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[RP] Eos' 2025 Tales from vthe Crypt

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 11:23 pm

For whom weeThe days of our years gone
Our souls soaked in sin
These memories of grief
The weight of tomorrow....

Who falls? Who flies? Who falls....?ps the storm?
Her tears on our skin
PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 11:24 pm

1121 WV - yeah certs might kill me today. lol

It was a new year and Raven was already on the hunt for her siblings. Not that she knew many sisters - she had them! But she hadn't seen themn of late. no, Raven was looking for her brother, but frankly, none were appearing, not even her "Non-Brothers but satill kind of fun" side of camp as she flew through the sky in her avian form, the charm upon her body shining in the light reflected from the snow below. Of course Cor, or Morrigan, or Apollo would e fine - even Raven was technically fine - but the PRINCIPLE of the thing! Mattered~!! DAMNIT!!!!

Still, it was day one of the new year and finally, Raven spiralled high over a clearing before diving, and transforming right as she landed only to look up and spy the staring face of a giant of a bear, two rabbit mutants - NEAT in her opinion - a bear-y mutant, and a wolf-y mutant, and Raven blinked, realizing she had interrupted sopmething or intrufrfd on others' territory... Well she had flint and steel if needed.

"....You have no sense for territory do you." The bear growled, transforming into a beast of a bear shifter, however the charm glinting on his own chest soon calmed Raven down. IOh, he might be sensible. so likely the sort Morrigan would annoy and she'd hear with the right question.

"Eh. Honestly, my brother got me powdered for anxiety and ******** right the ******** off. Sorry, I'm just looking for them. I haven't seen that dip-s**t in monthds. He's uh. Living chaos." Raven rolled her eyes. Baron eyed Raven a moment, reading her before Meteor hopped beside him.

"But5 it is NEW YEAR'S." The bunny protested. "It is NEW YEAR'S DAY you shouldn't be roaming around like that it's a time for fresh starts and a new beginning and flowers and playing in snow and--" Meteor went on and Raven looked at him, ears pinning.

"Yeah, he's kinda like this." The gr4ewy bunny, Altair, spoke, bowing. "I'm Altair. The Bear friend of ours is Baron, my brother Meteor is the rqabbit fussing, and these two are the children of Meteor's polycule, Yolanda and Vanagandr." The grey stallion's words indicated a desire for her name and Raven nodded.

"I'm Raven. I'/m a weanderer, I guess. My mom basically mothered an entire herd of kids, and not all of us are always able to handle the youngin's, and well I'm normally jittery or was - hence, POWDER - and this nice felllow helped with a charm."

"Was it willing?" Baron smirked. Raven stared.

"I was trying to pi[burn his home so, fair response from him. Kinda - angry and unstable. I'm in a happy medium now.... Well... Arson is still fun." Raven coughed, but Baron laughed, bemused.

"Well obviously. I prefer the feel of my foes in my claws, myself." But the shifter was calming even and Raven nodded.

"But really, maybe IO shou8ld go and keep looking. It's daylight and all. and one of my brothers is hard to spot..."

NO!" Meteor stomped a paw. "You're staying here! If they're in these lands you'll finde them but - but you shouildn't have to roam alone! Ity's not safe without seasoned adventurers! Besides if you like boys, I mean. Altair is single. Or girls, Mioyo is single. I thinkj. But wandering alone is bad, Raven! You should stay with us! Besides, we were going to make New Year wishes! To put out hopes for the new year!" Meteor shifted to shoew her a poucxh at his side full of slips of paper, and ink. Raven blinked as Meteor motioned. "We put out wishes into decorating them and hanging them from a tree. Then we let nature claim them as it will so the spirits have time to read them. It's a tradition we learned in a territyory some distance away. You could try it and then Baron would have a hunting fr4iend!" Meteor bounced and Altair laughed.

"That's Leyla." He noted.

"He can use another! She's alone! And I know she's likely capable but she looks lonely and sad and--"

"A'ioght, a'ight. I'll stay, if the big guy lets it happen." Raven nodded towards Baron. Baron snorted, a hugg that actually showed breath as steam.

"Guess it's fine." Baron grunted. "You're bloody tiny. you can do with meat on your bones. And Meteor won't shut up until you say yes."

"Aaah." Raven nodded, pausing. "I'm not that skinny..." She looked down before the others moved to the trees, and Raven trot after the larger band of Soquili, frowning at tjhings as finally paper and inks and pigments were spread about. Raven carefully accepted a red powder, dipping a hoof in snow and then in the powder before closing her eyes. A... New Year Wish? Slowqqly her head lowered as she stared through the par4chment. Home. Her home herd. Home, where her mother was with babies. Home, where her father lived. Where - it had been an accidentm,, how Raven discovered flint and iron. She'd been playing with rocks wqhen the pairing sparked, igniting a bush. She took then and fled to her Mama, of course, but the chaos. The forest had been dry and flame spread qwwuickly. Raven fled with her family, and the sounds still bothered her.

Her mother said it wasn't her fault. Morrigan had even come home[/i[, cursed, with a charm, and assured her it wasn't her fault. He'd even helped tend those of the herd whom survived, gathering the living and tending the survivors. He'd found her after she ran away in shame to propose corpse powder might somehow aid her nerves and anxiety from it. He meant well... Truly. He'd been charmed and for being chaos, Morrigan was noble[/i[= is slightly insane. She'd still needed charmed by a stranger - and Raven looked down, eyes opening. She felt less anxious or afraid, less insecure, for the power she knew she had as a Shifter. But the guilt? shame? Sorrow? That wasn't passing. Finally she moved, decorating her paper carefullly and with thought6. Traditional herd patterns for health, life, prosperity - all intended for them. They edeserved it. Raven supposed she'd linger for now with these odd Soquili before she burned the wrong thing and had to leave again, and slowly bound her paper in string, hanging it slowly before catching Meteor grinning at her, and she winced, sighing.

"Want to make more?" He asjkedm and Ravebn shook her head.

"I only hadf a wish for others." She admitted, and moved to watch, standing in silent thought of her New Year's wish. Baron, it seemed, perhaps noted her concern and woe, and simply offered qa knowing look before returning to work.

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 1:08 am

WCV 523

Jack looked at the clouds, snorted, and stamped one single hoof into the hard dirt. The sound startled Charlie and Tueno di Neve from a doze, and Charlie yawned, trotting over to their sibling as they looked at him, Jack scowling darkly at the dusty clouds over the mountains.

"Blizzard coming. Mama taught me to know." Jack snapped. Charlie frowned, peering out, and siughed, nodding.

"Yeah. I'll grab food. Looks bad. Tuenio... stay. Here." Charlie pointed, the black mare frowning at their pibling. She did not argue, and instead settled.

That was hours ago, however. The storm flowed down from the mountains like an avalanche and soon enough all outside the cave they'd been wintering in was white aned cold. The weather was frosty and cold, and Jack scowled, head raising as Tueno approached her sire, ears pinning.

"Is Pibling Charlie back?" She asked. Jack snorted.

"No. They know better too. Wait. Here. Keep warm, alright?" Jack snapped. Tueno frowned, but again held quiet.

Jack never flew. Not really. He was self-coincious about it, and he had tyyo handle it now, launching skywards as his wings carried him into flight, the Angeni-Kalona beginning to search for his sibnling, soaring just over the trteetops, blue form blending into the cold snow and clouds as the white-out continued. Jack hated seeing nothing, but he kept moving, fighting the winds before spying a movement below, Jack landing as Charlie emerged from shelter, carrying a large number oif edible goodies, nodding their head. Their wing was draped about5 a unicorn, and Jack sighed.

"Hello, Diana." Jack greeted his other dauighter softly, beginning to lead both for home.

"I told you noytt to test snow, Diana." Jack drawled. Well, he tsaught her... something at least. He was still mad his daughter was, well, hidden from him, but Diana nodded, walking a few steps before speaking.

"Sorry, Papa. I just wanted to see if any flowers were out and got caught. Pibling found me." She drawled. Charlie nodded.

"Hunkered in a safe spot too. Not as warm as home. Tueno is fluffy." Charlie admitted, the three walking for the cave. Jack nodded.

"Sher is. I'm just... Ugh. If Mama hadn't taught us..." Jack was plodding, Diana frowning as they drew near the cavern. It was still, and Jack trot ahead, looking about before sighing, emerging.

"Aaaand shre's--" Before Jack couild finish, a blast of snow struck him, Tueno darting about in the blizzard, the Unicoorn-Angeni hybrid giggling.

"Snow's great! I don't see the problem!" Tueno cheer4ed. Diana paused.

"Aren't you covered in ice spines?" She asked. tueno nodded, trotting over.

"Yesd!" Tiueno cheered. Diana looked to her father and pibling, walking into the cave to lie down.

"Tueno might havgge a high cold tolerance." Diana observed. Tue3no hummed, trotting to lie down beside her half sister, wings draping over her to keep her warm, and Jack sighed, skulking to cuddle in beside them both.

"You had to take after my mother Tueno, Jack grumbled, Charlie approaching. The four settled in, Tueno occasionally67 licking snowflakes from the air as the family members cuddled together, waiting for the blizzard to end.
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