hey i wrote this story but its not finished yet...please can u read it and tell me if its good???

* Dream Dancer *

by Lily-Rose


To daughters and fathers everywhere sharing a good realionship and to those who don't...try to because there's nothing more important than family and no matter what ... your father will always love you.

Chapter One: It All Started

Ally Harrison grew up with one older brother, Johnny. Johnny was four years older than her and her father, George Harrison, favorited him. Her mother died in a train addicent and was killed instantly, so her father took that very, extremely hard. He never got out of bed for four months and never did anything, but cry and mope. Ally is only thirteen years old right now. Johnny never helped her with anything. It was like she never exsisted. But that all started when she was seven, when her mother actually died. Before that, they were a great family. They would talk and laugh and Johnny would go to George for things and Ally would go to Holly, her mother, for things. But now, everything changed. George never fully appreciated Ally for some reason. Honestly, he wanted all boys. He was hardhearted and set in his own ways. But Ally always loved her father very much. She always tried to impress him with every little thing, but Johnny was the one who could do no wrong. It was always Ally's fault. Holly always resented that. When George would blame things on Ally, she would yell at him. Ally always loved her mother and admired her very much. Now, she has to be the one to stand up to him. The hard part is, she loves him so much, so she doesn't want to hurt him in any way. She decided to let it alone. But one day, that all changed.

" Allyson! You little, insolent child!" yelled George Harrison, in a strict voice. That was his usual voice sounded when he was talking to Ally. They were at the dinner table and Ally suggested to the cheif that to make the pasta sauce a little tomatoy next time . She said it politely, though. " Yes, I will be sure to make it more tomatoy." said the cheif and left. " Allyson! That's horrible! Have I taught you any manners at all, dear girl?!?" he exclaimed at her. Ally didn't say anything. " I'm sorry, Daddy." she said, softly. " Sorry is not good enough! Why aren't you like you older brother?!? He has a steady job and he has direction! You, however, are acting like you are helpless!" he yelled again. " I am sorry." said Ally, extremely soft. " You let me down on some many levels sometimes, Allyson." he told her. " Sometimes? Always!" commented Johnny. Ally had tears in her eyes. Choking on tears, she looked at her father. " I wish I did not upset you as much as I do." she said. " Well, you do. You bring it on yourself, Allyson." he told her. He never gave her the slightest benefit. " Well, come along, Johnny. We must work on your free throw!" said George, smiling at him. " Only if you are ready for the fight!" said Johnny. Both of them got up from the table and left Ally. It was a regular meal. Ally always had to clean up after them, like their slave. Ally never faught back, though. She loved her father too much. And her brother.

Ally was a very pretty girl. She had long, curly brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She was slim, kind and beautiful. She wished her father could see that in her. Her mother always did and always said to her, when George was mean to her, that he thinks girls aren't as good as boys. He lived in those days where men were much higher than girls. He is set in his own way and was way too sturborn to listen to anyone. Ally wondered if he even loved her deep down. That night, Ally was in her nightgown, getting ready for bed, and Johnny and George were sitting in the living room, talking. She came out. " Yes, Allyson?" asked George, seeming a little annoyed that she interruped them. " I...I..." she beagn. " You what? Honesty, Allyson! You have no manners and you are not even half as bright as your brother! At least try!" he exclaimed at her. Ally couldn't help this time to cry infront of him. " Oh, stop it! In my day, when I cried, my father told me suck it up! Kids these days! They are way too babied! That includes you!" he yelled. His voice was loud and overbearring. " I...I...didn't mean to disturb you, Daddy." she stammered. " Go away!" said Johnny. Ally did as she was told and cried herself to sleep and the worst part was...she was alone.

Chapter Two: Never Going To Play In The River

The next day was Saturday. Johnny's basketball tourment was that day and George made Ally go. " Now, Allyson, no being jealous of your brother. Of course, why shouldn't you, being you?" he told Ally as they were driving to the tourment. " Yes, Daddy." Ally told him. She took a deep breath He doesn't love me. I knew it. No sense asking when you know the answer! Ally thought. They got out of the car and Ally sat by the grass while George was giving him a pep talk. Why doesn't he have those talks with me? Why do I have to be left in the cold? Ally, stop being so ungrateful! You have a wonderful home and at least you are smart in school! Sure, you have no friends because you are shy, but who cares? You will be out of the house in six years, anyway. Ally told herself. Ally never had a friend. Not even one. She was too shy and she is focused on being smart. She is a very smart girl. But...she was extremely lonely. No friends, no family and no support. She might as well be living on her own. She gazed around, then she saw a little girl who looked about six...playing with her father by a little river down a little far from the basketball court. They seemed to be having a great time. The little girl was smiling and laughing, along with the father. Ally never had that. Ally looked at them, longingly. When she was six, Johnny just turned thirteen and George was busy telling him about puberty and more basketball. Holly was the one who loved Ally a whole lot. Now, that she is gone, Ally feels like no one loves her. Which she tries to convince George does love her, but the way he treats her, who would think that? " Allyson!" exclaimed George's voice. Ally looked up. " Yes, Daddy?" she asked. " Watch the game! Your brother worked hard! You shouldn't be so shallow about other people's feelings!" he told her. " Of course." she said, softly and looked at the basketball court. No doubt that Johnny wansn't the star player. George was rooting for him and being so excited. But he never came to anything of Ally's. When Ally was the star in the kindergarten play, he didn't make it, but Holly did. She once overheard her parents talking and George said that Ally's stuff wasn't important as Johnny's. Holly said that these things meant a lot to Ally, being so young. Which, they did. But George said Johnny's things were better and more important. Holly, of course, loved George, but hating him being so set in his ways. But she loved him and she had to accept it. She spent a lot of time with Ally, making sure she didn't feel unwanted. Ally never really did, but she knew her father had more important things to do. She didn't mind, even. But, really, deep down, she did. She wanted a father to play in the river with. She wanted a father to care for her and be there at her play, cheering her on. But what she truly and honestly wanted was...to be loved by him.

Ally was thinking about the last time George told Ally he loved her. She couldn't think of a time which made her tear up. She was senstive, then before thinking, she looked at her father. " I love you, Daddy." she said. He looked at her. Suddenly, the crowd went wild, shouting the name " Johnny". They won the tourment because of Johnny's winning basket! George ran to Johnny and they hugged, everyone rejoicing. " I love you, too, Allyson." Ally said, pretending she was her father. She watched him and her brother hug and smile and laugh. " I love you, Daddy. I love you more than anything." she said, softly. Johnny and George seemed so happy! It was like watching someone being killed, it hurt that bad. It felt like her father was tearing her heart apart. She loved him so much, but he just wouldn't say anything nice to her. Not one thing. Johnny and George came up the hill, smiling and laughing, ignoring Ally. Ally quickly wipped the tears she made away. " Congratuations, Johnny!" she exclaimed at him. " Thanks, Ally." he told her. Ally smiled. She didn't have that bad of a relationship with Johnny. Not as bad as her and George's. " Allyson!" said a cold voice. It was, of couse, George. He looked at her, without smiling for a moment. " Yes, Daddy?" she asked. " Take your brother's trophy and shine it when we get home. Not now, but when we get home." he said, coldly. Then, he looked at his son, smiling. " And we can go out and have a celebration dinner! Anything you want...you get!" said George. " Gee, thanks, Dad." said Johnny. " No probelm, Johnny! I love you!" he told him. Ally almost bursted into tears. " I better go and take the trophy now." said Ally. " Allyson, honestly! Are you that dumb?!? I told you not now! My goodness! It's like talking to a wall!" he exclaimed to her, meanly. Ally obeyed. She kept trying to not make herself cry. He said he loved Johnny! He isn't incapabile of loving someone! He just...doesn't love me. she thought.

When they got home, Ally went right to shining the trophy. She didn't have a choice, honestly. Johnny and George, meanwhile, were out celebrating. No one asked Ally to even come. The phone suddenly rang. Ally answered it. " Hello?" she answered. " Hello, this is Margie Appleman. Is this Holly Harrison?" she asked. " No, this is her daughter, Ally." she said. " Oh, hello, Ally. Well, the reason I called, is that my family and I are new on your block. You must of seen us moving in. I was wondering if you and your family would like to come over to our new house and just meet each other. I have two boys and one girl, Decklyn and Daniel are the boys and Lena is the girl. Decklyn is about thirteen turning fourteen and Daniel is about seventeen. Lena is about eight years old. Would you?" Margie asked. Ally thought about it for a moment. " I'm the only one home right now. My mother died quite a few years ago, when I was seven. I'm thirteen, too. I have an older brother named Johnny, who is seventeen. Him and my father are out right now, actually." said Ally. " Oh...I am sorry about your mother, Ally. How about this? Why don't you just come over, if you would like?" asked Margie. Ally had nothing else better to do. And Margie seemed nice and she did a son who was her age. " Sure. Thank you for inviting me." she said. " Oh, no problem, dear. I'll see you when you come. Bye-bye." said Margie and hung up. Maybe Ally would get the chance to have a new friend! Maybe...it was a start of a whole new and happier beginning for her!

Chapter Three: The Talk Of Two People...Becoming Friends

Ally headed over to the Appleman's house. An old lady named Paulina Sanders lived there, but she died of old age. Now, the Applemans were there. She rang the doorbell, nervous. She has never met anyone new before, but she always tried to embrace new things. A boy with brown hair, a little bit long, brownish hazel eyes wearing shorts and a tee shirt with the band Green Day on it answered the door. " Hi. I'm Decklyn. You must be...Ally?" he asked her. Ally smiled. " Yeah. That would be me." she said." Come in." he told her. Ally walked in. It was a beautiful home. She walked into the living room and there was a beautiful white couch and a nice coffee table. Then there was a hallway of all the bedrooms and two bathrooms. And if you didn't go down the hallway, there was a dining room right by the living room and then next to the dining room was a really big and beautiful kitchen. A little girl with blond, curly, long hair and blue eyes came out of the hallway. " Decklyn! Decklyn, and...you are with the girl across the street." she said. " Yeah, Lena. Ally, this is my little sister, Lena." he said. " Nice to meet you." said Ally. " Same here." said Lena. " Oh! Ally! Hi! I'm Margie Appleman! I can see you already met my daughter and one of my sons. I'm sorry, but Mr.Appleman and Daniel are out playing baseball. Them in baseball! My goodness! I just can't get them off of the field, but they love it and it's good for them, so what can you do?" said Margie. She sat everyone down. " So, Ally, tell me, is the school system here...hard?" asked Margie. " Oh, well it's not so hard that you feel like you want to kill yourself, but they do want you to always apply yourself which you would expect at least." said Ally. She couldn't believe how good she sounded. She didn't even stammer! " Ah, yes, of course. I was hoping you could show Decklyn around." she said. Ally looked at Decklyn. He was a really handsome boy. " Oh, yeah, of course." she said, nervously. " Why don't I show you my room?" asked Decklyn. Ally looked at him, nervously and shocked. " All right." she said and followed Decklyn to his room.

Ally stepped into his room. It was a little dirty, but fairly nice. There was two windows, a bed, a radio on his dresser, hair gel on his dresser, a lamp, a T.V, an air conditionor and a nice blue rug and bean bag chair. " Your room is nice." said Ally. " Thanks." said Decklyn. She sat on the bed and he sat on the blue bean bag chair. " So...any siblings?" he asked. " Yeah. I have an older brother named Johnny." she said. " How is it like having a little sibling and then a big sibling?" " It's all right, I guess. Lena can get annoying, but all little sisters are. Big brothers are...well...you know." he said. Ally nodded. " Is Johnny nice to you or does he push you around?" Decklyn asked. " Oh...well...he's fairly nice to me." she said. " That's cool." said Decklyn. " Have is it like moving away? I've moved only once in my life and when I did, I was only about six at the time." said Ally. " Consider yourself lucky. I move a lot. This has to be the fifth move for me this year." said Bradon. " Fifth movie?!?" Ally exclaimed. " Yep. It's because of Daniel getting moved to all these different schools that have the best baseball teams. When he gets replaced, my dad moves him. He only can be the star and nothing else. Pretty stupid, huh?" asked Decklyn. " Well, for you. Must be hard for you and your sister. What does your mom think of it? And Lena?" asked Ally, being so curious. " Well, Lena and Daniel are extremely close. Once, when Lena was in the first grade, she came home crying because some seventh grade punk beat her up. Only because Lena wouldn't give him her money! So, Daniel went over there and showed him whose boss. Ever since, they are close. And she's happy about it. Even if she is losing friends." said Decklyn. He didn't seem happy about it. He seemed...a little down about it. " And my mom stays out of the way and lets my dad do whatever he wants! As long as her children and home and husband are doing okay, she's okay. And she never considers about how I feel about the situation. Just because..." he began. " Yes?" asked Ally. " Nothing. It's not important." he said. " I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?" asked Ally. " Nothing really. It's not your fault, Ally." said Bradon. They smiled at each other. When, suddenly, a voice screamed " ALLYSON!" George bursted into Bradon's room. " ALLYSON!" he yelled when he saw this. " Daddy! Oh...oh...no!" she said. " Daddy, this is Bradon and--" " Allyson! Don't you have the common sense to tell us where you are going?!? And you didn't polish Johnny's trophy right, you stupid girl! My, my! In my day, my dad would punish me for that!" he yelled at her. Ally was so embarassed and so angry and hurt. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of that house so fast, Ally was home, before she could do anything or say anything about it.

Chapter Four: "Are You Kidding Me? I'm A Proud Dancer!"

Johnny was home, talking on the phone. He just hung up when George threw Ally onto the couch. " ALLYSON! I...I...don't even know where to begin!" he exclaimed. " I'm sorry, Daddy!" she said. " Sorry is not good enough! You are dirt, do you hear me?!? Dirt! No wonder why boys are much better than girls!" he exclaimed. " Dad, be easy on her. She's only thirteen." he said. " Johnny, your little sister is just plain ... stupid and ...and...ridculuous if you ask me!" said George. Ally looked at Johnny and George and ran away, into her room. She threw her pillow at the wall. She was tired of being treated like an absolute fool around the house. There was a knock at the door. She took a deep breath. " Come in." she said. It was Johnny. " Hey, Al." he said. " Hi." answered Ally. He sat down on her bed. " You aren't what he thinks you are, Ally. You're much better than that. And I know you are." he said. Ally smiled. " You have never told me this before." she said. " Yes, I know, but you know with basketball and trying to make Dad happy...it's hard to do things you actually want to do." Johnny said. Ally narrowed her eyes. " Don't you want to be a basketball player, Johnny?" she asked. Johnny shrugged. " Not exactly. I want to be a skateboarder or a surfer. I spend a lot of my time at the beach with Sarah and everything. When, of course, I'm not on the court." he said. Sarah Chimes is Johnny's girlfriend. She's a very nice girl. But Sarah barely comes over because she doesn't like George for thinking that girls are lower than guys. She thinks it's horrible the way he can't get out of his own ways. " Sarah and I are always on the verge of breaking up because of it and I care so much about Sarah. She's everything to me." he said. " I know." said Ally. She took another deep breath. " You're lucky, though. Dad loves you." she said, softly. " Al, he loves you, too. On some level." he said. " On what level? The level of being a complete screw-up?" she said. " Ally, he cares about you. I'm sorry he just doesn't show it. He's scared, you know?" he asked. " Not really! I'm his only daughter! I love him! And I love you! He just doesn't love me! And that hurts because I feel like I'm not..." she began to cry. " Like I'm not good enough for him! And that hurts so much because he is everything to me, too!" she sobbed. Johnny put his arm around Ally and comforted her. " It's going to be all right. He loves you and I know I love you. I couldn't ask for a better little sister! I really couldn't, Al." he consoled. " Thanks, Johnny." she said. Johnny smiled. " Don't mention it."

The next day, Ally woke up and it was pouring out. She heard banging at the window. She got up and looked outside. It was thundering and lightening and Bradon was out there, trying to get Ally's attention. " Bradon!" she exclaimed and rushed to the front door. She ran outside and the lightening hit a tree and it fell down. " ALLY!" yelled Bradon. Ally was pushed down by the tree. " ALLY!" yelled Bradon. He rushed over to her and got the tree branches off of her. He carried her into the house. Johnny came out into the living room. " Ally!" he exclaimed and rushed to her. Bradon laid her down on the couch. " What happened?!?" exclaimed Johnny. " She came out to see me! I was outside, throwing a rock on her window because I wanted her attention! She came out and a bolt of lightening hit a tree and part of it fell on her! I...I...tried to save her!" said Bradon. " Thank God my dad isn't home!" exclaimed Johnny. He sat beside Ally. " Ally, wake up! Please, wake up!" he exclaimed. Was Johnny about to cry? The handsome, tough basketball player...crying? Ally opened her eyes. The boys were so relieved. Suddenly, Ally woke up in bed. screaming. It was just a dream. She looked at the clock. It was about five in the morning. She laid back down and about an hour later, she was fast asleep.

That morning, Bradon came over. Ally was relieved her father was away on a business meeting for the day. He wouldn't be home until late. Ally was happy that Bradon came over. They were really getting on. They walked into the kitchen and Bradon sat down. " You look tired. Late night or something?" he asked. Ally smiled as she looked into the refrigator. " Well, I had a dream that you were throwing a rock or something at my window. Except, it was thundering and lightening and pouring! I ran outside, trying to save you from getting struck by lightening, when a huge tree clasped on me! You carried me inside and Johnny was there! You guys were trying to wake me up. Eventually, I woke up. Then, I woke up from the dream. It's weird. Dreams are so weird sometimes." Ally said, sitting down with a bottle of water. " Yeah. I heard once somewhere, that dreams are conpressed thoughts that need to be confronted." said Bradon. Ally thought for a moment. " I have no idea what I was thinking!" she exclaimed and took a sip of her water. Bradon looked thoughtful for moment. " I think I know! I think the tree sybolized someone. Someone who doesn't want you to have happiness, maybe. Or someone who is trying to block you from...me." he said. Ally knew right away who that person was. It was George. Both of them knew. " Why would he try to block you from me?" asked Ally. " Well, maybe he doesn't like me. Or you know how fathers are with their daughters. Over protective, you know?" asked Bradon. Ally wished she knew. She shrugged. " Not entirely." she answered. It was silent for a moment. " Your dad...he doesn't treat you well." said Bradon, after the pause. Ally looked at him, with sorrow in her eyes. She turned away. " Of course not! He treats me well! It's just...he is very over protective of me. I said not entirely because...it's hard to feel the love when he is dragging you away from a good friend." Ally lied. She wished what she said was 100% true, but it wasn't. All except for Bradon being a good friend.

" So, your brother is a basketball player and you..." said Ally, wanting to know. " A dancer." answered Bradon. Ally was shocked. " Really? You proud of that?" she asked. " Are you kidding me? I'm a proud dancer, Ally!" Bradon told her. Ally was shocked. How did he ever get dancing from basketball? " Wow." said Ally. " Yeah, I know. My mom supports it, but my dad doesn't want a thing to do with it." Bradon explained. " That's a shame. How long have you been dancing?" asked Ally. " Since I was eight. I'm pretty good." said Bradon. Ally smiled. " Cool! Dancing is a great hobby of mine! I love it! It's so cool! I never took any lessons, but I go in my room and blast music and just dance like crazy!" Ally said. They both laughed. " Well, there's a dance competion going on. It's more of a talent show, really. You get a partner, you dance one song with them, you dance a song solo and then you sing a song solo. It's really cool! I've been looking for a partner." Bradon said. He was staring at her. Ally looked at him, clueless. " What?" she asked. He smiled. Ally finally got it. " Oh! No! I..really c-can't! I can't, Bradon! I'm not a good dancer at all!" she claimed. " Oh, come on! The competion isn't for two weeks yet! That leaves us plenty of time to get ready!" said Bradon. Ally always wanted to be a dancer. She loved it because when you are dancing, she felt like you were free and that no one could stop you. She looked at Bradon. " I would love to, but ..." her voice trailed off. George would kill her if he found out she was dancing...especially with a boy! He doesn't even notice I exsist.... She smiled. " Okay. I'll do it!" she said. Bradon smiled back. " Excellent! Couldn't ask for a better dance partner!"

Chapter Five: One More Bleek Memory Haunting You...This One Isn't So Bleek With Him By Your Side

" That's sweet of you!" she said. Bradon blushed and smiled. " All right, well, I better get going. I have to go to Daniel's basketball game." he said. " All right! Bye, Bradon." she said. Bradon was about to leave, when he turned back. " Oh! And by the way, Lena's birthday is tomorrow! I forgot to tell you! Yeah, she's turning ten and she's having a huge party at The Rose Plaza a couple miles away." he said and handed Ally an invitation. " Your dad and Johnny can come, too. If they want. Will you come?" he asked. Ally looked at him. " Oh, sure!" she said. Bradon smiled. " Great! Everything is in the invition! I'll see you there then." he said. Ally smiled. " Thanks." she said. He was still smiling. " No problem! Bye, Ally." he said. " Bye, Bradon." she said and he left. Ally sat down, smiling. " Finally...a friend." she said, to herself. She opened the invitation and it said:

You are have been invited!

You are invited to Lena Appleman's tenth birthday party! The party will be on 623 Ferris Drive and at the The Rose Plaza, at twelve o'clock until seven o'clock. ( You don't need to stay the full seven hours, if you don't like!) There will be games, music, food and much more! Please come and wish Lena a happy birthday!

Ally let out a giggle. " They really are characters." she said to herself. Suddenly, Johnny walked in with Sarah. Sarah had long, blond hair that was always shiny and very pretty. She had beautiful blue eyes that when you looked into them, you could swear that you were looking into a majestic blue pool. Sarah was definetely beautiful. She was nice, too. She smiled at Ally and Ally smiled back. " Hey, Ally." she said. " Hey, Sarah. What's up?" asked Ally. " Oh, nothing really." she told her. Suddenly, George walked through the door. " Dad! What...what are you doing home?" asked Johnny, very surprised. Sarah looked uncomfortable. She got up. " I better be going. I'll see you later, Johnny. Bye, Ally." she said. " Wait! Girl, you always leave when I leave! Is there a problem with me?!?" exclaimed George. " Dad, please!" said Johnny. " Johnny, stay out of it! Now, what is it?" asked George. Sarah looked at him. " I..." she couldn't go on. Ally did something she has never done before in her life and didn't even know why she did it. " Dad, it's because you treat her like dirt! You treat every girl like dirt! It's not fair! You are stuck in your stupid ways! Girls can do whatever guys can do, Dad!" she exclaimed. She was shocked. Everyone was floored. " Ex-excuse me, Allyson?" said George, really shocked. Ally felt horrible! " I'm sorry, Daddy. I really am!" she said and ran away. She wasn't crying, though. For once in her life when she was running away from her father, she was not crying. Usually, he left her with tears in her eyes and loss in her heart, but she wasn't crying. She just sat on her bed, thinking why this was happening.

Ally got up the next day and took a shower and put on a blue, ruffled skirt with a blue, sparkley top she had. She put on a white jean jacket which was so pretty! She looked beautiful in it! She put lip gloss on and white flip flips, which were sparkley too, and put a clip in her hair. The doorbell rang at around eleven fifty and Ally knew it had to be Bradon. She was surprised to see him. She didn't know that he would bring her to the party. Ally opened the door and not surprisedly, it was Bradon. He was smiling. He was wearing slacks, with a sleeveless shirt and his hair was gelled. Any girl in the world would of been floored by his appearance. He was handsome, but now, he was mega handsome! They were both shocked when they saw each other. " Wow! You look...you look...amazing!" said Bradon, blushing. Ally laughed nervously and blushed, too. " You too, Bradon!" she told him. " Thanks." he said, still smiling and blushing. " Uh..I know I didn't say I was going to pick you up, but I wanted to." he said. Ally smiled again. " You did?" she asked. Bradon was still smiling! " Of course!" he said. " Thanks." Ally said. " Are you ready?" asked Bradon. Ally smiled and nodded. " Yeah! My dad is at another business meeting today! I didn't tell him. I don't think he would of wanted me to go. Johnny has basketball practice, so it's just me." she said. " I'm sorry." she added. " Hey, no big deal. Lena was happy when she found out you were coming." he said. " Really?" asked Ally. " Yeah! Looks like my sister has good taste." he said. They both smiled. Bradon let out his arm. " The party awaits." he said. Ally smiled and hooked her arm around his. " Happy birthday to Lena!" she said and they both smiled and started to walk.

When they got to the plaza, Ally was amazed! The room where Lena's brithday was in, had ballons and all kinds of decorations in it! It was amazing! There was DG, too. Some of Lena's friends came already and the Applemans were there, too. Margie smiled when she saw Ally. " Oh, Ally! I'm so glad you are here! Look, Lena! Ally is here!" she exclaimed. Lena stopped playing with her friends for a moment and ran and hugged Ally. " Oh, Ally! I'm so happy you could come!" she exclaimed. Ally laughed. " My pleasure! Happy birthday!" she said.

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