In some ways I feel really bad for my english teacher. I don't think I have the same kind of experience he does, but if I were at his place in life I think I could outmatch him. I already have a greater knowledge of grammar than he does and I tend to be able to correct essays with a little more precision. He is a very bright man, and has not worked at the school as long as my favorite English teacher had. She was great. In one year I went from knowing next to nothing about grammar and writing, not because I was unable to understand it but because no school system could teach it to me, to being one of the most proficient students in my class next to my younger sister. I could diagram Dicken's sentences and debate them with my classmates. Our teacher by the end of the year was more of a moderator than anything. We all knew what we were doing and would sometimes catch her little mistakes. It has been hard to go to an English class with students and a teacher who do not know how to do that kind of thing. It makes me very sad.

But my English teacher now is good with literature. I like reading books with him and the class. We have fun.