I'm glad you people have someone who defends you. I try my best to defend my friends whenever they need defending but usually it ends up making me look like a complete fool. Nobody ever really tries to stick up for me, except for two people. My friend Christie (we were almost like sisters) stuck up for me in elementary school, but then she moved to Colorado. I miss her so much. Angie's my current best friend and she tries her best to defend me, though I can't say that we really need to stand up to anybody right now.

I wish I'd had the guts to stand up to Eddie and tell him to leave me the [expletive deleted] alone in 6th grade. Almost every single one of the "popular" people whom I so looked up to in the 6th grade would tease me about not going out with him. I didn't even like him. And for a few months I was even afraid to take a shower for fear that he'd be stalking me, watching me with hidden cameras, or even try to jump out and rape me. It was a scary few months. I should have had the guts to report him for sexual harassment. I should have told him to stop stalking me. I should have done something about it. Because after that incident, all of the same people kept questioning whether or not I liked girls, because clearly, just because I didn't want to go out with a guy who I was afraid was stalking me, they assumed that I must be a lesbian. I'm not. I should have reported them all.

Fortunately, I found a much better role model. Amy Lee. If it weren't for Evanescence I would be a much different person than I am now. Most likely I would be some sort of scantily-clad, stuck-up prep-ish girl, perhaps one who would have already lost her virginity, and all in all not the type of person I think I should be. Seriously, people. I don't care if you don't like Evanescence, you have to give Amy some credit for wanting to keep her clothes on. Plus she's got a pretty powerful voice and isn't afraid to release her emotions creatively instead of doing harmful things to herself. See why I admire her? 4laugh

That's me done with ranting. Love you all.