Hello there! I have written this tutorial to help those who are new to the game or for those of you die hard fans that never realised that BodyShop existed.
First off, where to find it.
Open your START menu and navigate to the EA GAMES folder. Then select the latest Expansion Pack you have installed and finally click on BodyShop.

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Now you just have to wait for the program to open. Depending on how much custom content you have in your game, this may take a while.
Once BodyShop starts you should be greeted with the screen below. Click on "Build Sims" to get started.

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Next click on "Build or Clone Sims".

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You should then be greeted with a page that looks something like this. Don't worry if there are no Sims on your screen. It just means that you and the game haven't created any yet. Click on the plus symbol to begin creating your Sim.

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Ok, so we now have a Sim to begin working with. This Sim is completely randomised by the computer. You can click on the randomise button to generate a new Sim if you like.

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Right then, lets change things up a bit:
1. Changed the Sim to a female.
2. Made her a teenager.
3. Opened genetics panel.
4. Opened skin chooser.
5. Chose a skin. I've gone with a custom one that I downloaded.

To rotate your Sim you can click on the arrows that I have labeled "Rotate" or you can click directly on the Sim and drag left or right with your mouse.

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Next I chose the eyecolour and here you can see me selecting the hair colour and style. Whenever you are working on a Sims' face the camera will automatically centre on the Sims' head.

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Now to alter the facial structure of our Sim. To do this, open the face archtype panel. Find a face that you like and click on it. If you want to, you can blend other faces in with the current one.
In this picture I selected my base face (1) and then I used the slider (2) under the next face along to blend it in slightly.

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Once you are happy with the look of your Sim's face you can then open the face modifiers panel and begin to tweak it even more. There are many more options in BodyShop compared to the in-game CAS such as cheekbone size, eyelash length and individual lip thickness to name only a few.

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Next you can open the make-up panel. In here you will be able to change the style of your Sim's eyebrows, add stubble and beards (men only), add make-up, face paint and glasses. I think I'll just add a bit of make-up to my little simmie friend. I don't think glasses would suit her.

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Now finally you can choose your Sim's clothes. Bear in mind that Sims made in BodyShop will only save the data of one outfit they are wearing. So don't bother going and giving them wonderful pyjamas if you are going to save them in their everyday wear because that's all the game will remember. Click the tick button (11) and your Sim will be saved to the Sim Bin.

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BodyShop will take you to the Sim Bin after saving and your new Sim will be selected. You can now click on the Quit button (12) to exit the program.

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The below image will be displayed in the corner of any items that the game classes as custom content. This usually refers to any Sims made by users and anything you download from the internet, including items made by MAXIS/EA.
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To get your Sim into the game now is simple.
Run the Sims 2 and enter CAS. Once there, select the age and gender of the Sim that you want to load. So, to load the Sim I just created I would select; female, teen.
Then click on the symbol at the top of the options panel that looks like a mini Sim Bin and you should find your Sim in there.
Select them and then click the tick button to load them into CAS.

You can now carry on as normal and select the rest of their outfits and anything else that they are missing.