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The Designee of the Legacy
For many purposes, there was a place established among the Mayfairs assigned to one woman alone, the position being passed down from mother to daughter. This woman was called the 'Designee of the Legacy'. As such, the woman would have control over all money under the Mayfair name (except for the 10% distributed among the other Mayfairs), any property or businesses held in the Mayfair name, Mayfair Manor, and most fo the Mayfair heirlooms.
These woman are as follows, all in order:
Mary Beth

The 'Mainstream'
Of all the members of the family, only about half really have the powers of a witch. The most powerful and gifted of these who play a large part in the family's curse and luck are called the 'mainstream'. No one else knows exactly what the Mayfair history really is or why their lives are filled with such tragedy and drama but the mainstream.
The Dolls
Every time one of the 'mainstream' of the family dies, bones are taken from their bodies and made into dolls which are placed into a large and ornate trunk. This is passed on from generation to generation, hardly ever going from parent to child. The current possesser of this trunk is Antha Mayfair, who has chosen to put the dolls up on shelves in the 'doll room' of her house and lock it all up.
The Books
In the earlier generations the Mayfairs wrote all they knew about their powers and witches in general, as well as anythign else supernatural, and compiled these into books. Currently there are 13 books, spread amongst the mainstream and seen by no one else.
Notes by Lestan Mayfair- Antha Mayfair
Notes by Eden Mayfair- Unknown
Notes by Marguerite Mayfair- Unknown
Notes by Emaleth Mayfair- Thorne Mayfair
Notes by Pierre Mayfair- Unkown
Notes by Charlotte Mayfair- Unknown
Notes by Sirius Mayfair- Unknown
Notes by Colin Mayfair- Unknown
Notes by James Mayfair- Unknown
Notes by Laurent Mayfair- Unknown
Notes by Miravelle Mayfair- Antha Mayfair
Notes by Merrick Mayfair- Nicolae Mayfair
Notes by Louis Mayfair- Antha Mayfair
Mayfair Manor
There is one house, built some hundred years earlier, which is considered an important treasure of the Mayfair family. It is where all family events are held and often you can find Mayfairs in every room as well as some stray Mayfairs living temporarily in some room in the 3-story mansion. It is called by all 'Mayfair Manor'.