Ageless Bill Turner
Why would Jack's sexuality be questionable?? Am I missing something there?.... sweatdrop
Read the first post. Usually that helps things biggrin
Oh, okay... sweatdrop ....*reads first post*.....hmmm.....all things considered, there are alot of references to Jack and other women especially on Tortuga...and the reference to Tia 'knowing' Jack....I don't think he's gay at all, but the thought of leaving it questionable is intrigueing...It would be just like Johnny Depp to come up with something like that to keep everyone guessing!!!!
Aye, the man just knows his history well enough to know better than to try and play a pirate wholly straight, but the flamboyant behavior is wholly Jack-ish.
Without it, Jack just would lose a lot of flair that he has.
Like I maintain in saying, Jack's not gay, he's not straight, he's just unpicky. biggrin