Vessa Elyatora
First Class - Chief Secretary to Lisanna, Second in Command
Strengths and Weaknesses
Health Points: 7
Mana Points: 6
Strength: 5
Magic: 8
Endurance: 6
Speed: 7
Channeling: 7
Spirit: 6
Luck: 9
GF: Nyarlathotep
Junction: Magic
Weapons: Dual handguns, rifle, scythe
Vessa is Lisanna's second in command and her chief confidante and advisor. She assists the headmaster with many of the key higher level duties of running Winhill Garden and takes over full responsibility of the Garden in the event of her absence, usually with some support from Kalay. An experienced First Class SeeD operative, she is an exceptionally talented markswoman, skilled magic user, and capable fighter. She is often viewed as emotionless and aloof, though in reality she simply keeps her emotions well in check. She's rarely seen without a cigarette.
Personality: Perceptive, composed, serious, rational, enigmatic, discreet, patient, loyal

Dain Tallis
Director of Student Affairs, Winhill Garden Chief Custodian
Strengths and Weaknesses
Health Points: 8
Mana Points: 5
Strength: 9
Magic: 6
Endurance: 7
Speed: 7
Channeling: 5
Spirit: 5
Luck: 6
GF: Leviathan
Junction: Speed
Weapons: Naginata
Dain looks after the general day-to-day finer points of running of the Garden as its Chief Custodian and Director of Student Affairs. He keeps the place functioning like clockwork, taking care of smaller issues and facilitating the education of the SeeD students. He was previously a SeeD operative and teacher, employed around the same time as Lis, so the two have a long history and lot of trust between them.
Personality: Calm, reasonable, dependable, resilient, empathetic, disciplined, resourceful, meticulous

Laika Vischensky
First Class - Personal Assistant/Bodyguard to Lisanna
Health Points: 6
Mana Points: 5
Strength: 6
Magic: 7
Endurance: 8
Speed: 9
Channeling: 6
Spirit: 4
Luck: 5
GF: Pyraxion
Junction: Endurance
Weapons: Katana, crossbow, throwing stars
Personality: Honourable, determined, fiesty, protective, talkative, good-natured, sassy
Laika is the Headmaster's chief defender and assistant, acting as her primary bodyguard and general dogsbody who accompanies her basically everywhere (which can be a tough gig when your boss can fly). Her main function is to keep the Headmaster safe and do whatever is asked of her, such as driving her around. She is skilled swordswoman and capable magic user. Although at times she seems to have a laid-back personality, she takes her role deeply seriously.

Mirabelle Élise Saint-Pierre
Head of Public Affairs and Communications
Health Points: 4
Mana Points: 8
Strength: 4
Magic: 9
Endurance: 3
Speed: 6
Channeling: 8
Spirit: 7
Luck: 7
GF: Enlil
Junction: Channeling
Weapons: Whip, double-action revolver
Mirabelle is refined lady from a wealthy and high-class family, yet she also proved herself to be a skilled SeeD operative for several years, with special a talent for magic. Until illness caused her to retire from the high physical demands of operative life. She moved into the role of Head of Public Affairs and Communications for Winhill Garden instead, due to her skill at speaking to others and forging relationships. She fields communications for Lis and Vessa, so anyone trying to speak to them usually will have to go through Mirabelle first. She also organises their schedules and deals with most queries and any kind of public announcement or official statement for the Garden. She prefers not to fight but is highly capable magic user when needed and is occasionally called upon. She often accompanies Lis on her travels outside of Winhill.
Personality: Amiable, diplomatic, sensible, practical, sweet-natured, elegant, poised, organised, approachable
First Class - Strategic Security Director of Winhill Garden
Health Points: 9
Mana Points: 6
Strength: 8
Magic: 5
Endurance: 6
Speed: 7
Channeling: 4
Spirit: 5
Luck: 7
Weapons: Dual sabres, throwing knives, pistols, grenades
Constantine is the Head of Winhill Garden security and Lisanna's chief intelligence officer. Not much is known about him to most people and no one has ever knowingly seen him uncovered, so he is something of a mystery and he keeps it that way. He is an experienced weapons master who is skilled in combat. He acts on Lisanna's orders only and is often sent away for discreet missions.
Personality: ???