Silenus Slade
"ya know, I think the gun helps. If I just stand there and yell bang, I don't think the other person is going to die."

The man the said that, was Eddie Izard, the famous Executive Transvestite!

LOL, anyhow... I follow philosophy, which I suppose makes me an agnostic. I like to call myself a fundamentalist agnostic, because I know that I will never know everything yet in spite of that I will still try to learn everything. And I also know that I cannot know the nature of my knowing, thus I not know.

I'm a fan of open-philosophied religions, like Taoism (which is probably closest to my personal beliefs), some forms of Paganism, and some forms of Theism.

I like Taoism personally because I find it has few laws. Its major (and I believe oldest) text, the I Ching, is like a Bible of sorts, yet is open to interpretation the way the Tarot is (and I suppose, as some people feel, the Bible is). The Tao Te Ching is a treatise of paradoxes, which repeatedly emphasises the equal strength of yin and yang. The Art of War (by Sun Tzu), another Taoist text, is as much a polemic and theory of peacekeeping as it is a theory of military strategy.

Sorry to go off on tangents. I guess I'm glad you're exploring your own beliefs. Just remember that you can only enrich your experience of life by learning about others' creeds, and in so doing help stop the spread of religious intolerance.