Basic Statistics
Name:Xaris Zeigmus
Alias:The Blackwinged Angel of Galbadia
DoB: 7/13
Occupation: CEO of a vehicle manufacturing company known as Hugin Industries and a member of BIE.
Falce Interminatis Tenebris (Celestial weapon/Special)- A scythe with the power of darkness imbued inside of it. The markings on the blade of the scythe. When she strikes someone with the blade it has the potential to inflict the Dark Status affliction. When battling dark creatures the scythe will heal the user of it when the creature attacks. Rating: 10/10
Kilich's Gauntlets- This hand apparel has been customized to be a weapon. With a simple amount of force they are capable of smashing concrete, and denting metal. When it comes in contact with an object steam is shot out through small holes on the knuckles of the gauntlets. Rating 6/10
Standard Titanium Battle Scythe- A simple black titanium scythe. Rating 5/10
Sayiff's Dual Handguns- These customized handguns have special properties. They are capable of firing 3 special types of ammo. Red: Explosive, Green: Poisonous, Blue: Cryogenic White: Normal. Because of this, Xaris has to personally craft the ammunition herself with their own custom shell casings that are 13mm.
White Ammo: 4/10
Green Ammo: 2/10
Blue Ammo: 3/10
Red Ammo: 7/10
Viola's Throwing Knives- 30x steel bladed throwing daggers. Xaris generally has these strapped in holsters around her thighs and arms when shes ready for combat. Rating: 3/10
Instructor Makoff's Dual Katanas- Two special katanas that were made specifically for Makoff. The sword design was the same as his tattoo. The sword itself has no special properties, merely sentimental value. 4/10
Dual Merciless Crimson Spears - A new pair of weapons that Xaris has added to her arsenal. A pair of crimson red spears that were crafted from monster materials. She personally paid Trabia Garden for a custom commission. These pair of spears contain fire elemental properties, inflicting bursts of flames with every contact they make on enemies. Rating 7/10
Biography: Xaris is the daughter and heir to a wealthy family; her father responsible for the manufacturing and production of some common vehicles for Galbadia. She has no living relatives apart from her daughter Mai Zeigmus. Her mother died at brith and her father was murdered when she was at the age of six. After the discovery of the murder, Xaris was adopted into Galbadia Garden by her mentor; who was listed as a legal guardian to her, and was her father's VP to the company. Under agreement of additional funding, the garden allowed Xaris to live there and learn under them to become a SeeD. .
Under the tutelage of an instructor at Galbadia Garden, Xaris showed some promise with her abilities to adapt to situations even under high stress. While she lacked emotional control at different points of stress, it is during her emotional breaking point that her ferocity is shown to be at its highest, and as a result of that, the garden felt that Xaris should take on a more dangerous GF than other students as she got older. When she was fifteen, her task was to obtain the cursed object near to the north mountainous region of Galbadia. When Xaris arrived, she found the Cursed Lantern containing the GF Diablos, forming a special bond with him, though the nature of that bond was never stated.
From that point on, the events of Trial occur but due to how little I actually was able to contribute I will break down events and what Xaris did during those times.
Important figures to Xaris:
Instructor Markoff - Someone she formed an extremely close bond with almost akin to a love relationship, but never bloomed due to his death at Dollet.
Saida Qamar - Second person that Xaris felt a strong love towards, but also died during the invasion of Winhill Mansion.
Momo The Moomba - An ally and someone she had a fondness for out of the sheer fact that he is a cute creature.
Major event #1: The skirmish against Winhill Garden
This is the event where Winhill Garden was given the objective of assassinating the sorceress, while Galbadia Garden was hired to protect her. Xaris lost her team during that day, unable to take any vengeance on those who killed them, as well as surviving the destruction of the mansion by an attack from the GF Alexander.
Major Event #2: Xaris's new team consisting of Saida, Momo, and Ashe go to D-District Prison where both her and Ashe succeed in killing the invading forces that attempted to destroy the drills. During this event, Xaris's bloodlust is made apparent and after she returned to Galbadia, her ocean blue eyes had become a piercing crimson red, along with the barbwire tattoos on her body growing more branches.
Major Event #3: The Invasion of Winhill Mansion left everyone in a state of devestation. Xaris out of desperation to save Saida from death, summoned her GF Diablos and triggered a Gravija spell to cripple the enemy. Her efforts were in vain, and Saida was killed in combat.
Major Event #4: Due to a mixture of Diablos's influence and the death of her closes friend Saida, Xaris suffers a full mental breakdown at BIE headquarters resulting in her attempt to flee and abandon BIE altogether. As a result of her fleeing and attempting to leave without due process, Marcus sends a GF Buster after her and shoots down Diablos and her, resulting her crashlanding and becoming critically wounded in a store. During her near death, Diablos's curse triggered, transforming and altering Xaris's body further, her hair dyed a jet black and her skin became noticeably paler, sickly even. It was here that after her transformation and change, that Xaris escaped from the destroyed collapsed building, but despite making it further and out of the sight of the GF Buster, Maris manages to find and bring Xaris back in, although she does not kill Xaris. Instead Xaris is given an assignment. With her new appearance, and her actions, she would be pronounced dead, and would go under the new Identity of Kira Mayumi. and infiltrate The Unbroken Resistance HQ as a spy, delivering information to BIE.
Major Event #5: Under the guise of Kira Mayumi, Xaris is confronted with the team that murdered her lover and friend, and although she desires to kill them with all her heart and soul, she is presented with the reality of what is going on outside of BIE and her own perspective on things. Getting to know everyone at Unbroken brought conflict to Xaris, and though she could not forgive them completely, she pushed aside her pain to instead assist in the efforts of dismantling the operations of Galbadia and BIE, while feeding partial information to them to keep up appearances but ultimately this would acculminate into one final major event for Xaris.
Major Event #6: With resources and a team backing her up, Xaris managed to figure out that funds from her father's company Hugin Industries, was funneling large sums of money to support the war efforts, and seeing her former mentor as the CEO and ruining her father's reputation to the company by his general practices, Xaris's vengeful nature all came crashing down on him. It was at that point that Xaris made a choice, and decided to reveal herself to everyone after establishing herself within the group, and shared the information that she was aware of. Not only that but she shared information about BIE operations and what they were doing. With the support of the group, and the intel Xaris obtained through her personal network and connections, she manages to lead a successful operation to assassinate the current CEO of Hugin Industries. It is there Xaris awakens her ultimate Limit Break, unlocking her celestial weapon and earning the title of The Blackwinged Angel of Galbadia.
Major Event #7: Xaris does not participate in the final battle against Ultimecia. Instead she leads the initial charge with a separate group, distracting the BIE forces while the Unbroken leaders and cast take down Ultimecia.
Major Event #8: At some point after the battle, Xaris has an encounter with a man in Fisherman's Horizon for a one night stand, resulting in her getting pregnant. Despite it not being planned, Xaris decides to keep the baby, though she does not tell the man that she is pregnant. Later on after giving birth, she moves away from Fisherman Horizon, returning to Galbadia to reestablish Hugin Industries, as well as see to the reestablishment of a proper leader of Galbadia.
Major Event #9: When Mai started to show promise in combat and even became thrilled over it, Xaris decided that she would teach her daughter how to become a promising warrior. Despite her own issues, Xaris manages to have a decent relationship with her daughter. As a gift for Mai's 15th birthday, Xaris presents Mai with an ancient broken blade, revealing that it contains a GF inside of it. She does not explain how she obtained this artifact, but Xaris effectively bought it in an auction.
Major Event #10: Mai is put into critical condition from a grenade after an ambush occurred during a patrol in Dollet. As a result of this, Xaris calls in old contacts from BIE that she still had some personal connections with; and under the agreement that Xaris rejoins BIE along with Mai, Mai undergoes cybernetic surgery, not only saving her life, but improving all of her physical capabilities while losing all of her magical abilities.
Physical Characteristics
Height: 6ft
Weight: 146lbs
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Purple
Hair Style:Long Straight
Skin color: Olive
Distinguishing features: Xaris has special tattoo markings in the shape of barbwires that wrap around her neck, and extend and wrap around her body. On her back is a colored tattoo of an old lantern post, dangling a black demonic lantern over a field of black feathers.
Attire: Has a battle leotard she wears in combat. Outside she wears mostly classy/regal attire, maintaining the image of a CEO of a company.
Mental Characteristics
Strengths: Jack of all trades when it comes to weapons, financial advice, corporate management, and various skills that involve running a company. Xaris also has an incredible pain tolerance, and often prefers to take damage during combat to quickly awaken her limit breaks and kill her opponent.
Weaknesses: Xaris relies on battles being short and quick, more often than not preferring to have surprise attacks and ambushing enemies. In a prolonged battle, Xaris's ability to maintain her skills diminish and she grows tired.
Goals: Support Mai and maintain her role as Ceo of her father's company.
Hobbies: Singing, dancing, and fashion.
Personality: Xaris can initially come off as cold and uncaring to a stranger, and in most cases she is. She shows very little care for the average person, not really acknowledging them if she does not have to. This changes if the person is of military status or SeeD status, giving them more leeway and a bit more emotional range than just a cold shoulder. To those she is familiar with and comfortable being around, she is relaxed, quiet, and generally considerate of them. Although she does not seek love, Xaris hasn't ever stated she disliked the idea of having a relationship, but due to her busy lifestyle, romance has become practically on the back burner for a majority of her time raising Mai and running a company. In combat Xaris has been known to have a strange sadomasochistic tendency after she takes a certain amount of damage. She will often become berserk and lose herself in the thrill of combat, and will purposely seek means to get hurt until she can awaken her limit break form.
Special Characteristics
Natural Affinity: Darkness
Talent/Skills: Capable of using various weapons, magic, and battle tactics. Relatively considered to have a stronger mastery with assassination than any other combative skills.
Battle Overview:
Limit Breaks: Dark essence- Xaris's body creates a black mass aura around her body and scythe. Extending her hand out, she creates a field of darkness around a group of enemies, crushing her hand and causing the darkness to wrap around her enemies and implode on them. If enemies get caught in this attack they will suffer the blind and dark condition. If they have a natural affinity to dark, they just take the raw damage from being compressed.
Pitch Black Onslaught - Xaris unleashes a veil of darkness in the entire area, making everything entirely in a void. From there Xaris uses the darkness to appear and manifest from the darkness, attacking from different angles rapidly with all of her weapons, swapping between them to unleash devestating blows before finishing the enemy off with her scythe with a final lunge and swing horizontally with her scythe.
Dark Form - A transformation limit break that uses the curse of Diablos and manifests itself within Xaris. Black wings burst from her back, spreading out wide, a powerful rune covered scythe forms in her hand, and her hair turns jet black completely. In this form all of Xaris's phyiscal capabilities is boosted, all of her dark affinity abilities and magic are more effective, and this form makes her immune to all dark affinity monsters and magic, and even goes as far as healing her if struck by them. This form, however has a major drawback in that all Holy magic and skills will deal extra damage to her while in this form.
Everlasting Darkness (Dark form Required, along with Celestial weapon): If Xaris is brought down/takes a lethal injury while in her dark form, the form triggers a defensive limit break. After she is brought to zero, Xaris's body explodes with immense darkness, purple lightning clouds forming around the sky above her. Raising her hand up in the air, Diablos's curse symbols form in the air above her finger in a full circle, generating a massive purple orb that explodes, devastating the entire area around Xaris and leaving it in ruins. After the release of the attack, Xaris will collapse to the ground, entirely and completely incapacitated or dead.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Health Points: 9/10
Mana Points: 6/10
Strength: 5/10 (Jumps to 7/10 in Dark form)
Magic: 5/10 (Jumps to 7/10 in Dark form)
Endurance: 5/10 (Jumps to 7/10 in Dark form)
Speed: 8+1/10 (Jumps to 10/10 in Dark Form)
Channeling: 5/10 (Jumps to 7/10 in Dark form)
Spirit: 7/10 (Doesn't change in Dark form)
Luck: 6/10 (Doesn't change in Dark form)
Guardian Force:
Name: Diablos
Junction: Speed
Additional Notes on This Character
Username: Ellise Belmont
Associations: The Unbroken Resistance Members, BIE Members, and Winhill SeeD.
Additional Information: