woods that are once again peaceful, if only for the moment. He has a feeling Sunisra and her Knight are herding them along, keeping them away so that he can have a few moments of peace and solitude. Suni did always know him best, and his preferences for quiet conversation and singular companions rather than a group. Though it is a joyous affair to see the family, stolen moments of silence are necessary for his own peace of mind.
The silence is disrupted again, this time by crystal voices calling curiously through the trees.
"Uncle?" "Uncle?" "Uncle Sotto?"
"I suppose that's the end of solitude for the moment." Sotto grins to himself, shaking his head as he folds his wings and turns on his heels, striding back toward the noise. "Alright, Littlelings... Last one back to their parents gets EATEN!"
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Sotto Voce Wordcount: 331
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 2:04 pm
Ancient oaks dripping with grey moss, thick fern growth holding on the mist that rolled in at a slow creep. There was likely not a more magical stretch of woods than the one that housed the Fayths during a family reunion. Beneath the dark canopy of the trees shone the soft glow of a dozen coats, of Fayth markings in a myriad of shades. Like stars and soft moonbeams captive on the ground, the occasional streaming comet of movement cutting through the silence of the woods.
The general revelry of the family event had started near dawn that day, though the planning and build up had been over days beforehand. Sotto Voce had sat out the earlier building activities, but had at least done his best to hang in for the duration of the main event day, keeping an eye on foals and supervising from a distance when the crowd got to be too much.
His parents had remained at the heart of the herd, but his sisters and brothers had flowed more organically in and out of the glade, prompting Sotto to follow at a distance to be sure they did not come to danger. Though they were all adults, he still felt responsible for them and their safety. The foals were an entirely different story, their activities both high speed and high spirited. Tag, hide and seek, and races to exhaust their seemingly limitless pools of energy... then they would all settle in to nap quietly before rousing and doing it all over again.
By nightfall, when they were all making their way home again, Sotto found himself fervently wishing he had managed to get a nap in himself. He dropped his neck and wings into a deep stretch, rumbling as the tension began to seep away from the line of his spine. Slowly stretching his forelegs out one at a time in a slow motion emulation of a parade-worthy walk, he rumbled and then repeated the practice with each of his hind legs, shaking himself from nose to tail once he was through.
"Well, we made it through." Sotto Voce Wordcount: 351