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Please read this:

-Follow the TOS.
-I want no spamming or OOC there will be threads provided for that.
-Place a character profile in the specified area before role playing.
-Do not bump! I repeat do not bump! Bumping will result in a warning then being banned.
-If you are inactive in the guild for a long period i will send you a PM or one of the mods and then finally after another absence you will be banned (I want to keep this place active!).
-No flaming a member please report to a mod or myself if someone is.
-I request you be atleast semi-literate and no chat-talk please! I hate it and it is confusing to others i'm sure.
-If a mod is abusing his/her power please let me know.
-Yes you can create more then one character for you to RP
-Thank you and please follow the rules.
-No god modding. This get's really annoying when your in a fight.
-No Auto-Hitting. For the same reason fot the rule above.
-Try to Rp in 3rd person. It is less confusing.
-We are Yaoi And Yuri frendly.
-Do NOT Quote the first post of any threads.
-I am god here So my word is law! Obey it or die!

I will update this if or when another problem arises.