Suicide is a personal thing, and I don't think that the media has any place in that, generally. One of the things I liked best about my old town was that they never publicizsed or sensationalised suicide. It was left with the family and freinds of the...victim(?) and not spread all over the media.

All suicides should be treated like that, in my opinion. The whole "film this guy attempting suicide but getting rescued" thing seems a little... rude. I'd imagine the last thing most people want on the day they felt so bad they wanted to die is to have that put on the 6 o'clock news.

As for romanticising suicide in music videos and the like... In some cases, it's art and it actually has a point. In others, it's there to be shocking/dark, no real other reason. So I suppose whether or not it's "right" depends on the context. It can be a very powerful thing...

I just hate it when people take it and turn it into something light and fluffy, like it doesn't matter. Drives me nuts when that happens. There are just some things in life that I think should be taken seriously, and suicide is one of them.