The "SAW" series, is one of my favorite, just for the torture, and mental strain, Jigsaw places upon those he "Tests"

"Hostel" was good for it gore, and a few other things, I liked it. . . It was more suspense/thriller, then anything, it just kept you guessing, especially on who the main character was.

"The Ring" 1 && 2 was okay I liked just the overall feeling, or vibe you get after you watch the movie. It didnt make me jump, it just made me feel uncomfortable, which I liked.

"The Grudge" 1 and 2 was a dis-appointment, it was okay, but the second, one was almost like just a-bunch of random scenes thrown together. To make a really, "Moderate" movie, it wasnt great, it was just okay.

"Hell Raiser" I love those movies, "Pinhead" was awsome, I liked his attitude, and how he killed people, his methods, were great.

"The Exorcist" - was more or less funny, then scary, it was okay, and intertaining, the first time, through but it was just boring to watch over.

"Seven" was good just because of what it was based around, I watched it many times

"Sixth Sense" was great it really did keep you guessing, and had a great story, it was a movie you had to pay attention to, which means it was thought out, && not just thrown together.

"Children Of The Corn" - I loved these movies, all of them 1 through 6 they were just great, and had an awsome story.

"Mimic" was okay more funny then scary, it was like "WTF A GIANT BUG!?" I was like "Godzilla!" okay series, but not no were near the best.

"Stay Alive" -Awsome movie, great storyline, and had to of been thought out.

"Ringu" was much better then the "Ring", way better, I actually jumped during this movie.

"House Of Wax" was okay, Paris Hilton is still a dirty dike whore, none the less, her face alone made me jump.

"28 Days Later" - I'm a fan of zombies, fast, or slow, I loved this movie.

I would continue to go on but... this will do for now... ^^