Cameo by Conall!

The soquili lands have been covered in snow for at least a month. It had been mostly quiet since it had been below freezing in some areas. Most of the herds moved off to the warmer areas or in caves. Not little Selene.. She'd found what seems to be an abandoned little house that looks like a cottage. It was the perfect height for the usdias. Various familiars from other members of the herd offered to help keep the place warm with wood and fire. It was one of those days where Selene realized that it was almost that time of the year where new soqs could be coming home. "Eclipse!! Where are you?" She gets up from her sleeping spot by the fire place. Eclipse had been sitting by the window in the kitchen, watching the snow falling.
"Oy.. I am over here, big sister! Why the yelling? Aren't we safe and warm for the winter?" She pawed the floor, letting the claws scrap against the floor. It was a thing that Selene wishes she could do. Selene arrived in the kitchen. "We are! But it is almost that time of the winter where we get new soqs! There are rumors that another sister of ours has been found! We need to make preparations!" Eclipse tilts her head and stood there with a dead pan look. "Um.. WHAT?!"
Selene sighs. "I forgot that you are still new to the lands and the customs and festivities. There is a certain time of the year where we get new soqs joining our herd. Sometimes there are relatives that we didn't know we had! Yagure found his baby sister through the wishing star!" Eclipse arches her brow at her. "You are nuts.. seriously.. " She shakes her head at her. "... Alright.. I will... endure this. What do we need to do?"
Selene beams at her. "Oh, good! There is a holiday called Yule.. We need to find the fir trees and other forms of it to make little decorations to make our home welcoming. Please, Eclipse.. This may be the only time we can get a new sister. You would get to annoy them... You know.."
Eclipse groaned at her. ".. I said I would do this, didn't I?! Show me where we need to go. You are lucky that I was able to get my winter coat in..." Selene smirks. "That is what you get for coming here, sis." Eclipse rolls her eyes. "Do not make me regret coming here, big sister."
Selene whistled for her wolf familiar, Conall. to come and follow. "Hey, Conall! We need your nose to help us find the right decorations for the home." The wolf grumbles. "Yes, Ma'am.." He slowly gets up to his feet, grabbing his little horn. He'd sworn to protect Selene at all cost, a promise he made to her mate. For something like this, he wonders if this is part of the job. He stretched slightly. Most of the 'doors' of the cottage had been taken out and had a cover over them. It wasn't ideal but it was needed. He pushed through the thick cover, sniffing the air for any predators. "Come on, you two.. We don't have alot of light left."
Eclipse follows her sister out to the backyard, not liking the snow. Her toe beans hated the touch of the snow. She'd shakes them off every so often as she walked along with Selene. Selene looked over to her. "Eclipse.. snow isn't THAT bad!" Eclipse sticks her tongue out. "That is because you have HOOVES! They don't have fur and toe beans like my paws do." Selene shakes her head while laughing.
Conall sighed. "That is enough.. Both of you. Look up ahead.. Some of the squirrels seem to have put some ribbons around pinecones.. We can grab them. It looks like they are being offered to the soquili around here." Selene nodded softly and grabs the bag that she had gotten from the cottage. "Show me where."
Eclipse perked up. "Conall, I know I ain't one of your protectees.. but I can get the yule branches if you like. I can carry them in the sack on my back." Conall smiled. "That is a good idea!" The special yule trees are right there on the right by the pinecones." He used his tail to point to the trees. "They should be fir, Cedar or Spruce! It is okay if there are mixer of them!"
While her sister, Selene was gathering up the pinecones, she want to the trees. She frowned. "..Uh.. Conall.. How do we do this? How to get the fresh branches?" Conall chuckled softly. "....." He looked around to see if there was any ferrets or squirrels around. He noticed a ferret and walks over to them, asking them for some help. The ferret nodded with a smile before moving to help Eclipse with the branches.
About a hour or so later, both girls had full sacks of what they needed. The ferret alerted Conall about a soquili dropping off some fruits and veggies for them to eat at the cottage. Conall perks up once again. "Oh, thank you!"
The trio followed the trail back to the cottage. Eclipse set the sack down and went to prepare the food for them. Selene was determined to get the place warm and inviting for the newcomer. She'd hoped that it would be an mini like them.. Conall nuzzled Selene. "Don't fret, little kitten.. You can do this."
Selene purred softly at the wolf. "Always my protector, Conall.. I cannot thank you enough for what you do.." Selene pulls out a special sack of raw meat. "Here... I got this for you today as thanks.." Conall glanced at her. "Where..." Selene shakes her head. "Thank Yagure.. He is the one that hunts... It is elk." She winked at him and started to put up the decorations, making it look like they were always meant to be at this home... Conall couldn't believe how mature Selene have gotten over the years but he couldn't be prouder. He sets the meat sack down and took the sage and some lavender to smolder around the home, making it smell even more welcoming. Positive Vibes were the only thing welcomed in this home.
By the end of the night, the home were looking like hobbits had decorated it. You'd never would have known that two little minis had done it..