>//< I forgot to do this my self, so here I go.

Name: Real name is Daniel, much rather be called Angelo
Age: Turned 19 on October 30th
DoB: October 30th 1990
Sex: Very much so a male
Height: About 6'0
Weight: ._.; 190-200ish
Hair Color: Dirty blond
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Color: Tanish...sorta..? o_O;
Sexuality: Gay
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Relationship: Single, currently seeking
Interests: Toxicology, MtG, Art (in many different forms), Reading, Traveling, and RPing once in a blue moon.
Fursona/Species: I'm an Egyptian Panther ^^ I'd link a picture -_-but the only good one is rated X so I'd skip that for now. However I can give a description: Midnight black fur, Medium length violet hair, Golden eyes (Each having the Eye of Horus/Eye of Ra markings). He wears an Ankh around his neck, with a golden fish netted shirt. A golden scarab pin keeps a silk white shoal around his shoulders. He wears a lengthy white loin cloth, that droops down to his knees, covering that whole area. As well as, two golden bracelets, and a golden tail ring on his tail, near the tip ^^;
Gaia: I've been on Gaia for a while now, not too long but long enough to know the ropes and such. I absolutely love helping people on Gaia, with quests and such, but my current quest is holding me back from doing so~! That quest is the Gimpi~!
Random Factoids: Hmm everything is mainly in my profile ^-^; So...give that a visit!~