This is part of a long story I'm trying to write up. This is actually taken from somewhere in te end (at the moment) so it might be a bit confusing.

And if you see any spelling/grammar errors, please do point them out 3nodding


”Do you know what day it is today?” Wren asked Jesse. A few days had passed since Caylen’s speech to his people. Having regained almost all his memories, Wren had decided to return to his human form, at least that seemed to calm the people around him a bit more. It was at the break of dawn and the two were standing on the castle’s rooftop looking out over the city.
“Um…” He thought hard about it. “No…?”
“Oh come on, I’m sure you can figure it out.” He smirked.
Jesse looked down on the ground, you could almost see the cogwheels turning inside his head. “Oh yeah!! Right! Damn… that’s been ages.” He smiled at Wren. “What are you doing to do?”
“You should take her down to the earth, have some fun. I want you both to enjoy yourselves.”
“Aren’t you coming?”
“No, I’m gonna fix some things here.”
“Sure, I’ll go wake her up.” Jesse chuckled and jumped down from the roof.

“Sunnie! Wake up!!” Jesse landed at the windowsill and took a long jump straight in to her bed.
Sunnie slowly opened her eyes and glared at Jesse, then she closed them again and rolled over. “Go away.” She waved her hand dismissingly.
“I have a surprise for you…” He whispered in to her ear with a snicker.
“I’m tired, lemme sleep.”
“Rough night?” He grinned.
“Always…” She muttered.
“Come on!” He cried out and pulled the covers off her, revealing her naked body. “Arise from your grave!!”
“Jesse!!” She quickly took her pillow and covered herself up.
“Get up now.” He laughed and tossed the covers out of the window.
Sunnie sighed and yawned. She stretched out her body and got up to find her clothes that were laying here and there in the room. “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.” He smiled.
“I see…” She frowned a bit putting on her clothes.
“Aw come on! Put something nicer on than that!”
“What the hell is wrong with this?!” She looked at herself in the mirror. “Since when is top and denim wrong?”
“Come on Sun, you have such a nice body, you really should show it off.” He scampered over to the closet and opened it.
“The creator gets upset if people oogle at my showing offs.” Sunnie said sarcastically, folding her arms over her chest.
“Bah, I’ll pick something out for you that show you off just enough.” Jesse rummaged through the layers of clothing that was in the closet. “Here, and here!” He pulled out a spaghetti-top and a pair of daisy dukes. “Put these on now, I want you to look nice when we head out.”
Sunnie sighed yet again and undressed, putting on the clothes Jesse had chosen for her. “Are you happy now?”
“Very, you look great Sun.” He smiled.
She grinned. “Thank you.”
“Are you ready then?” He held out his hand to her, she nodded and took it.


“Ta daa!!” Jesse exclaimed as the pair appeared outside a huge theme park.
“Wh-what is this?!” Sunnie looked in shock at the place in front of her.
“Happy birthday Sunnie.” Jesse smiled to her. “It’s time to enjoy yourself.” He pulled her inside.
“M-my…? Haha! Thanks Jess!” She giggled and followed.

“Yes, enjoy yourself Sun.” Wren smiled for himself, he pushed the door open to the throne room. Inside was the two brothers and Gale as well.
“Wren? Is something wrong?” Caylen asked.
“No.” He stopped in front of the throne and looked down at Gale who took a step back. “I have work for you.”
“Um… ok?”
“I want you to plug in to this world. Keep an eye on everyone in here, I don’t want any trouble today, understood? If you see anything out of place, deal with it.”
“But… but I don’t have that kind of power anymore, you---” He blinked a few times, looking up at Wren who smirked back at him. “Um… Nevermind.”
“And you two. I want you to calm your people.”
“What? What are you going to do?” Caylen frowned, a worried look upon his face.
“Don’t worry, I won’t kill anyone. Oh… and tell your mother what day it is today.”
“What day is it today?” Cade asked.
“She’ll know.” Wren flashed them a smile and disappeared.
The two kings sighed as Gale hurried off home.

Wren looked out over the demon city, a huge grin spreading across his face. This was going to be fun.
He closed his eyes, a warm gust of wind caressed his hair. He opened his hands holding out his arms to the side. He shot his eyes open, the three pair of wings burst out from his back as winds started to swirl around his body. Wren leaned his head back and screamed out. A wave of energy shot out from his body. In a bright flash the sky turned crystal blue, grass and flowers started to grow where there had only been barren ground.

Confusion started to spread down on the streets. Some of the demons even tried to stomp down the grass that was sprouting from the solid rock ground, but it was futile. For every flower killed, three more popped out. The grass was even growing from some rooftops. Wren had been right though. Caylen and Cade had their hands busy calming their demon kin. Some of the gods actually helped as well.


In the evening Jesse and Sunnie returned to the demon realm. As they appeared outside the castle, Sunnie was absolutely stunned by the scenery. She looked out over the city, the sun gently settling, coloring the sky in a beautiful purple and blue. Her eyes began to tear as she hugged Jesse tightly, he just smiled at her.
“Lovely isn’t it?”
“Yes, yes!”
“Come, let’s go inside.” He chuckled and took her hands.
“But I want to stay out here!”
“Haha, you’ll want to go inside too, trust me.” He opened the doors to the castle and led her through the hallways. They went down a floor in to the dungeons.
“Are you gonna torture me down here or something?”
“Not quite…” He opened one of the dungeon doors, inside was Wren and Sita, standing next to a small table with a cake on it, a single candle burning in the middle of it. Four chairs were set around the table as well.
“Happy birthday Sun.” Sita beamed as she walked over to give her a hug.
“Err, thanks. Gee, you sure can pick the oddest environments to hold a party.” She smirked to them both.
“I just wanted us here, the four of us… like in the old days…” Wren gestured for her to come and sit down.
She nodded and sat down at the table. Jesse closed the dungeon door behind them and the three soon joined Sunnie.
“I hope you like the cake Sun. I made it!” Sita smiled as she handed Sunnie the cake knife.
She giggled and cut the cake up, for her and her friends.
“It’s been ages since we sat together like this. Just the four of us.” Jesse mused. “I’ve missed it.”
Sunnie nodded as she tasted the cake, savoring it. “Mmm… So have I. Remember how simple everything was back then? Yet, at the same time it was not…”
“Things were never simple with you around Sun. You always got your butt in to trouble.” Wren smirked. “And I was always the one who had to come and save your day.”
“That’s the Sunnie we all love and know.” Sita smiled. “Happy birthday.”
“Yes, how does it feel to be around a thousand years old now?” Jesse said while scoffing cake in to his mouth.
“Not like a day over twenty two!” She grinned.
“I got you a present!” Sita smiled and picked up a small wrapped up present. It had a nice blue bow and red-spotted wrapping paper. It wasn’t very big, maybe five times five inches. “Happy birthday Sunnie!” She giggled as she handed Sun her present.
“Oooh, what could it be?” Sunnie mused as she opened the present. Inside was a little black box. “What’s this…?” She removed the lid. A red silk cloth was carefully wrapped around something that looked like an image-card. A small card used to view images or recordings. Sunnie picked it up and pressed the button on the card.

A recording started to play, she recognized the place it was showing all to well, it was their old house. The cameraman was walking around the house, and in to the kitchen where Sunnie was preparing food. An arm stretched out to grab her and she nodded and smiled. While Sunnie ran ahead the camera followed out to the garage. Looking around they spotted Wren sleeping in his hammock and Jesse was working on the hovercraft. Sunnie woke Wren up, a soundless argument started to play up in front of the camera, though it ended with a heavy sigh from Wren and a nod. Sunnie nodded triumphantly and everyone of them went outside. While all three were gathered on the lawn, the camera was sat down and it’s recorder was shown, it was Sita. The quartette argued a bit in front of the camera but eventually they seemed to have made up their minds, nodding to each other. Sita walked up to the camera once more and seemed to fix something with it. Suddenly sound could be heard and she backed up, smiling in to the camera. “Hello! I’m Sita.” She took a step back and Sunnie stepped forward.
“I’m Sunnie!” She grinned, waving to the camera.
“I’m Jesse, the magnificent!” Jesse announced loud and proudly.
The three of them looked at Wren. “Come on, it’s your turn now.” “Yeah, introduce yourself.”
“I… I don’t want to, this is stupid.”
“Alright already!”
He glared in to the camera. “I’m Wren!”
“That sucked! You’re gonna scare the s**t out of anyone who watch that!” Jesse complained.
“Yeah!” Sunnie was quick to join the debate.
While the argument went on. Sita hurried up to the camera and quickly turned off the sound. She picked it up and smiled right in to the camera, mouthing a goodbye. Then the recording stopped.

“Wow…” Sunnie sat at the table, with a look of total bliss on her face. Her expression stuck in a stupid grin that just wouldn’t go away.
Sita was trying to hold back her giggles on the other side of the table, Wren and Jesse also had a hard time containing their laughter.
Finally Sunnie snapped out of it. “I so totally remember that! It was… ages ago… you really saved it all this time?”
Sita nodded. “It was supposed to be a presentation of us, but you ruined it!” She stuck her tongue out at Wren.
“Hey it is us already! It would be so out of character for me to actually go along with such a thing. Don’t you think?” Wren smirked.
“God that brings back memories.” Jesse smiled. “Damn, now you made me feel stupid for the gift I got her. Yours was so damn good.” He handed Sunnie a small package. It seemed to be wrapped up in old newspapers. “Happy birthday Sun.”
“Hehe, thanks!” She opened his present, inside was a spatula.
Sunnie quirked a brow and looked at it, it looked like any plain old spatula. “It’s… a spatula?”
“Damn right!” Jesse nodded sagely.
“Well… I really miss your cooking Sun. And that’s not a regular spatula! It’s a magic spatula!”
“A… magic spatula?” She fought back a laugh.
“Yup. It’ll clean itself, so you can continue to bake and cook without it ever going to get dirty!” He nodded again.
She started to laugh. “Only you Jess. Thank you.” She smiled.
“Here you go Sun.” Wren handed her a small box, it was topped with a simple pink bow.
“Oooh.” She giggled as she picked up the small box, removing the lid. “Oh my god!”
“What? What did he give ya?” Jesse leaned over, trying to peek in to the box.
“Absolutely nothing!” She turned the box upside down with a grin. “Wow Wren, you sure outdid yourself this time.”
“I knew you’d love it.” Wren smirked.
“Seriously though, what did you get me?”
“You already got it.” He smiled softly taking another bite of his cake.