Christo Minaverus
well first off tell him if the god and goddess are everywhere then they should also be in the altar.

The altar is the place where you worship, commune, and pay tribute to your gods. I just wish I was on my own so i could have one. Currently I don't but someday I will and it will be grand.

An altar doesn't have to be elaborate; keeping it simple is what allowed me to have one at home before I left for school. A couple of candles and the like... It also doesn't have to be permanent. Set it up with you need it, and take it down and store it away in a box when not in use. Keeps the parents from asking awkward questions. wink

Granted, being on one's own provides definate advantages. I've had a permanent altar since September of 2002. It has grown and changed over time until it's become what it is now. But being out on your own isn't always the answer, since it comes with its own set of problems and challences. One of mine is that I have room mates, and as open minded as they are, I doubt they want to see a full blown altar out in the living room, nor do I particularly want some of the people they know handling my ritual items. Another is space. I've used the top of a dresser for three years now, but now my dresser is smaller than ever, which leads to a lof of cluttering and creative organizing. I'd love to have some shelves, but rent, tuition, groceries and bills don't leave much money to spend.